Whatever happened to Shia Lebouf?
Whatever happened to Shia Lebouf?
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he was divided
tried to be an artist and revealed himself to be an uncreative hack instead.
Nothing? He's doing some great things in theater and also has a few movies coming out soon.
He has a movie coming up
Shay La Beef
He has 2 films coming out this year.
Both of which are masterpieces.
Also, he's going to get an oscar nom for supporting in Honey Boy which he also wrote.
He's currently smashing my waifu
I saw him at Subway the other day. He ordered a really long and complicated sandwich. He started with the veggies and then went backwards to the meat and cheese, and wanted it toasted so long the worker burned their hands on it. Then he added meatballs and tuna, with every single sauce they had, and when they wrapped it up it was leaking out onto the floor. When they rang him up at the register he was like, "oh, um... I don't have any money..." while looking sadly at his feet. Then he walked out.
Who cares?
Looks like shit
SJWs with brain damage because they sympathize with him
He's just like me.
whats with these washed up C-list jewish celebrities making these west coast hipster indie films now
first Jonah now this faggot
literally a white nigger
yikes unbearable
Megan fox broke his brain
>be an actor since you were a child
>wear work boots
his biopic is coming soon and he'll win the oscar
jesus christ when he starts going off on the black officer for being black and a cop, then starts shouting "AMERICA"
i'm going to watch this whole thing this is hilarious watching a rich dude get arrested
and yelling about millionaire lawyers while cussing and saying "I wish you caught me with my concealed carry"
same user, just finished it.
seeing him rage like a drunken, racist,"hardcore" child really puts into context everything else he's done. thank god for body cameras.
imagine being tom hardy and getting knocked out by this fucking poofster
desu tom hardy is also a poof
Big if true.
>acting isn’t hard work
You’re ignorants is showing.
TH is bi.
slagged off the fourth Indy movie and got blacklisted
hes a glorified neet who doesnt have to try anymore
We broke him.
didnt he call a black cop who arrested him a nigger?