Imagine women having to listen to nerds for more than 25 years and put up with their shit just so they can finally profit off of them.
Women NEVER cared about your hobbies, they only did for the money
Nobody with a sex life cares about "canon" or "lore"
this character is so minor and bland, i doubt any but the most die hard fans actually know what the canon lore for black widow is.
Phase 4 = burning it all to the ground like they did with Star Wars
Do you know any girl who actually gave a fuck about Star Wars or any capeshit in general? When a girl says "I like the Avengers" what she really means is "I want to fuck Chris Evans", or "ha ha look at the funny talking raccoon".
The idea that a female would actually be invested in the lore or history of a hobby like comic books or a franchise like Dragon Ball is laughable. As long as there's big money involved, she'll only jump into it for that sole purpose.
Even pic related shows that models and booth babes literally only do this kind of shit because the pay is decent. No woman in their right mind would give any real attention to nerds who lack any social skill or confidence to act like a normal person.
So you like comic books and Star Wars?
I swear that movies are the only industry that can actively insult their audience and yet still expect to make money off them.
>black widow dies
>no one cares
I-i thought being woman is winning the game...
I see you do not watch pro wrestling.
They exist but theyve always been rare. The modern crowd feels like are 50% in for beta buck attention / 25% lolsorandomnerdgirls / 25% legit girls with a interest in xyz
Fuck no they're for kids. Real men play tabletop.
based can't wait to see mcu get the netflix treatment
It’s capeshit. It’s nonsesne. Why do you care?
They are desperately trying to drum up drama for this movie, but nobody cares because it’s black fucking widow.
>black widow
>has fans
lmfao. This hole is absolutely delusional.
>And Victoria Alonso is not a huge comic book fan. Go figure right?
>I’ve gone on record saying this plenty. I love our movies, if you have a movie that is out there and if it’s La La Land or Juno or 12 Years a Slave or Moonlight, I would rather go see those movies than a superhero movie.
>Jac shaeffer:I wasn’t a huge superhero movie fan before starting to work at Marvel, but now that I’m doing it, there’s just so much opportunity to make big, positive statements
>When people react with hate, it saddens me. I think it’s a shame, but that’s not where I want to put my energy. I’m not interested in the loud, sour-grapes voices.
It's not that they don't care, they actually hate it. Women want to destroy male hobbies because it takes men's attention away from women. Kind of like when you're watching football on TV and your wife feels left alone. They know it's difficult to take the hobby away so what they do is infiltrate it and turn it into something that they like and that you hate.
nigga it's so far behind the gaming industry that it's not even funny
"Hello, Wall? Yes, it's Scarlett."
>off of
Just off them. You get off the chair, you don't get off of the chair.
They're just gonna find out that nobody likes females
but nobody cares about N-word widow
lol no shit sherlock, Marvelfags will learn the hard way. Feige has made them comfortable with his care for the source material up to now, but it's all up in the air now. I don't even remember hearing a peep from the director of Captain Marvel beforehand
>They're just gonna find out that nobody likes females
Men love women. There isn't a boy that was raised hating on women, meanwhile there are entire generations of girls raised to hate men. Now they put dykes and feminists in charge of male hobbies, the women they put in this movies are physically repulsive and their attitude even more. Of course men are going to hate it but it doesn't have anything to do with women. Men just don't want to see ballbusting feminists and nu-males on screen. Is it complicated to understand?
>Nobody with a sex life cares about capeshit
Fixed for you.
Imagine being a MUHvel cuck.
Capeshit is gay and shitty but you're wrong, normal people love this shit. It's crazy to say, but it's more nerdy to hate nerd shit than to like it in our bizarre cultural climate.
It's kind of weird that when men dominate a hobby it's due to sexism and "muh boy's club" and we need to encourage women to join even if it means the death of what made that club so great.
Yet when women dominate a hobby or a field it's absolute silence. Men as a whole seem to understand that it's OK for something to not be made for them. If you still want to join said hobby, it's something you'll just have to deal with.
I do not see anything wrong with making the MCU targeted towards men when comic books have been male dominated for decades, and the MCU is still majority men.
>Imagine being a MUHvel cuck.
So what are you, what do you watdh user? The handmaid's tale?
Its because men arent perpetual victims and whine about it. And if they did no one would care. Gender relations are fucked as hell.
The poor man's Anya Taylor Joy
Who the fuck cares, Black Widow sucks
Yes it's completely unfair to turn male hobbies int female friendly garbage when they never try to turn female hobbies into male hobbies. It's greedy jews who decided this because men are way more accepting that women. If you turn their romance movies into something men would like, they would immediately jump ship because they want to be catered to in every way. But they abused male tolerance and now their movies are outright male bashing because they believe that's what women want.
I've already lost all my interest in this capeshit.
Video games too. Look at companies like Blizzard/Activision, EA etc.
>This is taskmaster
I know Yea Forums likes to say this every time but I genuinely think this could be a flop or at least one of the worst performing MCU films
Even Captain Marvel wasn't this bad in production
kek looks like captain america in a CoD ghost mask
how much of this did you pull out your ass? there are ring girls but there are also women who likes to get in there and fight if you catch my drift.
Liking avengers because you want to fuck the cast members is a lot better than liking avengers because you're a humongous manchild who loves capeshit
>same design language for all the characters, regardless of origin or affiliation
granted, it actually kind of makes sense for taskmaster but it's still a minor disappointment each time.
holy fuck i want to tap that
>50% in for beta buck attention
make it 75%, the entirety of cosplay is about attentionwhoring and selling thinly veiled soft porn
What the hell is this power rangers shit? How hard is it to create a hooded costume with a skull face
75, 20, 5% seem more appropriate.
fuck me CBG19 looks ugly, she's only good for a one night stand like out of desperation.
>I genuinely think this could be a flop or at least one of the worst performing MCU films
this, but Captain Marvel also made $1B with or without Disney buying tickets for empty seats or bribing people. If it's produced by Disney it doesn't matter if it looks like shit because people are too stupid to take off their capeshit or nostalgia goggles and just consume this assembly line cinematic garbage like they're babies impressed by giant jingling keys.
western video game industry does it a lot more
Taleb the Phoenician (totally not Arab) was right.
Short of physical removal, the most annoying, intolerant and screeching position always 'win'. In gender relations it will always be women unless they are physically kept out.
I think a big reason for Captain Marvel's success was that it was released just one month before Endgame. People had to see it in cinemas in or else they would miss out.
It's just my opinion is all, but I reckon if Captain Marvel was swapped with Ant-Man and the Wasp it would get nowhere near the amount of money made.
>but Captain Marvel also made $1B
But CM had the boost of (It's a feminist her(o), and the frst marvel female her(o)) even though wonder woman and countless other female superheros had been put to screen before.
There's no way they can get away with that again
The difference is that this time nothing of value will be lost.
The MCU was trash from the beginning.
So is phase 4 going to be another slump for Marvel or is the brand too big to fail at this point?
>Black widow
Shit character, boring setting and story. Probably not even going to be worth a download.
>Falcon and winter soldier.
Pretty boring characters, but could have been ok as a film. I can't imagine it being good as a tv series though.
Sounds like some lame bullshit, but then GoG turned out pretty well, so who knows?
Could be an ok action movie, character sounds pretty bland though.
Two more dead boring characters pairing up for some boring shit. Pass.
>Dr Strange
Probably be good unless they drop the ball badly.
Can't imagine this being good given how played out the character is already.
>What if...?
Could be ok, but it really depends on what part of the franchise they decide to alt-history.
>Love and thunder
Fuck no. Portman does not have the acting chops to make fem-thor interesting.
Yeah, nah. The character couldn't carry a film, let alone a tv series.
To me, I feel like we're going to see a massive drop in quality post end game, but the revenue will probably still stay above a billion per films thanks to chinks and the rest of the third world.
Doctor Strange is probably the only one I am interesting in. Every thing else is either pirate once on bluray or not even bother with.
After endgame, I don't give a shit anymore, I'd be happy to see marvel fail now.
Phase 4 will be an unprecedented level of bad. Captain Marvel is basically the new Ironman from which the rest of the shows will be inspired from
The only thing anyone knows about her is that she had her womb removed
They are just saying that to stir up "controversy" for free PR. It's so common now I would have thought everyone of you had it figured out by now.
Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.
You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself
And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe
And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt
So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman
>800 years ago the pope to be was writing about the exact same negative behavior that we think has been caused by feminism.
Man that's a dark thought.
Considering how badly male writers have handled female characters in the comics (Wanda being shat on by many of them), having women on board can be a good thing.
An outsider coming in can go either way; you either get a great original fresh take on the characters (Nolan,'s Batman, Norrington's Blade), or you get dumb trash (Abrams Star Trek and Bayformers).
Also should be noted there have been plenty of men who are not into comics at the helm of Marvel movies; Branagh, Waititi, and Black were not into comics.
Victoria Alonso gonna rename X-men to X-Women and make Fantastic Four an all black LGBTQ+ cast
> Men as a whole seem to understand that it's OK for something to not be made for them.
When did the gaming industry insult it's audience? Don't tell me you're still mad about that Battlefield 5 bullshit
The fight scene shown at comic con was pretty great, apparently. Far better fight choreography than Winter Soldier.
>What is concept art
Did you enjoy the part where Thor gets Stormbreaker from a giant snake?
You have to remember that all fully masked suits must comply with the following:
Easy to CG.
Cheap to produce as toys.
But it's mostly the CG thing.
This is the opinion of someone who doesn't speak to women much
Women don't care about anything unless it benefits them socially, financially or physically. Their job is to make babies with good genetics and a strong father and they're good at it, thus why none of you have kids or even have sex.
>Also should be noted there have been plenty of men who are not into comics at the helm of Marvel movies; Branagh, Waititi, and Black were not into comics.
The difference is that those guys are directors with established records, while the women they're bringing in are (apart from Zhao) total hacks and haven't done anything good, on top of also having an agenda.
drown yourself incel
>Men love women. There isn't a boy that was raised hating on women, meanwhile there are entire generations of girls raised to hate men. Now they put dykes and feminists in charge of male hobbies, the women they put in this movies are physically repulsive and their attitude even more. Of course men are going to hate it but it doesn't have anything to do with women. Men just don't want to see ballbusting feminists and nu-males on screen. Is it complicated to understand?
to be fair, capeshit canon is mostly godawful so I can't say I blame her. Spider Silk or whatever will also require major retcons because her origin story is a straight out of hentai
>Imagine women having to listen to nerds for more than 25 years
They ignored a ridiculed nerds for 25 years though.
Yes? Why don't we hear huge uproars from men about why crocheting and romance novels and rom coms aren't catered to them and their exclusion is sexist?
>You can try it out before you buy a horse, an ass, sn ox or a dog, clothes or a bed, even a cup or a jug
>you need to keep a wife tho even if shes fat or stinky
Was Innocent 12?
Since before Gamergate.
also this
sucks my 15 inch dick ayyo
*white men
niggers are on the same page as women
That's a translation.
Virginia Woolf pointed out a century ago how things like football which are trivial ars given huge importance by men, while trivial things women like are dismissed as nonsense.
Men tend to dismiss, women tend to make little effort to understand.
what canon is discriminatory?
the ultimate canon where she bang iron man and kills hawk-eye family?
Look at romantic comedies. An entire genre geared toward women, starring women, pandering to female fantasies, and "objectifying" attractive men. No one cares.
She apparently seduced a ton of guys during her spy days. Iirc she suspects a black man to be a villain as soon as she sees him
The right time for a Black Widow movie was in the wake of Avengers Assemble.
is that rachel nichols on the far left?
So ignored and let be, right? Boy I wish females did the same with vidya, movies, ttg, etc.
If women aren't going to step in to defend the things they enjoy, that's their problem.
Normies don't care. Also this applies to every industry.
A shame about What If, some of the comics had awesome storylines that would make for great movies. Unfortunately we'll probably just get "What if X was a GIRL' or some dumb social justice shit.
>you will never see Hugh Jackman play a vampiric Wolverine who goes on to murder the Xmen
? What makes this bad? Compared to the dozens of WHO villains MCU has had?
no it's just normies in general
reminder that the average capeshit fan wouldn't be caught dead reading a comic, "nerd culture" isn't accepted if you have to darken the colors on the neon spandex men to make it palatable for people
I expect What If to be entirely "what if this supporting character/villain was the hero instead?", which will include minorities
Exactly, live and let be.
It's OK if you're a fan of something and want changed, but if you're a minority don't feel like you are entitled to change, don't whine until you're hated, and don't accuse it of being sexist/racist when it isn't to try and pony change.
So men give importance to male things like football, what's the problem?
Doesn't matter actually. MCU is on roll they can do whatever they want and there will be MCU exclusive fans who will defend it to end.
The angry fans who actually read comics are minority.
Nobody who had anything to do with making any of the movies did either, who cares?
why is pretty much every main women character so boring, like where is the struggle? where is the drama? Are they afraid of making feminists dykes angry? Why?
Oh noes, you don't think it was owned by a corporation all along do you?
There is a reason Yea Forums is obsessed with Alita. Alita did everything you just said.
>Gets her own movie after being on the sidelines for years
>Not surprised when people complain about her being too minor to carry a movie
It's that men present their view as objective when it's subjective.
Women do the same, it's two genders being arrogant in their own unique ways.
Alas it's also true that modern SJW feminism alas has abandoned the egalitarian ideals that used to underpin feminism and embraced identity politics, which sows division and actually breeds racism as it encourages people to view others through the prism of race.
The ideal of human beings being valued for who they are instead of what they are has been abandoned. We are going backwards.
I guess that makes sense
>insult their audience
>waah they’re not pandering to me
Just because they’re not pandering to you doesn’t mean that they’re insulting you.
Alonso wife looks like Captain Marvel lmao
FUCKING FINALLY. Black widow will be a shoujo movie.
why does captain marvel look like mark zukerberg
>It's that men present their view as objective when it's subjective.
That's only a problem in the twisted, insecure and invasive rhetoric of the feminist. It's not a problem if the content of the view is left well enough alone.
Men view femshit as unimportant and leave it to women.
Women and view men as exploitable and manipulate manshit.
Corporations view women as exploitable and and manipulate both manshit and femshit.
"muh views are mistreated" is an irrelevant non-issue in the face of the actions taken by these parties.
How is black panther 2 not in?
I'm gonna go see it, I'm not the biggst fan of the character but she deserves more recognition than carol does. Though I suppose we should lame universal for not doing a she hulk movie so we'll never see best girl on the silver screen
Phase 5.
Phase 4 and 5 are shorter.
MCU has as much to do with comic book canon as you with having sex.
Good job falling for another clickbait article incel retard.
Looks like they went with an even worse design than the concept art
How is a skull hard to produce as a toy? Cg is not needed at al literally just have the actor wear a skull mask, it's the easiest costume to get right
>>men give importance to things they like.
>>women give importance to things they like
>>Women: NO, no men have to give importance to what WE like too.
anyone else here just scrolling through the threads who hates capeshit outside of burton's batman
>incel faggot feels "insulted" when something isn't exactly the way he wanted it to be
lmao you will never have sex
The only reason massproduced holowaifu's don't exist is because western corporations have yet to design an AI as superficial, manipulative and greedy as a female human.
Am I the only one who list doesn't buy games from companies that hate me or watch movies by companies that hate me?
It's not that hard...
What kind of faggot would go to a black widow movie??
Of course it will be for girls.
Least realistic part of the movie desu.
They should've shown the subscription fee, the constant ads for other products, the live shop for the cosmetic products, the social media integration spammed with comments about how vanilla his JOI is and how he's a fucking loser for not getting the Widowmaker skin, and the constant patches that progressively making her more of a chore followed up with a new campaign to release JOI Classic to keep subscription numbers up.
"Remembering shit is for incels"
I mean I know you landwhales have low standards with whatever shit they shovel at you, but geesh.
what did they do to my boy
There is nothing to gain with anti-consumer rhetoric.
How many skullfaced villains does Marvel have?
A whole bunch. And if it isn't a skull mask, it's a skull emblem.
>oceans 8
>female mercenaries
>female haloween
>the whole star wars sequels
>soon female terminator
how many more bombs will they have to make ntil they realize SJW SHIT doesnt make money?
fuck just look at videogames
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>Mortal kombat 11
>What the hell is this power rangers shit?
That guy's helmet makes him look like Lord Zedd
The movies never followed comic book canon. How is this news? Seems like they're just trying to rile idiots up, and from the looks of this thread, it's absolutely worked.
>It's that men present their view as objective when it's subjective.
Sure, I can see your point. Men are certainly more assertive than women, and I imagine they would be in their opinions too.
>Alas it's also true that modern SJW feminism alas has abandoned the egalitarian ideals that used to underpin feminism and embraced identity politics, which sows division and actually breeds racism as it encourages people to view others through the prism of race.
>The ideal of human beings being valued for who they are instead of what they are has been abandoned. We are going backwards.
I totally agree with you. They have completely lost sight of egalitarianism and have reduced people to nothing but their race and sex, identity politics and intersectionality. It will do nothing but create more resentment and racial/sexual tensions.
They've completely spat in the face of MLK and everything the civil rights activists had fought for. If you're a straight white male, you are an oppressor and an evil person no questions allowed.
It saddens me that these ideas have gone mainstream into Hollywood and the media and Twitter. Affirmative action is a prime example of this, it's actual sexism and racism that is social and legally acceptable. This idea that things need to be equal in outcome is sickening since they put so much emphasis on race and sex being defining traits, any inequality of outcome must be due to sexism and racism because what else could it be?
Bit of a rant sorry, but the whole thing really frustrates me how people can think like this.
I doubt Marvel would use them with the Chinese market being so big now.
Ironic given Ant Man plays a bigger part in Endgame. Marvel was a tow truck.
Female spies seduced men historically. Women call it sexist when you read their playbook.
Highest grossing film of all time
Neither does anybody with AIDS, like you faggots.
Best phase of all.
So discriminatory.
>The ideal of human beings being valued for who they are instead of what they are has been abandoned. We are going backwards.
That's not ideal because it ignores reality. The reality of the fact that group averages exist and matter. Until that fact is accounted for, everything is just a different form of tyranny based on pure fucking fantasy.
Yes, It is important to acknowledge individuals, especially in cases where they stray far from the known stereotype. But that should never lead people to try and aggressively destroy stereotypes because stereotypes are built from experience and often overlap heavily with actual reality.