Recommend kinos that expose the true nature of modern women

Recommend kinos that expose the true nature of modern women

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>one night stand
That doesn't make sense.

One night stand with someone else.

Guy got cucked and dumped, by no fault of his own.

Gone girl
Sharp objects

>agony aunt

No she dumped her boyfriend after having a one night stand with some other faggot.

>Dumb roastie dont understand why her retarded decisions made her life miserable
More news at 11

To be fair to her, her boyfriend was probably some beta. Only low t cucks for gfs. Women are only good for fucking, you don’t need a girlfriend to do that, just pump and dump. Never fall for the LTR and marriage meme.
>b-b-but it’s more than sex
>muh compansionship
That’s what male friends are for

>by no fault of his own
He was boring, that's more than enough.

How the fuck do grown adults have reading comprehension this bad?

Letters to agony aunts are fictional just like anything you read on relationship subs

I've to be honest I usually had always less than 3 months relationships but the best sex of my life was with two gf i had with relationship lasted 2 years. After around 4-6 months you have sex with the same girl, i dont know why, but you hit a complete new level and it feels like heaven.

lack of sex

>I split a cuck to hook with a chad
>Now I'm asking meself why

Really makes you think huh?

>Dear Deidre

>n-n-no, these type of people don’t actually exist, it’s just m-make b-believe I s-swear!!!

yes, creative writing + outrage bait garbage

why do you guys need so much assurance it's ok to be left out?

they exist, but actual stories don't neatly hit all the adequate points to make your jimmies rustled, it's just somebody that got a useless writing degree, learned how to bait you and conveniently combined a few stories to get that sweet ad rev moneys

This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ – Proverbs 30:20

If it wasn't for the stock-photo with attractive people none of you would give a shit. In reality it was a fat chick, the type of guy that dates a fat chick and a chubby chaser. Ugly people and their dramas are not interesting.

You might actually be retarded

of course not, that's why we cast attractive people in the film adaptations!

>grown adults

The reason you keep a woman around and "marry" her of sorts is to help raise your white children. I have seven of them. She's a dedicated mother and breastfed all of them. All the children have blue or green eyes. Find a good breeding wife and enjoy life. I will also add that despite what I said previously there are folks who shouldn't have kids period. If you're from a broken home or have been abused or some form of faggot then just end it or wither away.

>implying op can afford any further narrowing of his sexual horizons

In Megamind we can see that they do not fall for incels

Bible is so redpilled

I can guarantee if he were taking life day by day she'd have dumped him for not having a long term plan

You have no clue what depraved shit goes on in relationships and married households. You’re the retarded one

Women should be confined to sex pods publicly available in state-owned breeding centres and you cannot refute this point

You know guys... I just cannot figure out why Yea Forums sucks so much now, and is flooded with off-topic shitposts.
Oh well... Back to this excellent on-topic mod-approved thread.

Nice roleplay, cuck

is this some sort of reverse incel psyop to get material for a documentary

its worth reading for the wisdom of a millennia alone, even if you aren't a believer.

Its easy to not be boring tho.
I dont get how men can throw a pity party when they are busy pulling 2 minute missionary once a week.

Based fatherlarper