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I am aware of that

Hasn’t this chick got lupus or that shitting disease

Thanks for ruining punk rock.

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No shit no shit
Hope you get raped bitch





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Punk was always a shit genre along with its subgenres
>bro it's good BECAUSE it sounds like shit

He was a skater boy she said see you later boy

How does johnny ramone sound like shit

It literally unironically sounds so good

Is she trying to inspire another mass shooting?

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Wrong, it is never lupus. It is Lyme disease.

Yeah well you died and got replaced, bitch


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Mean :(

The Toy Dolls are good.

canadian whore. theyre as hot as french chicks but can speak english(may or may not be apositive)

She got Lyme disease, almost died but she recovered.
She started saying that God saved her and that he had a purpose for her and all that afterwards.

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>all those songs she made about mocking and cucking sluts

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fuck ticks man

Classic Stacey


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>tfw no Stacey gf

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You know the songs were written by literal 40 year old boomer, right?


She's so pretty.

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based Avril
Fuck roasties

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Man, i'm glad she lost weight.
I'm all for thicc, but she looked terrible.

yeah no shit Avril, and water is fucking wet you talentless cunt

>chad literally fucked her

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Is that skylar?

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He was a sneeder boy she said feed you later boy

Why do we let zoomers post here?


no I took the final redpill. now excuse me while I have SEX with my boyfriend

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roasties btfo

I find comfort in the fact that in a few years there'll be an even worse group of people annoying them

They better use this as Deckerstar's theme on S5 of Lucifer


She was redpilled on them, just read the lyrics.

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each others world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "see you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "see you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

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Is tick disease only common in america? I've never heard of that disease in here nor any tick related diseases.

>He was a boy
>She was a girl
Can we not use gendered language?

I think the majority of the cases happen in Canada and north-east USA.

That shit is present on the whole Northern hemisphere.

if im being honest i've never even knew what "ticks" were before your post. Anyway they look creepy and disgusting the way they dig into skin eughh.. How do you protect yourself against that?! What if you wonder into the grass and some tick just decides to bite you out of nowhere I'm never going to the US w/o wearing a full bulletproof hazmat suit.

You can spot easily if you get bitten by one of these because it literally paints a target on your skin.

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Me fucking 30, you lil cunt.

punk was already nonexistent after 1997


thats not if you get bitten, that's if you get lyme disease

very weird desu.. how those small things can just kill you.

>almost died
>has bazillion dollars to pay for the absolute best medical treatment
>almost died
yeah sure

Look at that tummy.
Ready for cummy.

Once you already have the disease it can get bad pretty fast.
Curing it is easy, but it can also easily kill you.

How the fuck do you almost die from Lyme disease? It must be the most easily identifiable disease in existence and as long as you don't let it sit in like more than half a year literally nothing happens and you're cured by basic antibiotics.

She's always had one of the most lickable and fillable tummies ever.

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You just wear long pants in tall grassy areas that haven’t been treated. If you do get one on you, it’ll come right off with a couple different tricks. You can use a glob of vasoline and cover it, essentially suffocating it until it moves, or my favorite, light a match, Shake it out, then place the match head against the ticks back. It’ll detach to get away.

It's not as bad as all that. Wild animals get them all the time, and the only way you're going to find a tick on you is if you're rolling around in the fucking wilderness or dry humping deer your find in the woods. Plus, getting a tick on you doesn't automatically mean lyme disease, just means that you have a disgusting parasite trying to take your blood like some kind of vampiric little big nosed easterner.

based tummy poster

begone, harlot

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Tummies are very underrated, they deserve more praise.

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Oh shit I had that too

Tummies > every other attribute

be my gf avril pls

even saying the word 'tummies' means you'll never get laid

Have sex.

Lyme disease is a tick-born disease that is fairly uncommon. "Chronic lyme disease" is an invented disease that rich white women say they have that makes them lazy and tired and have normal body pains. there is no evidence that it is real

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your mum liked me saying that word m8

Literal perfection.


Only non-nudes

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Her and her sister got both R I C E D. I guess it is true what they say about Canadian girls.

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Are women actually this hairy? Pretty disgusting.

that's the same picture sidewards?

you mean when you were born? makes sense!

Why do americans randomly mention race in their posts?
Is it because you are all mutts?

>I guess it is true what they say about Canadian girls.

Avril (35 years old) = Still childless
Avril sister (27) years old) = Has 1 child already and is preggers with another.

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you said you wanted more

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real world isn't drawn anime girls

But Avril has only been with Chad Kroger and the guy from Sum 41.

That's fake.

I had such a crush on her when I was a kid. Now I have a hard time understanding why. She is not really attractive.

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Hairy? Wtf? Nigga, everyone has bodyhair. On some females it’s easier to notice because they have darker hair (like on brown people for example)

Depends on the area. There are places in my woods that animals roam, where you can't even take a leak without getting ticks on your legs, or more often than not - your dick.

Well it's because since then you realized you were gay.

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I died from it.

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Anyone else jacked it to Liz Vicious because of how much she looks like Avril?

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also because that pic is lit up from behind by the sun, and it's been brightened from the original leak anyway, normally the hairs would be invisible to the eye

You lost taste.

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Avril will probably never give birth to a biological child and will die without children. Meanwhile her sister already will have at least 2 children and probably have more with her Asian husband.

Avril will have ZERO genetic legacy to leave the world.

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autism is a sign of faceblindness

She was a drug addict who used Lyme's disease as an excuse and now she's clean

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Chad Chad vs virgin Deryck

She dated the Asian lead singer from Hoobastank

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I'ts the opposite for me. I always thought her nose is kinda weird.
Now I'm impressed by her tummy game.

That kid is literally that one American mutt drawing

Her sister is also a nobody that no one knows it exists who will always live in her sister's shadow.
Uglier, too.
Plus, her genetic legacy is a mutt.

Avril won in the end.

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This girl is dead, she was replaced by an actress called "Melissa Vandella".

>Yea Forums on Yea Forums
>mods delete one harmless post yet leave the rest standing

>all of these replying to the same post
Lmao get a life weirdo.

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yeah right

Babies come out wrinkly and grey after birth because they have been in ambiotic fluid for 9 months. This is the baby today.

Asian genes are so strong ..

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>that nose and face
Eww. This is why Avril is the famous one.

looks 100% chinese

Wish her leaks were less chaste

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She has such a cute :3 shaped mouth.

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yet she is the one married with children while Avril is divorced and childless. when both are on the deathbed, which one will be surrounded by her progeny?

Avril is 34, she has plenty of time for that.
Plus, her ugly sister will be surrounded by some old gooks and being jealous of Avril.

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The best mouth shape

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Me on the right.

Is she still in her weeb phase?

this is literally all that women really want and need to be happy

she doesn't age

Deryck still managed to fuck her in her absolute prime

>He was a boy
>She was a girl
>Can I make it any more obvious?
there's nothing "obvious" about gender and sexuality you fucking bigot

kino nose

same i was crazy about this bitch now the lyme disease makes her icky to me id rather fuck a thicker woman

Avril always looked like shed bully and abuse a guy like me but nobodys home is the best song ever

other way around


>goth Avril

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Once you recover from it you are completely fine.

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your AIDS is fullblown

>blonde blue eyed
if she spoke fluent french she would be 11/10 (except her taste in men is atrocious)

punk rock was always shit.

Yeah, she could get anyone she wanted and she goes for Nickleblack.

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Lyme is a scary disease, it's not at all uncommon for the first round of antibiotics to be insufficient to kill the bacteria. It also becomes virtually incurable after a while, it creates cysts in your brain that are pretty much miniature fortresses for the bacteria and no amount of antibiotics can get to it