What episode of The Simpsons is this from? Also, SNEED. There, I said it. Now answer the question or fuck off

What episode of The Simpsons is this from? Also, SNEED. There, I said it. Now answer the question or fuck off.

Attached: 156562749.jpg (796x600, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:



From the one where Lisa fucks Bart



Attached: 1563556307595.jpg (576x432, 104K)


Attached: lisa_sneedson.gif (345x259, 450K)

Legit answer, The Last Temptation of Krust.

Legit answer, The Last Temptation of Sneed.

"Oh bart, I love you..... in a sexual way."

Attached: lisa_stinkson.jpg (794x794, 33K)

Thanks for the answer.


Attached: lisa_sneedson.gif (250x342, 58K)

Are you sure it's in that episode?

I know the beginning takes place at a shoe store, and that's what I associate with that episode.

if they gave a fuck they'd filter it


Can confirm, but it’s a lot brighter in actuality. The Scully seasons were for some reason.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

Thanks for the confirmation.


"Hey Bart, mum and dad are coming home late today....."

Attached: lisa_queefson.png (635x479, 395K)

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

Is this one of those threads?

Attached: 1559338201993[1].png (656x514, 227K)


reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Source? Also, more pics like that please.

Attached: getoutbartimcum.png (957x706, 507K)

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

>also sneed
did that give you a dopamine rush posting that?

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

also sneed

Yes, because I have nothing better to do with my life because I'm a lonely virgin.

Attached: me.jpg (300x319, 51K)

Now that's my kind of thread

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed!

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

>here we have what they call incels, a rare breed, believe it or not they have in fact never even seen a vagina up close in person before

Attached: incelseverywhere.jpg (1024x684, 431K)

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

have sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

based kingslayer

Sneed's Feed and Seed
(Formerly Chuck's)

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

Attached: 1565059505800.png (250x184, 61K)

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

>reported for announcing a report
>also sneed

Attached: 1564923850036.png (594x698, 46K)

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed
Now please leave me alone or else my father will molest me and I'm really scared about that happening.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

oh no its soi wojak i'm gonna have to stop posting now

t. lonely incel nigger


Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

>oh no its soi wojak i'm gonna have to stop posting now

Attached: 1564922705828.jpg (378x378, 31K)

goddamn i wish you stupid fucking faggots would all just drop fucking dead. Fucking 9gag tier niggers

reported for announcing a report
also sneed


oh shit angry soi wojak, i'd better be careful

You've really hurt my feelings. Please stop offending me.

>goddamn i wish you stupid fucking faggots would all just drop fucking dead. Fucking 9gag tier niggers

Attached: 1562740967627.jpg (318x306, 38K)

t. seething incel nigger

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed


Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

Reported for announcing your report. Also, sneed.

>oh shit angry soi wojak, i'd better be careful
>You've really hurt my feelings. Please stop offending me.

Attached: 1555855868594.png (785x1000, 254K)

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

reported for announcing a report
also sneed

What's stopping you from killing yourself?

The urge to sneedpost on Yea Forums. SNEED.

I can't even imagine how awful the next big forced meme will be

It's from S11E05
