We need to have a serious discussion on how to deal with the endless racism, sexism, homophobia etc on Yea Forums. Enough is enough. It was cute in '08 but now its just a bit cringey. I want to talk about film, I do not care about the race of the people in the film.
We need to have a serious discussion on how to deal with the endless racism, sexism, homophobia etc on Yea Forums...
If the main characters arent white or Japanese, it's an instant drop for me.
I'm not white and don't want this to end. Neck yourself marxist
>how to deal with the endless racism, sexism, homophobia etc on Yea Forums
Shove niggers and degenerate fetishists into ovens.
Censor "dilate"
We need to have a serious discussion on how you fuck off back to plebbit
>We need to have a serious discussion on how to deal with the endless racism, sexism, homophobia etc on Yea Forums. Enough is enough. It was cute in '08 but now its just a bit cringey. I want to talk about film, I do not care about the race of the people in the film.
Nobody cares about what you want, faggot. Go back to resetera, tranny fuck.
We need more blacked threads honestly
Then ignore those posts. Is that so hard?
Go sleep in the bighouse you fucking bitch.
the reddit invasion is real
>all these triggered nu/pol/ redditfugees
>want to discuss about a WW2 film
>holohoax posters and gay hitler spams
get AIDS and die you dumb faggot ass nigger
cope, dilate, take a shower, and have sex.
For whatever reason, racism always seemed a lot more comedic on old Yea Forums. On Yea Forums it just comes off as angsty.
Flawless Victory
The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger. We’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics’ show that there are at least 12 dimensions. And now that’s what all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, ‘it’s a false hologram—it is artificial.
sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed
I shitpost here more than /pol/ and i only watch American dad
But if you wanna end racism just kill niggers (mixed mutts can be put in zoos)
>rosa parks was actually selling her pussy for smokes on that bus.
I personally don't mind watching movies if the subhumans are killed and realistically walk on all fours like dogs
Go back there and stay there loser and don't shoot people cuz you cannot get laid.
Why would i shoot niggers they already do it themselves and nignogs physically can't read or feel human emotions so we can't even offend them with "racism"
Why is the sight on the side
I’m a bong and even I’m 99% sure this is wrong
Niggers hold guns sideways cause they look "gangsta "