Why did the left fail and the right succeed?

Why did the left fail and the right succeed?

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Watchmen came out 10+ years ago

I wouldn't say The Boys is a rightist TV show, the central message is just the typical hyper-basic liberal bullshit talking points. Starlight's speech at that Christian thing was really cringe worthy.

Left is unwatchable messed up trash that takes itself way too seriously for what it actually is.

Based quads retard

Heavy shilling

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I like both

50% based 50% retard

How am I wrong? Explain what you think the message behind the show is. I'm open to being wrong about this because honestly I would prefer if it was rightist.

Are you retarded

Left is the absolute butchering of a kino by a guy who is literally too retarded to connect two coherent thoughts.

Right is kino based on kino by a crew that had previously worked on material from the same author and shown an understanding for it.

Retarded for multiple reasons

explain to me like I'm five bros, I must be missing something.

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Alan Moore > Garth Ennis

because zack is a hack

Watchmen comic > boys comic
Watchmen movie < boys show

The Boys is to MCU capeshit what Watchmen was to comics.

kek here's a free (you) faggot.

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Look at the picture. Then took at the sentence. Then look at the picture again.

Repeat until you get it.

Left - Goes line for line, shot for shot with the comic. Except it pussies out on the ending. But on top of that, while there are some good performances, it's mostly actors reciting comic book dialogue that doesn't translate to live action. On top of that, Snyder makes some characters "badass" that are meant to be satirical depictions of certain flawed superhero and american ideals. He's a 14 year old edgelord in a grown man's body. He doesn't understand the story, he's just there to copy/paste images. And he does it poorly.

Right rewrites and changes the material enough for the sake of adaptation. It demonstrates an understanding of the material by having the characters and events maintain the proper weight that they do in the story, but by changing them so that the effect of the story survives the shift to a completely different artistic medium.

It was unironically a different time.
I remember Watchmen getting bad press because parents saw "superhero movie" and took their kids to see it.

The entirety of Watchmen is undercut by the sex scene set to Leonard Cohen.

Because Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

This is such bullshit. Yea Forums doesn't bother to give great shows like Barry or Patriot a chance but this bland watered down schlock is the coolest thing ever right now to you fucking plebs

>waaaaaaaah care about MY schlock instead
Whiny bitch

well the left always fails eventually and the right always succeeds.

Because for a guy who claims to be such a huge comic fan, Snyder is absolutely clueless to how to adapt source materials properly

Shit, I get it now. I interpreted the OP completely wrong. I thought he was implying that Watchmen was leftist (politically speaking) and that the Boys was rightist (as above) and that the left "failed" while the right "succeeded" with their show, which was surprising because media generally swings left.
My bad for the retard comment, been browsing too much /pol/ lately I guess. Basically way over-interpreted the OP.

Technically they're both left wing works that appear as right wing in today's political sphere as things have shifted and changed a lot. The exception is the anti christian stuff in the show but even that wasnt bad.


Someone please share their honest opinion on why the ending was so fucking bad.


Because 'Watchmen' relentlessly criticizes liberalism and underneath the crudity and gore "The Boys" is ideologically just liberal centrist pap.

Snyder. Obviously

Comic ending
>aliens are real, hostile, and may wreck us completely next time they appear so it makes sense to cease with petty hostilities and work together
Movie ending
>American asset went rogue and started bombing cities, clearly implying that USA fucked up and now they have the whole world angry at them

Agreed. I just watched Patriot S1 the other day, made a thread about it, pretty sure it got zero replies. That show is fucking amazing.

Honestly everyone throws around words like kino all the time here but the truth is most of Yea Forums are capeshitting retards

watchmen has shit acting and stilted dialogue. the boys doesn't.

your also forgetting how a CGI squid would look I'm sure they tried

Watchmen is not only touted as nigh-impossible to adapt, but also a story only truly resonant with an extremely niche demo - comics fans who grew up in the Cold War era. Its entire premise is all but impossible to disentangle from an alternate history already decades out of date by the time the film was made. The Boys is like a modern-day Watchmen, all of whose cultural touchstones are familiar to the intended audience. It resonates far more, both in terms of alternate history as well as allegorical components, with the the world of today. It's what Watchmen would have been had it been made and released in the early 90s.

plus, the boys has a scene where a woman crushes a guy's head as he's eating our her ass.

this is what /pol/ does to your brain

It’s more fitting that the only way the world is going to work together is if something over the top and ridiculous happens, like a giant squid monster teleporting onto New York

Watchmen is a very pretentious, flashy movie with no actual depth, shallow characters and plot, and missing the point of the comics.
The Boys is a massive improvement on the shit source and is just a well done story about evil corporations and superheroes, while still making all the characters fully developed and somewhat relatable.

>Seth Rogen

Fucking retard.

alan moore > every other writer in comics > pile of shit > garth ennis > grant morrison

>tfw also thought that OP meant watchmen was leftist and the boys was right-wing but a retard intervened and made my mistake before me
thanks bro


Thank you.
Adversaries working together against a common foe is a well-established trope, so either ending works.. But based on the above summary, the comic one does seem more fitting. I was only ever told it was some bullshit enemy out of left-field in the comic (squid monster) and thought the whole Ozymandias foil to Dr Manhattan was bretty gud, being a non-comic pleb.

makes much more sense - America's fuck-up driving the wedge further in, instead of bringing them all together.

Watchmen is too smart for people. The source materials mirror this as well. The Boy's is more about superheroes abusing their powers and being corporatized while Watchmen is about much much more.

Very nice you made all the copelets take the bait

I agree it wasn't completely horrible, but just one-tone and very basic. I did think it was hyper-cringy, partly because of the lack of depth. I still enjoy the show though.

I just want a Watchmen adaptation with original comic book colours, is that too much to ask?


there's a motion comic adaptation, with just one guy doing all the voices, that i liked a lot more than the movie

watch motion comic adaption

Also this.

Another thing The Boys has going for it is that it's not a relentlessly grim story. Watchmen is one of the darkest, most deeply cynical stories Alan Moore has ever written. In the context of his story, Rorschach's journal isn't meant to represent a victory for truth, but rather a harbinger of a doom not prevented, only delayed. Even with its hyper-violence, The Boys simply isn't telling that dark and grim of a story.

To a Cold War audience, Veidt's hoax was a welcome fantasy, the truth of Rorschach's journal a terrifying specter. If you'd been reading it in the 80s, the conclusion of Watchmen would have terrified you with its implications - that nuclear annihilation loomed so near, that we'd welcome even a lie. We'd embrace that fantady rather than face Rorschach's truth. That was what Moore's entire point was with his story - that we were hiding in fantasies to escape the horrors of reality.

Then, practically overnight, that whole climate of fear evaporated like a predawn fog in the sun, as the Soviet Union collapsed before our eyes, essentially robbing Moore's foreboding tale of much of its power, hence why the 2000s were much too late a time to adapt it and expect much in the way of deep cultural impact.

I don't get why everyone disliked Watchmen so much. It's pure kino and only more impressive when you consider it's Snyder.
Even my wife who is usually bored to sleep by capeshit loved it.

>I don't get why everyone disliked Watchmen
its garbage adaption

Only nerds that were obsessed with the comic hated it. If you watch it without the need to compare it page for page then it's a really good movie.

I never read it, I'm not big into comics. As a movie I thought it was really good though.

How did it pussy out in the end? I thought in the comics they blame aliens or something instead of Manhattan.

This. Snyder actually lightened its tone and message, which I kind of felt was a necessary change given the intervening events of our own world's history.

>people think this was serious

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>can't give basic directions without people bringing up politics
How the fuck do you guys travel without triggering yourselves?


i hated it b/c the actors are shit, especially that blond cunt.

>How the fuck do you guys travel
Are you serious? You know what the answer to that is.

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Another Yea Forums circlejerk thread

The quads that broke the world

The lefts source material is immaculate so the quality of the adaptation could only go down. The Boys comics from what Ive seen are overly edgy and ugly and there was a lot of room for improvement.

The boys pushes feminism and the far left reviewers love that.

The Boys is about more than that. It's also taking some much-deserved swipes at the Prosperity Gospel and how the elite will orchestrate events to their own benefit.

In The Boys, the Supes are an allegorical stand-in for the privileged, the elite. It's doing a lot of the same things BvS was doing with Lex, but doing so with the benefit of far more opportunity to drill down and elaborate. Homelander is doing what Lex wanted to do - manufacturing threats he can "save" us from.

The sad thing is that normies genuinely do believe that watchmen is some bitingly insightful intellectual masterpiece.


I picked a fucking amazing time to come back to this fucking board. Holy moly. This is beautiful!

Actually the best example would be Wolfenstein vs Doom
now Wolfenstein 1 was decent but the new sequel was trash
>tryhard Tarantino mimicry with edgy unpredictable Nazis
>Jew who talks like a kike caricrature nonstop
>sassy black woman with a big afro and a loud mouth
>fat blonde German girl fucks a burgernigger
shit like that, it bombed
and then Bethesda changed tacks with Doom Eternal, nonstop violence as usual but there's some silly jokes about demons being illegal immigrants who need to get offed or whatever and boom, the game's gonna be the biggest seller of 2019, at least top 3.
lefty junk always sucks because they never rein it in

>He doesn't know about the newest game.
Bro, they doubled down on the lefty shit after New Colossus under-performed. It's just different devs, not Bethesda learning anything about going broke.
Now, 10 years ago, youngblood and that Farcry expansion both bombing hard while having "woke" looking female characters on the cover would have clued management into the current market demand. However, in 2019 even casually mentioning in a postmortem meeting that ugly female grrl characters probably harm sales would be enough to get you fired on the spot, so nothing is going to change.

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latter is good ending

Bait master

LOL wtf is this shit, fucking hell I had no idea
well fuck them, Doom is infinitely better than Wolfenstein
even the graphics look like ass here. Lazy SJW devs

Snyder it's trash

This. Also, the world knows that Manhattan is real, unquestionably real. Moore's story reaches deeply up its ass pretty late in the game to justify the ending he wrote. His story demands the world take two things in stride: that aliens are real and that telepathy really is a thing.

Furthermore, it also turns a blind eye to the fact that the Russians would absolutely lay all the blame for the alien "invasion" on America, because the cover story was that it was an American lab doing energy research that brought it here in the first place.

>aliens are real, hostile, and may wreck us completely next time they appear so it makes sense to cease with petty hostilities and work together
Only a brainlet with no understanding of human nature would believe that. In reality each side would call a nervous truce, while telling Ozymandias to take a hike on his world domination efforts. Then they would start building superweapons to defeat the aliens and eventually hostilities would heat up again and they would use the super weapons on each other, which Dr Manhattan alludes to and Ozymandias would have to be a full on retard not a work it out himself anyway.
The fact Moore actually thought that this was a startling revelation about human nature is pretty sad.

>American asset went rogue and started bombing cities, clearly implying that USA fucked up and now they have the whole world angry at them
You forgot the part where Ozymandias tricked both sides into thinking that Dr Manhattan had had enough of their shit and was watching over them and was going to fuck their shit up if they went back to the cold war. The movie plan actually has a realistic chance of working and it's a lot more plausible that someone as smart as ozymandias would have come up with that instead of the idiotic plan he comes up with in the comics. The problem with the ending is that it completely destroy's moore's central theme, which is that man is self-destructive, by making Ozy's plan actually be sensible and sustainable long term. But hey, what is Snyder if not a brainlet who doesn't understand shit like that?

>world used to seeing super powerfull blue demigod floating around fucking shit up by just looking at it is going to have difficulty with the concepts of aliens telepathy

it took me 30 seconds to understand why everyone was responding to this so weirdly. I agreed with him

It was a different time. People weren't ready for it. Now they are. Thank you Snyder and Trump for paving the way.

You're touching on the reasons that the 00s were too late a time to adapt this story verbatim. The central threat it uses for its dramatic tension never materialized. In fact, it massively de-escalated. The climate of fear Watchmen so heavily relies upon mutated into something all but unrecognizable from the perspective of the story.

This guy is the one who deserves all the replies.

Yeah, considering 30 years later, he's *still* the only superhuman/otherworldly presence in the world.

Now try to refute my other point. If you can.

>We'd embrace that fantady rather than face Rorschach's truth. That was what Moore's entire point was with his story - that we were hiding in fantasies to escape the horrors of reality.

What a poignant explanation of the issue; well done user. But said issue, I would argue, is the true evil of the world. Even when the Soviet Union collapsed, we held onto that willingness to live in a world of lies. That infrastructure didn't disappear when the Russians did. Now we have all the fantasy and no reason for its cause. The real evil was the willingness to subvert our own society in order to carry on.

What makes Watchmen impossible to adapt? It doesn't even have impossible CGI feats like punching through reality. It should be one of the easiest things to adapt. Even the squid shouldn't be too hard considering how technology has advanced.

Get fucked BOIS. Come talk when you get 90+ lmao

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Has a woman ever bought you a beer?

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Okay bros I have a new idea for the next subversive superhero story. So, there's superheroes right? But this time they fight the Jews and the deep state!

Yes, he is still the only superhuman after thousands of years through which superhumans and supernatural didn't exist, but general population still believed in them. Now we have a blue demigod capable of manipulating atoms, we watch him almost everyday on tv, but the idea that telephaty and aliens actually exist is for some reason going to be impossible or hard to comprehend for the general population??? Just take a look at the people in general today, most of them belive in existence of aliens or supernatural, or both. Existence of Dr. Manhattan would only further their beliefs.

It's not about special effects user, it's about how Watchmen used comic book medium to tell a story. Panneling, color palette, use of fonts, those are the things that make Watchmen Watchmen, not just themes and characters.


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lame joke, excellent bait

based, made angry incels reply

Left: Soul
Right: Soulless

Tried to watch Watchmen 3 times. I haven't made it past the bit where the cunt gets thrown out of the window without falling asleep.

Woke up and some blue cunt was going on about how awesome it was being a god. Turned it off.

Watched the boys and was gripped in the 1st 5 minutes, the 1st twe episodes and last two where the strongest but I was left wanting more.

Lefties need to be roped en masse

wow you're cool

watchmen is a bad movie made out of a good book, the boys is a good tv series made out of a garbage book

>he doesn't travel while only making right turns