>tfw you know Ep. IX gross 20% more than the TLJ (much like ROTJ and ROTS before it) which will result in a 1.7b gross world wide and Yea Forums will SEETHE for months like they did with Captain Marvel
Other urls found in this thread:
It took them six whole years just to make their money back on one of the biggest franchises in the world. Sounds great
Didn't it take more than a decade for Disney to make twice as much as they invested in their purchasing of Marvel? Cope harder incel.
Disney didn't buy star wars to get its money back sweetie.
>believing jewish balance sheets
What a load of crap. After six years they've got back the cash they spent... with ZERO interest. This is what is known as a "disaster", the opportunity costs alone run into the hundreds of millions, and had they not fucked their franchise up totally they cold have made back double their investment, not just "broken even" kek.
This is what you call a cope post, ladies and gents.
This, if they put that money in a standard portfolio of safe stocks and bonds they would have possibly a billion more by now, non-growth is a loss in the business world.
>t. I don't understand economics
That's even more pathetic, Walt's frozen head is spinning in the vault
>star wars
who cares? Nobody.
Why do people like to compare the gross of modern movies to movies from decades ago without considering inflation?
Why not use tickets sold as a measure of success?
>6 years
>only recouped, no actual profit whatsoever
>brand is additionally fucking deader than it was after the prequels
I'm gonna go ahead and say the only winner here is still Georgie.
bait post, likely equating gross to profit again like a retard
Learn basic economics retard.
>The four Star Wars feature films Disney has released since 2015 have grossed more than $4.8 billion at the box office.
Yeah and not even 60% of box office goes directly to Disney.
Then add budgets and marketing cost. And inflation. And 3 billion they wasted on ghost town parks. And all the toys clogging shelves at 90% discounts. And dead on arrival video games.
What the fuck happened to modern journalism?
Galaxy's Edge is a massive bomb, Solo is the biggest flop of the movie industry in 2010s, yeah that's gonna be a SHILL HARDER from me mon frere
What did you expect from some pro-disney purple hair commie?
I'm not sure the toys matter since it's all licensed to third parties.
ITT: Yea Forums users pretending they know anything at all with made-up numbers that change all the time
Those third parties pay for the license, either in a lump sum or a percentage of sales.
>"under Kennedy’s leadership, Lucasfilm has blossomed"
into something poisonous
Soo OP How does the Mouse cock tastes like?
they didn't 'make the money back', the article is retarded. For some reason this writer decided to mark the point at which they made *revenue* that's the same size as the SW buy.
they got a tiny bit of profit from that. as another user has explained in detail, they would have done much better if they just put the 4bn in the bank or absolutely any other investment. They thought this shit was going to be bringing in big bucks for 100 years and it died at least three years ago
The toys don't lose them any money. That's all on the toy companies - they buy licenses from Lucas and share in the profits, if any. But they get paid up front for the license.
They didn't make any profits, but they got paid. According to that article, the deal in question is up next year, so it will be interesting how much of a guarantee Disney will be able to charge, considering most licenses for the new movies haven't performed at all.
Better question,How being a slut that defends a Company that Hates you Just to make some Randon people on a image board "mad" is worth It?
I assume English isn't your first language
As opposed to Disney shills who act like Disney gets 100% of box office and movies cost them 0$ to make?
But all that shit sat on shelves until it went to landfills. Kids dont give a fuck about star wars at all. Hasbro is not going to make the same mistake of over producing toys for a line that doesn't sell. This isnt 1978 or even 1997, this franchise is just coasting on manchild nostalgia, people dragging their kids to it, and fake "geek chic" types.
Who is claiming that?
Star Wars isn't meant to make money from movies. It's meant to make money from toy sales, franchise rights, products, etc. There's the big money maker. Disney was supposed to restore a big love for the franchise the same way they did for Marvel. Instead, they made people hate it more than they ever did the prequels.
Star Wars thrived in spite of bad movies, because people still had what was good to lean on. Disney destroyed that by letting cynicism take over and think people will eat up whatever trash they're given.
oh wait that's right it's not even revenue it's box office lmao. the article writer thinks that if you spend 4bn on IP then that movie series sells 4bn in tickets, you are now in profit lmao
>6 years to make the same money you paid
>not counting inflation, rate of interest, movie budgets, all the marketing, park budgets, game development, toys production, Lucas Film employees paychecks, etc.
None of that has anything to do with what I posted, and I can tell you didn't read the article. It says they think Hasbro paid Disney/Lucas 1.5 billion - BILLION - in guarantees, to get the licenses.
To explain it to you like you're five - they pay that REGARDLESS if they sell a single toy. They then pay Lucas/Disney a percentage of sales once they sell that many toys.
And, Hasbro DID make the mistake of trying to sell toys from the new movies. And they took a bath on it. But they're a big enough company that they only laid off less than 10% of their workforce last year, and have maintained decent stock prices because they're one of the biggest toy companies in the world, who don't rely just on Star Wars toys.
But hey, you tried.
>Muh grammar
If you are kek
>Yea Forums man baby incels think posting articles from fanboy sites and photo collages of coping crackpot """economics""" validates their bitching
Cry me a river, /r/saltierthancrait
They broke even and now the franchise is dead. Merch isn't selling and nobody gives a fuck about the new film.
Woops. The force is female.
Plus they have a theme park that will bleed money ever month. They will slowly sink back into the red.
so that's not including the cost of making and distributing the movies
Said SW fans after the prequels
Show actual counter argument retard. This is basic economics.
I didn't see a single citation in the article...He's just making shit up because "the movies made money and toy rights". No report, nothing
>They broke even
They didn't. Two Galaxy's Edge parks alone cost them 3 billion $ to develop. That's not including all the people working there now.
They are not even close to breaking even.
> (((CNBC)))
Nice try, Mouse Slave.
It's a fluff piece, obviously. It's the usual kind of taint licking from CNBC, in a slow news week for entertainment.
Hollywood account is bizarre, so I wouldn't believe the numbers, Lucas and Disney are big enough to cook the books to tell any story they want - record profits for investors, but crying poor to the State Of California for tax breaks.
Like it's been said - Disney bought Lucas to make money, not break even. I think the only reason Kennedy is still there, is Iger couldn't find anyone who wants the job until the current trilogy is done, and someone can step in and start fresh - because who wants their first movie on their watch to be IX?
I suspect (and hope) that once IX hits pay cable and streaming, that Kennedy's departure will be announced, and whoever comes in will wipe the slate - get rid of the GoT asshatts and their script, Rian Johnson will be quietly let go of any contracts he's signed, and they'll start over. And they'll get rid of all of Kennedy's toadies in the presidio.
They're not losing money, but Star Wars is definitely underperforming, and you know many uncomfortable meetings have been held about it.
they didn't break anywhere near even
>4bn spend plus 3bm making the movies 1bn the park
>4bn tickets sold 'muh money back'
>they get half
9bn-2bn they're 7 down and never coming good
LOL, could you be more pathetic, if you tried? I got some time, give it a shot. Blow some snot bubbles for us, you big fucking baby.
Go back in time and tell everyone that a Star Wars theme park was going to be an embarrassing, company destroying bomb during the worst of the prequels, you'd be laughed at
goodgle says that ncb is owned by comcast which isn't owned by disney so i don't get it
>Said SW fans after the prequels
And were 100% correct in saying so. It took over a decade and a literal remake of one of the good movies to make this shit relevant again.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
OP is fucking retard
>read the article
>the shill thinks box office GROSS means NET revenue
Holy shit Disney is incompetent even at basic damage control
Why you dont answer me OP?
Why you want the anons of the only place that accepts you "mad" ?Why you suck the mouse cock soo much?
Dumb frogposter.
pretty cringe to be emotionally invested in this one way or another
can someone explain why nbc wrote this shit when they are disney competitor
Cope harder, crackpot manbaby incel NEETs. Disney will make money despite themselves, you crying over it on an anime imageboard with wishful thinking and hopes of Lucasfilm going under ain't gonna change this
nice head cannon op.
See? You can be more pathetic. Good job, you enormous fucking child. We're proud of you.
>man baby
>unironically knows subreddits by name
Is this the legendary American millennial that everyone talks about?
Hasbro isnt going to make a mountain of trash for episode 9 because they know they cant move any of it. You know being unable to decipher intent in someone's post is a sign of autism.
Nah, it's just another manchild with extreme anger issues. You know, the average Yea Forums poster.
Money. Do you think they only run ads for Disney movies in Disney controlled media?
Sounds more like the average millennial to me.
It’s nice that Disney employs so many people who would otherwise just sit at home and leech off society.
I wonder how much Disney would have made if they'd just invested all those billions in S&P 500, fucking idiot losers lmao
Honestly this is what that fort nite dance was made for. Get fucked, Disney.
Gen Z doesn't give a flying shit about star wars. Most millennials don't either.
> CTRL-F "opportunity costs"
>1 match
well my job is already done
*photo of nuwars toys gathering dust on store shelves while having slashed prices*
>a NEET who spends all his time on the internet getting all emotional while complaining about a film series made for children is calling me a child
HAHAHAHA you make me laugh
Take your meds schizo
Explain to me why did Galaxy's Edge bomb so hard if Star Wars is doing fine, I'll wait
Reminder that "neet" and "incel" are just the new "nerd". While reddit faggots such as that guy pretend to enjoy "nerd culture" (aka disney products).
Of course entire Disney will keep making money you retarded monkey. They have too many ip's to fail.
But their Star Wars division is a disaster.
It should not have included the principal (4 billion) with the theoretical profits in that rough calculation for annual returns.
It should simply be argued that if Disney doesn't make significantly more than 2,5 billion in 10 years they should consider their investment a failure.
>Yea Forums shits on Star Wars so that means everyone hates Star Wars!
They spent another 5 billion $ on parks and movies. Anyone claiming they are anywhere near turning profit on SW brand is a complete retard.
Okay Pedorich
the only pedos are in hollywood as seen with the epstein damage control
why the fuck do zoomers care about these megacorporations
>While reddit faggots such as that guy pretend to enjoy "nerd culture" (aka disney products).
What is: saltierthancrait?
Correct, but that's not included in the chart.
Because they're jobless and have nothing else to do
>Why not use tickets sold as a measure of success?
Because now the sell less tickets than a decade ago.
I think the only way they can escape this disaster is selling Star Wars to another studio and recoup their money. The problem is that the kikes at Disney still hope they can turn it into a cash machine like the MCU. Disney will not let Star Wars go unless the brand is absolutely worthless with no hope. But then, who will buy it? They think the only thing they have to do is wait a few years and cash in on like TFA. Their greed blinded them badly. There's no future for SW, it's dead.
Meant for this
Stop defending multi billion dollar corporations you're just a number to sell to investors
It is just tumblr shippers and gay men So’yboys.
Most zoomers don’t give a shit about Star Wars. They only care about Marvel and Fortnite. It is why Star Wars merchandise is in the gutter and the park is empty. No one gives a shit about Star Wars.
And it is going to get worse when Disney can’t rely on Nostalgia after ep 9 now that most of the OT are dead (and have been tainted and ruined).
>It is just tumblr shippers and gay men So’yboys.
I'll bet you're broken enough to genuinely believe this too.
If they liked Star Wars, they would be buying the merchandise. Except no one gives a shit about Star Wars. It is all about Marvel. Disney killed the biggest merchandise cashcow just to exclusively pander to wine aunts and elementary school girls.
And now they are going to kill Marvel with Phase 4
It is true. The only people who care about Star Wars are the people that think Rey and Kylo are going to hook up (and that Kylo totally wont die!) and so’yboys that pretend to still care about Star Wars because it is nerdy and feminist.
>Galaxy's Edge predicted to have huge crowds/lines
>everyone decided to wait
>park empty
Does that theory make sense?
Solo really isn't even close of being the biggest flop of 2010. It wasn't event he biggest flop of 2018.
You can always argue that it was a flop in contrast to the series it is apart of, but in the end, it lost the game even before it got to the theaters thanks to the shit tonne of bad publicity it got because of the director changes.
And before you ask, the biggest flop of 2018 was that Robin Hood movie starring Jamie Foxx. it did 84 million WW against a budget of 100 million. And it was also meant to be a first movie in a franchise.
Paid thirdworlder shill defense
>Caring about Jewland
>it did 84 million WW against a budget of 100 million
>Solo was shot twice and costed an estimated $275–300 million grossing $392 million
Way to BTFO yourself, buddy
>everybody knows it's empty now
>it's still empty because it's shit
It does make sense if Disney pays you to pretend it makes sense, sadly not my case
I bet Disney’s CEO has one of those giant, ticking number displays in his office that shows how much money his company rakes in every day. Sort of a
Iger counter
But as I said, the failure of Solo wasn't really a surprise. Even Disney knew it would fail because they couldn't control the negative press around it.
They were saying it was one of the most anticipated movies of 2018 in one of their main shill platforms (Fandango, which owns Rotten Tomatoes btw) and they estimated a record breaking box office opening weekend. They were expecting to have a moderate hit based on the Star Wars name.
But the Star Wars name is worth nothing after The Last Shit and Solo became the biggest bomb of the decade, as we all know now
They could have spent years developing a series of films and waited until the 2017 40th anniversary to start releasing new Star Wars movies. Imagine if they had someone like Kevin Feige in charge, who actually cares about the property, and he had a team of writers working on them!!! Disney would be rolling billions.
Give the franchise to Lucas and Spielberg's coffee bitch secretary who then pollutes it with woke SJW feminism shit. Run it quickly into the ground by hiring a hack to remake ANH (Abrams) then drive nails into the coffin by hiring another hack who then destroys everything and salts the earth.
Toys are selling like shit. Movies are making less and less with each new one. Theme park opens and is a fucking disaster.
They've made one massive fucking mistake after another and I suspect that after 9 comes out they'll quickly and quietly shove Cuntleen Kennedy out the fucking door, wait for a few years and reboot.
Problem is that I don't care about SW anymore and wont ever watch or spend money on anything SW related ever again.
The dream is dead!!!FACT!!!
Let me add
>Closes fucking Lucasarts and cancels all ongoing projects
>Makes a 10 year deal with the video game devil aka EA
>causes some of the biggest video games backlashes in history with battlefront getting governments to officially look into the lootbox mechanic
This is what happens when you appoint a male hating radical feminist to manage a male franchise. Bob Iger is a piece of shit, a glorified weatherman.
its a shame but manchildren are becoming to pathetic at this point i get off on seeing all this shit destroyed
that just doesn't make the slightest bit of sense an explanation for why they wrote extremely false pro-disney propaganda. muh ad clicks. think how much traffic they'd get saying disney Fucked it up and theyre Fucked
Disney's probably gonnna remake the prequel trilogy after Katheen Kennedy leaves, which I think would be the only thing that brings back the vocal portion of the fanbase that hated TLJ. Not everyone likes the prequels, and I think those who couldn't stand the sequels probably consider them in the same league
Not to mention that I don't think audiences really cared much about a Han Solo spin-off to begin with. I mean, who the hell would want to see a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford? "Didn't he get killed off in one of the last ones I saw?", the average moviegoer asked themselves. At least Rogue One had the prospects of taking place during the Original Trilogy with a returning Darth Vader. Not to mention that Solo doubled it's budget during filming, had terrible media coverage because of this, audiences weren't willing to spend money on ANOTHER Star Wars movie in a year of Deadpool, Marvel , and Pixar. A good portion of core fanbase wasn't really pleased with TLJ, so on and so forth.
I genuinely believe both Ep. 8 and 9 would've made 2 billion each if they just cut out the spin-offs and set these 3 years apart
who moms this is
look it's not gonna happen no matter what they do, it never was.
original fans are 60 years old
the 90s EU wave are 32-40 years old
only people 15-27 spend money on movie tickets
people that age had the prequels and nobody likes them - even if you say that they're nostalgic - you might as well release a tony tiger cereal movie or something because that's what they remember it doesn't have the passion people had for SW which draws billions of tickets
Star Wars is never making money again and anyone could see this. they fucked up. they do fuck up sometimes - usually when they parachute a woman exec in to fail when there's already guaranteed failure like marissa mayer
By manchildren you're talking about the soibois defending Disney?
And yet they still did it despite Yea Forums saying they've only gotten 1/4th of it back at most.
No, Disney pays other companies to run shill articles. Sponsored content basically. The article itself is all the proof you need, it's as shill as a shill can be
why are saying that they did? what's your basis? the headline of the article? in the article it's clear they didn't make it back
oh you are just baiting
Retard op and retard article doesn't know the difference between gain and gross
And your proof of this is?
what you claim is not out of the realms of possibility but it's probably harder to believe (given they own like 200 other news venues they could have utilised) than just the fact that the writer is really stupid and personally a disney-is-magic-and-i-love them type retard.
An article claiming box office gross equals profit for the studio to pretend Disney isn't bleeding money with Star Wars, you have the link in the OP (original post)
like, most of this bitch articles are probably about how jlaw looks so fresh in this makeup or whatever
i think she honestly doesn't know that box office isn't revenue which isn't profit
Why are you getting so angry at objective facts?
Why don't leftists understand basic economics?
A cat lady. what a surprise
>It took over a decade and a literal remake of one of the good movies to make this shit relevant again.
Where's your source, brainlet-kun? Star Wars was gradually getting more and more popular wit the release of the prequels despite what up until the Disney buyout. Lucasfilm even stated that it was far more popular in the 2000s than it was in the 80s and the Celebration events also back that up. All Disney did was cheap-ass mass marketing to appeal normies and the general public who don't actually give a shit about the franchise and just want to follow the latest trends and stuffed toys. This is why the latest films have been losing interest and have been making less and less money with each film. They did nothing but make fake fans whereas the prequels created loyal ones.
You mean the kikes at Disney paid $4B for a dead franchise, i thought they were smart
Any faggot ironically defending Disney are incel.
>Implying Disney keeps 100% of the box office
>Implying the movies don't have any production cost
>Implying that advertisement is free
>Implying everyone else at Lucasfilm work for free
I still care about Star Wars and I think that Rey/Kylo shit is retarded. I’m not some soiboi that latches onto shit because feminism either. I’m a Trump supporter if that’s any consolation. I just don’t fly off the handle over every little thing like you guys do because I’m not a lemming.
No one my age group cares about NuWars.
meanwhile verizon(yahoo) sells Tumblr for $3M after only a few years, after buying it for $1.1B.
>. I’m not some soiboi that latches onto shit because feminism either. I’m a Trump supporter if that’s any consolation. I just don’t fly off the handle over every little thing like you guys do because I’m not a lemming.
You're worse than a lemming. Imagine liking nu-wars and thinking being a Trump supporter is some badge of honor that guarantees he isn't a soiboi. If you like nu-wars, you're a soiboi, wearing a MAGA doesn't make you any less of one. You're a corporate cockgobbler
>male hating radical feminist
KK is a huge Kylofag, though.
>meanwhile verizon(yahoo) sells Tumblr for $3M after only a few years, after buying it for $1.1B.
These numbers are BS made to manipulate stock markets. I remember even the owners of Instagram joked about it when they sold it to FB for $1B. Now Instagram is valued at $100B! What kind of moron actually believes this stupid photo site is worth $100B?
I mean, who isn't?
He never said he liked them. Imagine unironcally thinking anyone who doesn't despise something like you do is a emasculated corporate shill. Grow the fuck up nigger.
There's a forbes article from 4 months earlier that says they had recouped a fourth. One of those two articles is lying.
>Six years ago, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion.
>The four Star Wars feature films Disney has released since 2015 have grossed more than $4.8 billion at the box office.
They didn't profit $4 billion yet, this investment is still in the negative.
It was posted in the last round of shitposting and I pointed this out to OP and he omitted it. Gimme a minute to find it.
Yahoo did actually buy tumblr for 1.1 billion though. The story here is that Yahoo and Verizon are run by laughable retards who actually thought that they could make tumblr pay back a billion through advertising by stripping out all the porn that brought in a ton of their audience. Fast foward 2 years and the site is deader than elvis and they decide to unload it while they still can, but they fuck even that up and go sub 100 million, making them look like even bigger retards to the shareholders.
You think that's bad? The mouse also bought Fox for 52 billion and they have made ZERO dollars to show for it
I like how this applies to both sides of this stupid thread.
If you were that knowledgeable about business or economics, you wouldn't waste your time in this shithole.
Marissa Mayer who was nothing but Google founder's girlfirend single handedly destroyed Yahoo, all her decisions have been disastrous. This is what happens when big companies swallow their own feminist pill
But what have the investments been after thee purchase, Whole theme park, deeals with fox, the cost of making and marketing the media, costs of royalties etc etc
Best post ITT
Technically hey may have actually lost money after the initial sale, since they inherited a bunch of ious from films that flopped.
but the reason that episodes 6 and 3 made more than the previous movies was because those were seen as the ends of the stories at that pint and there weren't going to be any more movies released for a good while after that. Episode ten has already been slated for release in 2021 why would anyone care about this next star wars coming up if all of the most important characters are dead?
>Episode ten has already been slated for release in 2021
Not sure if bait or genuine retardation
Those threads are going to be lovely when IX makes less money than Aquaman or Jumanji.
what? am I a year off? They've already announced there is a continuation of the story so why would episode 9 get the ending bump of the last two trilogies?
>Hasbro paid Disney/Lucas 1.5 billion - BILLION - in guarantees, to get the licenses.
So another company takes on Disney's losses, and you consider that a success for Disney? Sounds more like something a fraudulent business might do.
You really think that?
>What the fuck happened to modern journalism?
Modern journalism was always shit.
Based /r/saltierthancrait poster! You did it again Quartering!
Go back to your disney shills nest /r/StarWarsLeaks/
What even is that