Neytiri is

Neytiri is...

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They're all the same actress?

inferior to /ourgamora/

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name one (1) thing green Zoe does better than blue Zoe

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They're all played by Zoe Saldana yes

why do (((they))) try to mask her niggerness?

avatar is better than endgame and Neytiri is better than Gamora

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Based and Na'Vipilled

frogposting simply serves to prove me right

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Purging for the God Emperor

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what does Neytiri think of overpriced toy soldiers?

...not my gf.

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You dare speak out against the warriors of the God Emperor for your filthy blue xeno scum you fucking heretic?

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At least Gamora isn't a slut that shows her nipples

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Leave Pandora to the Black Templars, brother.

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>Keeps posting psuedofrogs

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an ugly blue space cat

worst zoe

Please do not call Neytiri "an ugly blue space cat" it's both offensive and incorrect

disney's whore

no it's supposed to be "blue Zoe best Zoe!"

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Have you payed for that custom hypno yet?

please do not call Neytiri "disney's whore", it's both offensive and incorrect

have you?

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a blue space n*gger!!

a nasty fucking nigger bitch

please do not call Neytiri "a blue space n*gger!!", it's both offensive and incorrect

please do not call Neytiri "a nasty fucking nigger bitch", it's both offensive and incorrect

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>capezoomers latch on to a movie they haven't even watched because they can't beat it

worst meme

>Neytiri enters a console thread on Yea Forums

Has Neytiri been allowing that smug little bugger to suckle her teat? Is Neytiri a nonce?

whatare you talking about? It's just Neytiri posing with a child for a photo

what would you even do with a "woman" like Neyti?
she'd rip my dick off if she tried to jerk it and her clit would be bigger than my whole unit

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best zoe

>tfw no giant blue zoe gf

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Ah, yes, I'm sorry. What I meant to say was "Neytiri is a big blue space n*gger!!".
Sorry for any confusion my initial statement may have caused.

please do not call Neytiri "a big blue space n*gger!!", it's both offensive and incorrect

I'll grant you that. Mostly due to that Neytiri arguably can't die since her soul gets preserved in Eywa

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gayest part of that movie was the soul preservation

not as gay as you

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>tfw ywn stand underneath Neytiri, only for her to squat down on you and send you into her vagina, where you are trapped for the next 9 months as you slowly gestate into a new Na'vi

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I fucking hated her in West Wolrd
But she is a good actress tho

Zoe isn't in westworld...

Yeah, she is, dumb fuck

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lol I bet you think don Cheadle and tim meadows are the same guy

The CGI is so awful, how did this get a release?

Well, she plays the black lady...

that doesn't look like Neytiri at all!

What happens if she stuck her tail up my ass?

a big guy

Avatar is pretty bad, but it's mercifully short compared to the MCU. Those Marvel movies are pretty hit and miss but they're the clear winners in the market.

>tfw my dentist is a litteral clone of zoe

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So would a loli blue alien thing be the same height as a regular adult? How do you molest a blue alien loli? Finger her tail usb port?

Lick and suck the end of her tail passing your tongue in every corner and string


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For breeding

Like you wouldn't

Why do they wear the loincloth if they do sex with the tail thing? What's between their legs?

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they are? is middle in heels or something?

...with Tsyeyk

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That black chick is like 20 years older, how do you even make this mistake?

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i wouldn't, but i'm not a furry piece of shit

of course not you disgusting pedofile

They're not furries retard. They're shown to have smooth skin. What Kirk a furry for fucking alien bitches with green skin? No. He was a goddamn hero.

Second best girl, after Gamora


Imagine the threesome's

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The one in ?inch heels should be that many inches taller than the one in red.

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eerie similar background

So the flying things are like cars? That marine blue guy flew in on the expensive new car, and every bitch bowed the head in envy of his capital?

no, the toruk is one of the most powerful creatures on Pandora and the toruk macto is a near-mythical hero that only appears in times of great need.
Also na'vi don't care about monetary capital at all

>Also na'vi don't care about monetary capital at all
That's why they live in trees and shit in the woods while humans build starships.

NOT having sex with you

that's why they have a functioning moon while humans are dying

of course not, she's for Tsyeyk only

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