Americans went to bed. What are some comfy movies that have no villains?

Americans went to bed. What are some comfy movies that have no villains?

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i’m still here user. sneed

We never sleep.

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>tfw no bf

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Julie and Julia

I'm still here, faggot.

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But I just woke up

and some movies without a single gun?

prison is not kind to people who post frogs

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based burger cunts

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you would love some bollywood flicks.
i personally recommend chori chori chupke chupke. it's not built like american movies at all, where you must feel sadness, indignation and anger at one point or another. these are just comfy and satisfying all along

Hello bitch

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fuck off you stupid little bitch

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i just goin to bed now
stayed up to tell you that you're a bitch

>Its an Americans are seething at the slightest mention of them episode

cringe phil
based samuel

I literally can't go a week without a juicy burger. My reason to live is basically to eat my weekly juicy burger. Ever week I get a new juicy burger from a different burger joint. God I love juicy burgers

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remember, your living on AMERICAN owned time right now

Highly based

I am still here you fucking nigger.
Check out Angel's Egg
live action wise... uhm ... Ghost Story!

Something with Krteček perhaps?

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the fuck


Also, Forrest Gump

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My Dinner With Andre

Everybody in this thread is American btw

The comfiest

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False. Enemies were AIDS and Forrest’s own deficient brain


WTF i-is that M-Michael Jackson?

Canadian here, it's 2am and I'm feeling suicidal again

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Same and same

Remember when this guy mogged the shit out of trump? Good times

Fellow Californian I see.

>making a nostalgia movie only 10 years later
George is a madman