What's the proper response here?

What's the proper response here?

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Unsubbing from Jewflix



>"What's a Yea Forums?"

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>he is still subscribed to Jewflix
top goy

>talking to a female
found your problem

Do the goyim really subscribe to Netflix

>I'm not sure I understand what Yea Forums has to with victim blaming, could you please elaborate?

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"Greenarrow implying I give a fuck"

>I was the victim of my own mistakes stop blaming me

"That's great sweetheart, if you could just put your head back down and finish up that'd be great."

You too.

try and explain /diy/ to her because while it's not the only example it's certainly a strong one of how unfair she's being. there's an element on Yea Forums as a whole with nothing to live for but spreading the poz loads but they get short shrift everywhere except on a couple of boards

“Victim blaming” is one of the stupidest concepts coined recently, no wonder it wasn’t invented by the yank left

>Yea Forums is full of evil misogynists
>meanwhile me posing DA BURRS threads on Yea Forums

Great show unironically. Every waifu deluded incel should watch it.

>Ripping off a Sopranos episode title, word for word.


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