
>A high school English teacher goes to disturbing lengths to protect his favorite students from bullies..


NO BULLY RIGHT Yea Forums???

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i think this movie sucks

Sounds like a gay remake of Lesson of the Evil.

Love some weekly vod schlock


Well, I think Coolsville sucks.

Looks intriguing.. Will watch

Normally I'd say this looks terrible, but David Dastmalchian is a really good character actor, so I may watch it

Dunno why the fuck they shoehorned Kevin Pollak into the poster.

Because more people know Pollak

I understand name recognition, but it's hard for me to envision anyone saying "KEVIN POLLAK? I GOTTA SEE THIS!"

I thought that was Misha Collins from the thumbnail lol.

Don't you get it? He's still a better draw than that other guy so why not put him there? It would only be a plus for the marketing. Nobody knows who that guy is. They even made him cover most of his face lol.

LUL, evil white kid is bullying kikes and fights a nigger in the first scene. WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA!


I used to know a girl who dated Kevin Pollak. This was over 10 years ago, she was in her early 20's and had recently left the city I was at for LA.

Where can I find this? I'm actually interested

Oh wait, holy shit they actually got married. Well good for them I guess.

This is such a stupid trope. When i talk to my shrink about the irrepairable damage the bullying i recieved through my school years left on my psyche and self-confidence, he always goes out of his way to remind me that bullies bully for a reason and its not meant as an act of evil even if it harms people

He also tells me the voices in my head and girlfriend arenĀ“t real and that i should stop posting on Yea Forums

>When i talk to my shrink about the irrepairable damage the bullying i recieved through my school years
1) Why did you get bullied?
2) What kind of person bullied you?

Another irrational bully. Picking on people for no reason but weakness. Do people like this exist IRL? I didn't see any bullying like this in school when I went.

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Ok I just finished it. Not bad. Good ending. Had some flaws but overall a 7/10 max.

I can't believe they let him teach a school after he bought all those kids clothes and shot himself

Attached: 1565460533759.webm (800x450, 2.78M)

Haha what a story Mark

Looks so mediocre and a drag to watch.

>Kevin /pol/lak

Attached: Perfect Thumbnail (LuFisto & Jordynne Grace vs. Gentleman's Club) | Beyond Wrestling (Inter (1280x720, 134K)


bumping because I want someone who tell me how it ends


Someone fucking tell me how to watch this shit, I am legitimately interested

>bullied kids are all minorities


but the main kid is white

it's actually pretty decent

Is this a comedy?

I got bullied because i was a fucking weirdo in elementary school, and an easy target for the soccer boys in class. The guy who led the bullies was from a broken home

This looks lowbrow and bad honestly
At the end the kid bullied turns out actually making it all up screencap this