Yeah but imagine actually living in California lmfao
(Actually i have no idea, I'm Australian. Just assuming based on what live heard)
No but it's certain aspects of California that are horrible and expiditingly make the place itself horrible.
based aussie. cali’s going to become completely uninhabitable in 10 years
>mfw lefties are seething this hard
The AR-15 was invented in California. Are you going to take responsibility for that as well?
>live in socal
>visited 4 other flyover states in my life
>they were all shit
haters going to hate.
iFags BTFO
Laguna beach is fucking beautiful
great thread
>Imagine thinking the world is this black and white
post height and jaw
>i have no idea, I'm Australian
Pardon the superfluity.
Ignore what you've heard on Yea Forums (failure retards) and go round a top American college. Cali is destination No1 cause it's where all the top jobs are.
everytime I see these it's like a victory, after all that time where you guys pretended soiboy and wojak memes didn't hurt your feelings, in 2019 you are STILL trying to flip this shit around.
Just like how cuck was kinkshaming, trigger warnings were real and serious, NPC was "dehumanizing" and all of the above were "cringe."
Next up, Clownworld
And it's also where the most street shitters in the country are lol
The internet was invented in the UK you nonce.
most of it is just as bad as you think. especially the cities
t. californian
I pirate and paid for these other things. So....
where are you gonna get white women to star in your shitty movies. not in california lmao.
trying too hard breh. next time keep it short
american politics will never stop shitting up everything on the internet for everyone else
I dont say this often but yikes
so move to california
or, if you're already there, never ever leave
Every state has something bad about it, but at the end of the day intelligent successful people come to the conclusion it's the best and move there
My phone, computer, and media was made in japan though.
Nice assumptions.
must be why so many people are leaving the state
LA is not southern ca
What about all the ones moving to texas to doge taxes?
I guess the streets of shit reminds you of home.
>capable of memeing
>implying I don't watch video game streams on Firefox on GNU/Linux whilst at playing Dota 2
so cringe, so bringe
Based 95 iq state
Please stay in cali
You've got it right, my shitposting friend.
t. flyover faggot
Have you ever looked at the migration statistics? It's all the poor and uneducated people leaving, there's massive immigration for graduate degrees above. Basically what's happening is everyone including the elite want to live in Cali, this high demand drives the prices up, dumbasses literally can't compete, are priced out and forced to leave. Kind of sad but natural consequence when anywhere gets more developed, e.g. the difference between you and the rest of the population would be much smaller in a third world country than the us as a HS dropout cause no jobs require intelligence and no one wants to live there.
See All the dumbasses leaving
>hes unironically defending california
>only the poor people are leaving
This is literally a sign your state is an elitist hellhole. Fuck shitlibs are so goddamned stupid. Imagine thinking thats a point
t. Streetshitting work visa
I live in Orange County nigger.
ah then it should be star trek soon as your get over the 100 hump heh heh.
Got any sources on the IQ of people leaving?
So this is why you guys are bringing in the illegals, driving out the working class is unsustainable, New York understands this but for some reason you guys don't.
I own a house in California. I will sell when it doubles and move to a white state with nature
>Californian film
>filmed in Georgia
>pay for by the mid-westerners who buy the tickets
Your state is a joke. If you fell into the ocean, NOTHING of value would be lost.
A lot of these rich companies set up shop in California when it was much cheaper, now days they stay due to the weather & because they can afford to stay away from bad areas
Food is grown in California retard. The part we don't go to but it's still California
Soon it won't be worth it though, disenfranchisement and gentrification will fuck over more and more. Also the state is easily flammable.
Yeah they film in Georgia due to low taxes, Cali fags are hypocrites
television and movies are largely Jewish propaganda and I don't consume either
anime is what real men watch
For me, it's New Zealand.
>subsidize all the fat flyover inbreds
>they hate you for it
any kinos about ungratefulness?
Then secede already, no one wants you.
I genuinely do not understand this "flyover" shit. So, you take pride in being somewhat close to a water? What is this alien logic?
These fucking jelly flyover fags seething over California are hilarious. I can tell none of you niggers have never even been here. lmao
They have to cope with the housing prices somehow.
>billionaires move to cali for good weather
>pay high taxes
>people who work at mcdonalds in cali think they are helping the fly over states
this is always cute
It's the sign of a desirable developed industry rich area. Absolute fucking idiot, if everyone wants to live there prices are gonna rise and retards get priced out.
How do you actually expect people without college to compete with all the PhD or ivy grads moving in? There's no way around the issue and would happen in the drump states if people actually wanted to move there and there were jobs apart from Walmart and factory slave
Bottom of here. Bachelors and above are moving in
Doesn't Cali have the most welfare out of any country
that doesn't mean its a good place to live in
I don't think people understand that, the biggest vidya company Blizzard was started up with just 10,000 dollars, 10k won't even pay for a few months rent in a san francisco closet these days
cali grows jack shit and they do it with stolen water from more based states. you don't even deserve the potatos we send you basically for free.
Yes fuck California
serious question, what do people do in cali that they cant do in flyovers? other than more hipster restaurants.
>all the PhD or ivy grads moving in?
They are moving to Texas, sadly
I respect your opinion
live in socal forever
>retarded californian cant read
Imagine my shock. Who is moving out retard, thats the claim you made.
>its a sign of this stuff that its not a sign of
No its not. Its a sign of elitism. Which is fine for me cause it literally proves the shitlib endgame. An incredibly poor majority (this is you) cucked and supporting an incredibly wealthy minority who dont care about them. I absolutely adore the current state of cali
Run a tax reduced nissan leaf through homeless camps
It gives the most back to the gov out of all of them (remember how high average earnings are and three higg population)
>but old!
Nothing has changed look it up now
If nothing has changed surely youd just use the most recent data...?
Do you really need the benefits of living near civilization explained to you?
be really gay
That is old, multiple of those states are Red now, this was taken after Obama's big win & is dishonest
I mean Florida is a solid red state these days, Dems got smashed there in 2018
california isn't a country
Question: dodged
Is that what the 68% homeless rate is?
nice job dodging the question
Cause there aren't any pictures. Why would you even expect it to change lol, this has been the way for 50 years.
Seriously how do you expect people without any college to compete against ivies and PhDs? You could block those people from coming in but that would kill all the industry and isn't fair at all for successful people born in shitholes.
fuck hot girls. an 8/10 in a flyover shithole is like a 5/10 over here. I'm not even memeing.
>obama says manufacturing jobs are never coming back to America during his presidency
>rural white Americans lose their jobs, their purpose, fall into opiod addiction
>left portrays them as relics of a time long-gone, destined and deserving of their failure
>trump acknowledges their suffering, promises to give them their jobs back instead of gibs like the democrats
>trump taps a market of voters who never saw a future in Romney's fake cowboy boots and the globalist left agenda
>leftists continue to mock and ridicule white working class America
>the democrats forsake their original middle class platform for identity politics and socialism
>leftists dumbfounded by 2016 election results
>seething, the Dems double down on previous fronts with an increased hate of white American males
>expect different results for 2020
The lack of self awareness is astonishing.
Lmao who the fuck are you kidding bud
Not him but the obvious ones
Get a top job, go to a top college, give your kids a great education, nice weather and beautiful beaches.
Oh wait this is a different one, another one that gets posted a lot has FL as a blue state
Make one? I know you cant cause unlike you im actually familiar with the more recent data.
>seriously more elitism!
>what is skilled labor
>backbone of even a developed nation/state
Its hilarious watching poor retards like you fight for the state because rich people decided to live there. I cant wait til pedowood and big tech both fall, and big tech that isnt falling is already relocating. Cali will be another one of those "socialist/shitlib" horror stories
Imagine if you spent all that time greentexting working on finding employment.
the average girl in cali is a fat mexican, stop acting like it's still the 60's
This is the most intellectually dishonest meme pic on the internet.
>The lack of self awareness is astonishing.
You're right, just not in the way you want to be.
All of these but beaches are possible anywhere outside of california. Depending on where you are beaches too. You get more variety in weather, you dont have to deal with minorities and you dont get oversocialized. Nice try it was a poor attempt overall though
I work in the tech industry in Seattle. But cope as you please.
>doesn't understand that low skill labor is important to economies
yep, it's from dakota
>half of the state burns down every year
>can’t figure out how to prevent this
>im a wealthy white person whos lucky boomer parents gave him a free ride
college debt kills you these days, it's not that easy
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Never tell the enemy when they're making a mistake
I love how my “movies to cope with depression” got instantly nuked + 3 day ban.
But this /pol/ bait off topic garbage stays up for an hour.
Cali doesnt have the best schools, and getting a high paying job there really isnt as beneficial when everything costs way more. Weather and beaches sure, but plenty of other places have those, and cali beaches are probably packed.
If you find that dishonest you should check out /pol/ sometime.
Isn’t it almost earthquake season as well?
It's true. I'm a Navision business systems consultant.
I do it for free!
don't worry, the ass scratcher will waddle in here at 3 AM and hand out extra bans to make up for his own crapulence
>and cali beaches are probably packed
By homeless.
I moved to California 11 years ago unfortunately. They know how to prevent it but the environmental wackos think controlled burns are bad so the state just waits for fires to break out, endangering thousands, risking property, and inevitably causing moderate to severe lung problems in the future for millions due to breathing the toxic fume that spreads for tens of miles in all directions when a wild fire burns up a quarter million acres.
>strap fire extinguishers to the homeless
problem solved
enjoy good weather, attend the best colleges in the nation, be in the heart of the entertainment industry (movies, music, porn), theme parks (Disneyland, Six Flags, Knotts), beaches, hiking, great food, the best tech related jobs, fun nightlife, hot women, etc.
First point you're literally just lying lol
This is why drump states are poor and industry devoid, refusal to face uncomfortable truths
Second point you dodged the question
Look, we all know the jobs/education available in California is second to none. You can say "but muh single vaguely known company moving to fuck knows where", but at the end of the day almost all the big and important companies are here. I've tried looking for jobs outside of here, there is nothing which comes close to SV.
I grew up in poverty, worked my ass off, graduated valedictorian and got a free ride too Berkeley. Lol at this cope
>not just throwing the homeless on the fire
You gotta think directly.
The fires pretty much only happen in the red counties so nothing of value is lost.
>why do sparsely populated yet vast states like Nebraska and Alaska get more money than they give
>let's also ignore the federal property in those red states like military bases, Superfund sites and anything else that receives billions in federal funding
I fucking hate intellectual dishonesty.
Based retard
>a lie
Articles arent truth you understand that. I have the data lol
I didnt dodge the question thats just your braindead elitism not understanding how the world works lol. Im a tradeworker. I make more than you. I will always be worth more than you, and nothing will change that.
all the smoke goes east so they don't give a shit about the fires
Anyone in SF bay area want to be my bf?
Subsidies, dumbass.
Sure California is nice but it ain't Alaska.
Ahahaha cope
>hot women
lol, Cali has to import mid western girls for your films, that are filmed in Georgia
it's not worth all the annoying people. i think the state is haunted or cursed or something.
Enjoy your Mexicans bro
Typing cope doesnt change reality slugger. Every year you were at school i made 100k, after 4 years that almost doubled. And this started at 18 no prestigious paper needed
Why do the coastal elites have a vendetta against white blue collar workers? What's their endgame?
i’m looking forward to based georgia usurping your faggotry
This is for you too buddy. Fucking try doing some research or even basic critical thinking.
Yeah no one cares we've heard it before, never see it irl and can look up the earnings on the us census
>subsidies aren't tax dollars
You're retarded
Now deduct living expenses.
Southerners legit have better food, nothing is more annoying than bland hipster white people who think CA has good food because they can walk to some sushi bar & feel cultured, & as if southern states don't have that either
So after 4-8 years of college you MAYBE get around what im currently making a year... sad. And uh most people dont work at these places retard. Feel free to post your work badge
It's what the media tells them to be against.
Cali is such a shithole. Not even memeing. I would rather move to Alaska than Cali.
Its beautiful
It's basically all of them, not just the rural ones. So sick of hearing excuses from drumps. "Muh niggers muh rural", Cali is full of illegals and burns down every few years but still dominates
>it still thinks a literal article constitutes as research
For me, it’s the
Wine countries
Skiing / snowboarding
Food scene
Abundance of breweries
My graduate education which I get paid to receive
The beaches
I won’t even meme at you with the weather or women. They don’t appeal to me as much. Not into weed either but it’s legal here
The media stereotypes them all as backwards inbred racists, not realizing that this type of collectivism is actual racism in itself.
Lolwhat? Youve never seen it IRL cause you Californian retards pay mexican shit wages to do the job. Either that or youve never been out of downtown and talked to a single tradesman
>2 retards both pretending to make over 100k calling each other elitist
>Food scene
>Food scene
I too enjoy paying $30 for a ¥15 7/11 sandwich.
Not him but does Louisiana qualify as flyover? I know it's south but culture can be similar. They have the best godamn food in the country imo.
>it's a flyover who thinks outbacks and chilis is god-tier cuisine episode
Do retarded americans really not know how lucrative trades are..?