/heem/ - ALPHA GINGER edition
Salami is next?
I fucking forgot rizin is on, has been any good so far?
>KNEES the balls
>GRABS the rope
>SINKS the guillotine
>SNAPS the neck
>COMES the back
>KISSES the corpse
spaiku-sama, I kneel...
How many fights left?
Imagine how much Japanese pussy Spike is gonna get tonight.
Imagine not trusting the plan hehe
thank god for rizin and blessed be st.spike
spike just choked out a guy also he walked out as Ichigo from Bleach
*kisses your dead corpse*
last fight was kino, death simulated
Legit thought he broke the dudes neck the way he lay motionless
You missed it the guy just got his neck broken and died.
>nukes your neck
>kisses your corpse
nothing personnel
5 fights left. WMMA then intermission next.
first three fights were a boring humpfest but spike the redeemer saved his card AGAIN
Did Spike yell Yatta ! in a high-pitched animu girl voice at the end there? Lel
>lets you faceplant
Made me reconsider MMA
Salami has the flattest face I’ve ever seen
Based SAO opening
oof lotus flowers fighting next. i wish i could smell the sweaty dripping vaginas
Fuck I'm going to miss the 50 year old boomer fight
Is Takeda okay?
It's 1:30am. Is this what every Saturday is like for European UFC fans? Simply cannot fathom staying up until 6am to watch fights
first his body broke, then his spirit
guy looked devastated on his walk back though rip
He shoulda cooled it with all the wrestlefucking.
how are we supposed to keep the white race alive when asian pussy exists
kitaoka spotted
I'm white and not sexually attracted to Asian women.
Neither of them are attractive.
based rizin intermission after this letting me buy some sloppa for the title fights
1:30 isn’t even late b especially not on a Saturday, yeah this is what it’s like but I’m used to it and even enjoy it, staying up all night watching heems is soulful.
kanna is cute for a wmma fighter
There are ugly and hot women of all races.
agreed but I will admit that bangs on dreads is a good change for the meta
There's still 6 fights left. This won't be over until 5am my time or later
whats sloppa bro?
It was kind of fucked how Alpha Ginger acted so overly happy and nice before and after he basically killed a Japanese guy in front of a bunch of Japanese people. Does anyone else feel this way?
I really am in the most based timezone for mma
I agree. There are beautiful Asian women but I have zero sexual attraction to them. My dick would not work. A 4/10 white girl does more for me than a 9/10 Asian girl
Why do they both have dreads are they nucking figgers?
What's Rin up to?
Is she retired?
Neither of them have dreads
He bowed and spoke broken Japanese so it's ok
A lot of Jamal’s here
That's just gay and retarded.
braids or whatever idk
fuck that shit, would you rather he get wrestlefucked and humiliated his entire nation infront of them? why don't you go back to mexico faggot fuck you
whatever you want it to b, b.
Are there any attractive female black fighters
everytime a white girl talks i want to punch them in the face as hard as i can
apparently just had a fight last week
No it was based that he won but he could have at least pretended to have a little more concern for the guy's health. I mean look how N*ggUriah Hall acted when Weidman leg go snappy.
he guillotined the guy, hardly a life changing injury, also uriah halls a notorious pussy
shit banter
he kissed him good night, what more do you want Paco?
Jon no....
girls shouldnt be fighting. they should be cooking me a sandwitch.
Recessed chins are a terrible base for mma
Tonight I called a black girl at the McDonald's drive through a rude bitch when I told her have a nice night and she didn't respond.
gods work
>eating mcdonalds
I ignore fat cunts too
Heeminder that spike choked a guy to sleep in his last fight too
I only have a Double Quarter Pounder with no fries or drink. I get one like once a month or so. It helped me take a fat shit.
my standards are lower for azn girls
I only responded to you out of obligation, because this thread is so slow I didn't want you to feel like I was ignoring you.
Your reply to me left me with two options: explain to you what 'sloppa' was, possibly committing me to further interactions with someone who either hasn't lurked enough or was making some strange attempt at faking ignorance (possibly to be funny), or reply to you with something attempting to work with what you gave me while at the same time leaving you satisfied enough not to reply again.
I now see that I have made a grave error replying to you at all, because you are a nigger.
Mine are higher.
Champions by 2023
The age of the heemer is over. The age of the wrestlefuck has began
Kana gassy
dont care
>Cejudo making 125 ever again
No sapp time bros
Can someone please post the pic of kanna looking at tenshin crying it makes me kek every time
cejudo got heems in his last 3 fights tho
Ah good, the fries are what get you.
oh no hope she doesn't fart haha imagine if she did haha