It's Friday night in the 90s. What is Yea Forums and friends watching?

It's Friday night in the 90s. What is Yea Forums and friends watching?

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Me in the Pearl Jam sweatshirt


>leather jacket
>doc marten boots
th thats a punk rocker


TGIF of course

i miss white people

>ywn experience this.

Why am I able to catch glimpses in my heart of what it feels like, even though I never lived it? I miss something I never had

>It's Friday night in the 90s. What is Yea Forums and friends watching?
My older sister get railed by her boyfriend. Also Sabrina and Boy Meets World.

Natural Born Killers

Ugh. Why are they all so white?

Guy in the light denim looks a lot like my first boyfriend :(


tgif obvi
does anyone have the link to that forum where autists were listing rerun schedules?

Man those are some heavy feels

And we're watching pulp fiction

They're based, you're cringe

Friday Night Videos
Nite Flight (dates don't match but series still on in the 90s)

back in the 90s i was shitting my underwear
but now that i grew up i stopped using underwear thus fixing the problem once and for all

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It's our turn now.

Every girl in that pic is absolute fug material.

The redhead on the sofa though?

dam that ginge is hot
so obviously X-Files

Just realized there are zero pictures of me with my friends growing up. I'm 36 and the only shit I'm aware of is after facebook became a thing. I wish I knew whatever happened to the movies we filmed.

>top left blonde

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Niggers couldn't afford cameras in the 90s

I prefer the redhead, but i would not mind ending up with the red haired.

Man the 90s was such a fucking shitty time. Everyone on heroin and homelessness was everywhere.

At least that's the case here in Europe. I always find it funny how big of a contrast Europe has with the US. It always seems like everyone in the US basically worships the 1990s as their peak while in the EU it's considered the absolute darkest time in our history.

From the 90's until 2007
>hang out with your friends/family
>watch some kino or sporting event on tv
>everyone one watching
>cracking jokes, making comments, adding to the conversation
>I hoped the good times would never end
2008 - Present
>kino or sporting even is on tv
>everyone but me is on their fucking phones
>i'm trying to make jokes or comments and they patronized me with a "yeah" at best
I want to go back so bad.

>Everyone on heroin and homelessness was everywhere.
That's America today. You now have immigration crisis, which means ours will be much worse in 20 years.

>considered the absolute darkest time in our history.

up until right now?

>Ugh. Why are they all so white?
Because America hadn't been blessed with the great diverse landscape we have today. Praise God!

>Everyone on heroin and homelessness was everywhere.

If it's any consolation that's how things stand for us now in 2019, except the junkies don't even have the fastidiousness to do heroin and it's all about fucking *meth*.

fuck off

how retarded are you?

I wish i was like 5 years older

No our immigration crisis was in the 1990s. the 2015 Syrian immigration crisis was less than 10% of the immigrants we got in the 1990s.

You could look at 1990s London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and look at them in 2019. And in all cases they would have massively improved and have fewer immigrants now than back then.

Back in the 1990s we didn't even have immigration laws in place. Everyone could come (and they did). During the Syrian refugee crisis we only received 500,000 refugees in total. in the 1990s we received 5 million refugees a YEAR...

Luckily we threw most of them out and the others slowly integrated over time so the problem got fixed but holy shit the 1990s EU was basically a post-apocalypse society.

you mutts were only starting to be conceived at the time

>Everyone on heroin and homelessness was everywhere
>bsolute darkest time in our history.
where do you live and how old are you?

just look at all those alternative rock listening pearl jam worshipping faggots
just imagine the smell

Stop talking about "Europe" as if it's a monolith you stupid fuck

what movie is this magical country of "Europe" you are talking about where everyone does heroin in the 90s, but now things are better ant it's all about muh immigrants?

axe anarchy and teen spirit, same as everywhere else at the time

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>I'm trying to make jokes or comments

Gee... I wonder what the problem is?

2019 Europe is a fucking Utopia compared to the 1990s. People don't realize how fucking bad our situation was. Only people that didn't live in the 1990s have some sort of nostalgia for it. Crime rate peaked in the 1990s. We had a immigrant to local ratio of 20% in most countries (Now it's about 8%). The Soviet Union collapsed and MILLIONS of refugees, prostitutes, dealers, criminals came flooding into Europe.

General sense of lawlessness as our weak police wasn't equiped to deal with the rapid increase in crime rates so most crime went unpunished which led to massive amount of drug users, House squattings. Rampant prostitution etc.

I had to literally step over heroin addicts while walking to school. See prostitutes get fucked in the middle of the streets and side-bushes. And see immigrants just straight up walk into stores and loot stuff.

I used to think that was all just normal and a part of life but in 2019 none of this shit is happening anymore.

add to when you eventually take a peek on you phone
>oh you’re so timid user hahah you should socialize more often

I think my jungle fever started with the release of tlc's crazy sexy cool at the tender age of 11 in 1994. that decade was prime zog material, and I am thankful for it.

also notice the media trends and fashion going from 1992

to 1994.

retard filtered

>Gee... I wonder what the problem is?
The problem is everyone is on their phones you dumb faggot. You zoomers don't understand. Even if someone made a shitty joke or comment they were laughed at and ripped on.
Now everyone is one facebook or whatever the fuck you normies do.

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I miss how people dressed in 90s i know it sounds gay but everyone just looked so chill

>former Soviet Union countires
>not Europe
>Europe is only my country
Oh boy

This is the most 90s photo I ever seen

>I miss how people dressed in 90s i know it sounds gay but everyone just looked so chill
Fashion nowadays is so fucking try-hard
>guys wearing skinny jeans that they can barely more in and 9 different types of neon colored accessories
>girl outfits look like numerous couch cover patterns draped over themselves in an odd manner

Predator 2

>girl outfits look like numerous couch cover patterns draped over themselves in an odd manner


Notice they dont dress like niggers

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>Notice they dont dress like niggers
Oddly enough, nigs nowadays dress like the 80s punk rock scene (very tight jeans and t-shirts), I even see blacks skateboarding now

god I hate that shit

get over it
if we want to survive as a species we must become a global civilization despite the growing pains

white power

*gets raped*

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polacks will never be real people

literally animal mentality

>we all like something that is really popular under the notion that its popularity will grant me "friends" with no effort
seems lame

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That's how Yea Forums works but instead of liking something really popular. It's disliking something that's really popular as a binding mechanism.

Hating Rick & Morty etc is precisely what people pretend to hate just to fit in

Or so I hear.

Specifically 120 minutes.

normalfags never change lol

nothing I don’t watch tv or movies

>precisely what adult people pretend to hate just to fit in

Perhaps it doesn't even matter what these people really think.

This is literally how me and my friends all look at house parties nowadays.

Even the fashion and hairstyles are the same. Leave your fucking house once in a while you faggots.

yeah because you're all phony zoomer fucks who are pretend nostalgic for something you don't remember or didn't experience at all

Y'all are probably insufferable faggots

I'm 25

>le 25 year old zoomlet
nice 25 get though

You're 25 and have friends and go to house parties? I turned 26 a few months ago. Is this even possible at our age? I feel ancient.

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SNL, MTV, and some Friday After Dark on Cinnemax, probably some shit with Shannon Tweed again.

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Yeah you should go outside more often. Most people our age don't even bother with social media and smartphone apps.

The house parties feel genuine since no one is bothered by their smartphone. I feel like with people our age we adopted the smartphone/social media but never really went into it deep enough.

I feel absolutely terrible for zoomers though they grew up with this shit and probably never even had friends and hangouts like this.

Good luck user. Please realize that the only reason you're lonely right now is your own passivity and you can easily turn this around by actually trying again. Despite most doomsaying on Yea Forums real life is actually pretty sweet and not even close to as bad as people here think it is.


>tried fitness
for 1 week
never tried quitting drinking


I'm going to give some tips on how to fix some of the problems in your picture since I had some of them as well.

I struggled with this for more than a decade but finally fixed it last year. What I did was set an alarm at 7 AM Every, single, day. Sure I would be absolutely broken and hate myself the first couple of months but after a while your body just starts syncing with the 7 AM wake up time. I didn't force myself to go to sleep early so sometimes I would fall asleep at 4 AM and the alarm goes off at 7 AM but I kept sticking with it until now. I now get awake 1-2 minutes before my alarm goes off but I still have my alarm because I am afraid of going back to old habits even though I'm doing so for a year already.

>Only outside at night
This is fixed when your insomnia gets fixed
>Think a lot but think about nothing
Gets fixed when your insomnia and drinking gets fixed
>Use his gaming PC for Yea Forums and youtube
This is because you're in a state of perpetual tiredness. Gaming takes too much active participation Yea Forums and youtube is passive and low energy. Sleeping right and cutting booze will fix this as well.
>Forgot how to cry or laugh
Intoxication and insomnia put your brain in a low attention state

This one is easy, just don't. In fact I switched to water altogether. Mostly because I'm a greedy fuck and it saves money. But you start to get used to water after a while and I can't stand sodas anymore let alone alcoholic beverages

I can't fix your social life but these things should get you on track. Showering in the morning and having your blinds open 24/7 to let natural light in at all times also helps. Crack open a window when you wake up to let some fresh air in as well. It sounds like bullshit your dad would tell you but this shit actually helps motivate you to undertake social activities.

gen x are so fucking lucky

we have a point of reference, a real one, a lived one, where shit was fun and creative and interesting

I understand that millennial cunts and zoomer losers want a piece of that nostalgia, but sorry, you'll never have that

create your own shit

my parents marriage dissolve

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I'm a millenial and I literally have fun like this. Not everyone is a loser that sits inside on the internet all day.

but millenials had late 90s you chimp

Ah, so you are a underage larping as and oldfag. And no, some parties still sucked in that time. Hence the >my feet hurts

Gen X are the real boomer scum