Is Truman Show an allegory of allegory of cave by Plato?
Allegory of cave?
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No that would be The Matrix
It seems only The Matrix is very insistent on the allegory of cave thing.
Not really. It's more a play on Solipsism than anything
Truman was only on the part one of the story when the guy began his way out
As a teenager, I was thinking Truman Show was only an ok movie but now I see its greatness.
Truman Show is science fiction. People tend to forget
Well, that and the fact there is no one else in the cave left to tell once he gets back
Do you just have no idea what the allegory of the cave is about? Likewise to people who think The Matrix has something to do with Plato. Which is especially strange, since if The Matrix is a classical reference at all, it's to the lotus-eaters of The Odyssey.
How is it science fiction? A giant dome and cameras everywhere are pretty realistic. Completely unfeasible - yes, but not scifi
After seeing Skyfall and the Titanic 2 I think Truman Show was Sam Mendes' peak
The whole world was in the cave. They were watching Truman's shadow. They were like the humanity in the Matrix waiting to be awakened
No, it's an allegory about life on flat Earth. Actors are all around the real humans.
I also went through this literature lesson in 7th grade.
How is the giant dome realistic or feasible even in 2020
It's not really 2019. I think Earth is Disneyland for whoever lives beyond what we call the Earth.
There are no secrets. They put clues about everything into pop culture.
alot of big brained people itt
How is it science fiction?
Matrix does have to do with Plato, although it’s more Neoplatonic than Platonic. Read Plotinus.
you can argue that it's an social experiment. But the tech involved alone were enough to call it sci-fi.
>implying for last 2000 years anyone has ever written the part on how the escaped slave convince the rest of the slaves they are actually in a cave
The story was flawed at its inception
A giant dome is more logical than having an atmosphere open to the vacuum of space.
it's a prank (goes wrong)
So you are saying this movie is sci-fi right
They should make Truman Show Based on Buddha
Truman, now shaved his own head and wears a robe, sits in lotus position.
Chris orders Meryl to hold a baby in front of Truman.
Truman says: "This Truman you seek has never been."
Chris tells Meryl to say: "But Truman, this is your daughter. She has been born!"
Truman raises his palm and says in parable:"Once there was a conman defrauding a rich man. The conman asked for money and promised the rich man a wife. He took the money and told the rich man he had found him a pretty wife in another town. The rich man was happy. The next day the conman told him his wife died. The rich man was sad. Now don't you think the rich man is stupid?"
I think the movie could be interpreted in a lot of ways, but what I got from the ending was it's about how artists are essentially Gods over their creations. The director is presented as such, his voice echoing from the sunny sky, and he had everything planned out for Truman's life.
And so, at some point, he had to let his creation live by itself?
Then the movie is atheist
It's a retelling of Gnostic mythology