>4 good episodes
>4 episodes of christianbashing, feminism, cuckoldry, and orange man bad
4 good episodes
Other urls found in this thread:
>and orange man bad
Lol, I'll have to give this show a go. It has to be pretty good if it's making right whingers like yourself seethe.
You say that as if orange man isn't bad
why are girls so cute? i wish i was one
Dial 1-800-EIGHT
Anyone else continuously bothered by her Bruce Willis tier jaw?
It doesnt talk about orange man at all, its actually a bit outdated as its mostly poking at bush era Neocon shit not Trump Nationalist stuff
Literally perfect
I don't know how people are not talking more about this. Hell, even the comic felt a bit dated when it was first published.
Even making the justice league the main parodies does not have the same punch when the Avengers dominate the cultural landscape. If this show had the balls it thinks it has, the main group would be Payback.
Garth Ennis is the biggest edgelord hack in comics.
There's a lot of cuckoldry in this show, Hughie is a whipped bitch, the female are stronk and empowered. But I don't see how you take this show as anti Trump. Are you a boomer who worships your god emperor no matter what, even if he suicided ihis old friend to make sure he doesn't reveal to the world that he fucked underage girls?
Show is based because it makes MAGAtards seethe
the justice leauge is what i think of when i think superhero, superman, batman, wonderwomen, maybe spider man,
American """""Evangelicals"""""" aren't Christians.
>4 episodes of christianbashing
and it was glorious. of course easily manipulated christfags would eat the corporate propaganda and decide the superheroes are chosen by god then suck their dicks.
>There's a lot of cuckoldry in this show
if you have the cuck mentality and therefore see it everywhere
>Hughie is a whipped bitch
one of only two shown humans to ever kill a superhero, only person to kill an elite one
> the female are stronk and empowered
one goes along with being sexually assaulted by a fishguy and gets emotionally wrecked, not -wonder-woman fails in a moral crisis and becomes a wreck
Gee user, what the fuck did you expect from a show based on and superhero eating a baby?
Hey, shut the fuck upm you godless marxist jew. Jesus knows me and he knows I'm right.
Yea but the magas are smart enough to know when the jokes on them, weaklefts however, seem to be eternally aloof
You're an embarrassment to the faith.
>one of only two shown humans to ever kill a superhero, only person to kill an elite one
He didn't kill anybody, he pressed a button. It's the frenchie and Butcher who did all the work. Now it's funny that Butcher keeps reminding him that he killed a translucient and tells everyone how a badass he is. It comes off as a running joke as the viewer knows that Hughie is a little bitch who actually didn't do jackshit. He even keeps trying to quit several times but Butcher convinces him it's too late to go back. Hughie is made of soi.
>one goes along with being sexually assaulted by a fishguy and gets emotionally wrecked, not -wonder-woman fails in a moral crisis and becomes a wreck
The sexual harrassment was just an excuse to make her a metoo icon. Notcie how they didn't show her being raped but they showed the politician getting gay raped. Other than that Stella is just badass and keeps telling everyone to fuck off.
Not Wonder woman is an emotional mess but she's still some sort of strink badass, she even stands up to Homelander himself when he was agray at Starlight. The male sup are all vulnerable, Translucient gets his ass blown up, the Deep is a running joke, A-train is a junkie, subsmissive to his waifu, gets fucked all the time, and even gets his leg broken by the boys. Even Homelander is an emotional wreck with mommy issues.
The show isn't bad but it could have been way better if they weren't trying to inject so much political correctness
>He didn't kill anybody, he pressed a button.
How is that any different than pulling the trigger on a gun? Speaking of, he shot and killed at least one guy in the end when he was spraying and praying while yelling "I'm sorry!" It's important that Hughie is a bitch too; the whole point of the show is that you can't fight back against these heroes who are basically gods, so you have to find another way to do it. Who better to show that off than someone who is hopelessly powerless?
>The sexual harrassment was just an excuse to make her a metoo icon.
Which is also made fun of, especially with that dumb montage with the katy perry song. It couldn't be more obvious.
how come this photo hasn't got more attention? I thought you autists would have been all over it
The show is making fun of stupid Evangelicals. I thought Starlight did a good job of portraying Christians that didn't want to be associated with them.
the whole show only exists because psycho superman cucked karl urban to the point where he knocked up his wife
>Garth Ennis is the biggest edgelord hack in comics.
That's Allen Moore
Damn, being an amerishart must be suffering. You literally cant enjoy anything without trying to shoehorn your cringy binary politics even in places they don't exist, like this show
>How is that any different than pulling the trigger on a gun?
It's different because using a gun is a proactive move. While the trugger was an elaborate bomb that was inserted into Translucient by frenchie and Butcher, they did all the hard part and conceived the plan. Hughie only pulled the trigger, and it was only because he was bout to escape. If they wanted to make him braven they would have written the death of translucient differently.
>he was spraying and praying while yelling "I'm sorry!" It's important that Hughie is a bitch
Indeed he's a bitch and must have said "i'm sorry" a hundred times during the show. The problem with this character is that he starts as a complete bitch, the first scene with his dead gf shows that she is domniant, and by the end of the show he's still a bitch instead of growing
He was going to let Translucent escape, but changed his mind. Replace the trigger with a gun and it's exactly the same scene. Yes, there was a lot of work that went into it from other people, but he was the one who killed him.
>he first scene with his dead gf shows that she is domniant, and by the end of the show he's still a bitch instead of growing
But he does grow though. He stands up for himself and holds his own ground; that's the whole point of him separating from Butcher, not to mention the story's obviously not done, so there's more room to grow from here still.
who's the cuck she's with?
>orange man bad
Thanks for the endorsement, I'm more inclined to watch it now.
>christianbashing, feminism, cuckoldry, and orange man bad
Evangelicals/Pentecostals are literal devil worshippers
Feminism: literally who gives a fuck it's not 2015 anymore
Cuckoldry: Butcher is a dumb atheist and it was based that he got cucked
Orange man bad: who fucking cares lmao
its a bit on the nose how they show jewish people sabotaging everyone else and sexualising the population
>t. larps as a catholic
I'm Russian Orthodox but alright bruh
>Starlight did a good job of portraying Christians that didn't want to be associated with them.
Excuse me do christians actually refuse to be associated with simple concepts like marriage is between a man and a woman, not homosexuals and that they should keep their virginity before marriage? Is that what is considered evangelism for christcucks now? Starlight doesn't represent crhsitians who refuse evangelists, she represents atheists who want to pretend christianity is just the culture of white western people and that they Bible is BS that shouldn't be taken literally. She's basically your average christcuck republican. Which is ironic for such a liberal show.
>reeee I’m not triggered by anything you are reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I can’t wait for summer to be over
>i'm supposed to root for her even though she took the 'suck my cock' deal
i don't think so hun
Where was the orange man bad part
There's christianbashing but there's no ornage man bad. MAGAcucks are so desperate for being victims it's pretty pathetic
Those two concepts are outdated. It’s 2019, you fucking boomer.
>Those two concepts are outdated. It’s 2019, you fucking boomer.
Like I said you're an atheist edgelord, that doesn't qualify as christian.
>4 good episodes
>4 episodes of christianbashing
So, 8 good episodes then?
>keep their virginity before marriage
Lol. Who the fuck does this anymore? Not even Christians do it.
t. Sodomite
>those are the same 4 episodes
not even close. Read a Crossed comic and say that with a straight face.
It's just so tiresome and played out.
>Belive in christ but not silly boomer "never have sex" mentality
>do christians actually refuse to be associated with simple concepts like marriage is between a man and a woman, not homosexuals
>and that they should keep their virginity before marriage
You're also pro abortion and trans positive i guess?
It will continue until all of these retarded desert kike religions are exterminated.
i dont know about the other ones but the christian festival episode was retardedly in your face i forgot what they were even doing there in the first place
I haven't watched much but I've heard they made superheroes a lot stronger? The thing I always felt was a bit of a cop out in the comics was Butcher is just like "Lol let's take the same drugs and now we can fight super hereos" The love triangle thing sounds pretty gay though
There was like a whole issue of 'fuck god' starring Annie the anti-christian shit is probably the most edgelord part. Although honestly the worst part of the comic is all the deus ex machina that billy fucking ass pulls.
>Having sex is literally the same as killing children and choping off cocks
>You're also pro abortion and trans positive i guess?
Why yes I support eugenics, how could you tell?
>and it was glorious
Conservatives are too sensetive to exist
hello roastie internet defense force
Fucking kek, everyone ignored the footfag.
Christians gtfo off 4channel. If you browse this site you’re going to hell and you have no counter argument
Pedro Pascal
>christianbashing, orange man bad
The best and most sympathetic character is a CIS white Christian conservative republican male
Reddit's atheist character got cucked by Yea Forums's based Christian character
She's portrayed as a retard
seethe reddite
This. I am a very based and redpilled user. I just couldn't support this liberal propaganda in good conscience, and I had to turn it off after 4 episodes.
>The best and most sympathetic character is a CIS white Christian conservative republican male
Which character?
Yea Forums posters who became christians to be more contrarian are the worst people on this site
like this one? lol
I saw this American evangelical preacher on TV. 20,000 people there clutching Bibles, our man is literally just making shit up and they are all nodding along with tears in their eyes. Does anyone check or say anything? Next thing people are rolling their eyes around and foaming at the mouth. I looked him up afterwards, private jet, mansion etc.
I'm not an expert on religion or anything but even I know the devil when I see him.
none of them
I have unironically become left-wing after watching /pol/ embrace every malignant aspect of conservatism that they previously hated prior to Boomergeddon 2016
This. It is hilarious to watch though.
They bashed Christian redneck cults, not Christianity as a whole.
Seething redditors
The comic is terrible. It's literally the authors self insert for bashing on traditional comic characters.
>We hate supers!
>Literally take drugs to become supers and then pretend they aren't supers
It's so fucking bad. Also the whole arc about murdering children and child pedophile victims because they're the in world version of the x-men was crass and just weird.
The black guys spends ages searching about a girl who killed herself because she was involved. Spoke to her father etc. And found that she was a pedophile victim. He then learns all the xmen are. 5 minutes later they are brutally murdering these pedophile victims before the author dues ex machina's a government intervention for no apparent reason except phone calls or something, where it's just violence porn of these super hero's being murdered with rocket launchers and flamethrowers.
Oh and then they dump a bunch of children in a crate into the ocean and drown them to death.
It's just so crass and so desperate for attention. Like women with neon hair colors and bad taste in obscure music.
It's there trying to be schlock shock and it just comes across as trash.
But people love it because MUH EDGY COMIC OMG SO FRESH AND EXCITING.
Fuck man... I just... I think the world is just awful that people find this trash any good. Super hero's gone bad could be really well done. And this comic in the beginning has some of the hall marks of it. But it just goes off the rails and people love it.
In the comic Starlight goes to a church and says "I understand my actions are my own. But why did you make those guys rape me." to a statue of Christ. It's almost ironic how badly written it is.
>Seething Christfag got BTFO by a comic
Why are atheist writers always so preachy?
>I have self determination
>No one else does
>This is good writing to an atheist
No wonder all media has gone to shit under jewish and atheist supervision.
In real life corporate propaganda caterers to leftists. Who is easily manipulated?
When did incels convert to christianity?
>religionfags calling anyone else "preachy"
Do you even know the origin of the word? You wouldn't understand irony if it sodomized you to death with a cross and then demanded your gratitude
I thought they were quite courageous when they actually made the plane hijackers muslims, instead of white supremacists.
>good writing
It isn't which is why it's so funny you got BTFO by it
Do you even know what that means kikel shekelstein? Why are you kikes always such greasy little hooked nose faggots by the way. I'm honestly interested in why nearly every foreskin guzzler is a pedophile.
You tell me, you're the one following an offshoot of their desert religion.
are you ok?
>You are a den of vipers
>You are the sons of satan and the sins of your father you will do
>The synagogue of satan
>2019 years later some jew on Yea Forums - Hahaha you guys are jewish xD
Pilpul doesn't work on me aaron.
>Oh I'm going to let tyrone fuck my wife that'll make the right wingers seethe, owned.
are /pol/tards ever not triggered?
404 imminent as the mods are fucking fedora-tier soi atheist cuckolds.
>projects cuck fantasies
atheists are preachier
>super powered nigger baby with fetal alcohol syndrome
Everyone knows Ennis is edgy and bad. But that's why you're not supposed to take his adolescent opinions seriously and go along for the ride instead of seething about it.
He wrote the Boys to cultivate butthurt, and apparently it worked far better than it should have.
even marvel fags know the JLA is the real deal.
Irredeemable is probably the comic you should have read instead of the Boys if that's really what you wanted.
But "WHAT IF SUPERHEROES BAD" is kind of an inherently edgy trope anyway
>There's christianbashing but there's no ornage man bad. MAGAcucks are so desperate for being victims it's pretty pathetic
Their orange daddy's hypersensitivity must be rubbing off on them.
no, the world doesn't give a fuck about your autistic president
This. Its funny how they don't see theyre just as obnoxious and annoying as the fedora tipping atheist types.
>Garth wrote an awful comic that was meant to be awful and if you criticize it you're butthurt and so he wins
Is this really the level of thought from Ennis fans?
This is why I can't watch modern shit.
You should read the wanted comic, it was pretty good
You're just supposed to ignore garbage, not stick your face in it and complain that it stinks
The world cares insofar as he's a big, stupid joke that embodies every negative stereotype about Americans at the same time. That's why he was laughed at by the UN's general assembly.
>This comic is really bad
You sound legitimately retarded.
honestly, the absolute dumbest shit in the show is how we're supposed to believe Homelander is some kind of incel who can be sexually controlled by this old woman, that is so forced and heavy-handed
the other dumbest shit is where it follows the aquaman guy and he ends up getting a sublte moral of the story style payback when a regular woman overpowers him and fondles his gills , shit was so forced why wouldn't he throw her off
in before
> huh they have superpowers why is it so hard to believe [poor inconsistent character writing]
plus of course the other female in the 7 was good all along but got corrupted by the others, of course she did
>reading the entirety of something you hate and then crying that you hate it, knowing from the very first page that it's Ennis
We probably are in the same special class
Wait hold on kiddo. Who said entirety?
Also do you walk out of movies when there is a bit in the middle you don't like? Do you just get up and walk out when a character makes a quip or says a bad joke?
Like I said, you sound legitimately retarded.
>proddie televangelism isn't bad
The Boys is one big quip/bad joke, you sperg. It's Ennis's clumsy "fuck you" to golden age superheroes. The fact that you knew all that and yet STILL read it is what I'm trying to figure out.
Will Catholics and the Orthodoxy enjoy watching evangelical protestants getting shat on?
No wonder your culture is falling to pieces before your eyes.
Nah. I can see where you're coming from because Brits are fucking insufferable but Alan Moores just a weird dude,I assume Ennis was one of those hardline counter-culture kids that thinks his opinions are insightful because he pointed out the obvious things that people willfully ignore and never grew out of it.
I dont actually recall a single orange man bad scene.
>the fact you knew all that
I'm not a Garth Ennis sperg fanboy so no I didn't know all that. I saw the first episode of the Boys and thought I'd read the comics and it was awful.
Your attempt to dodge the question I've put to you hasn't gone amiss though.
Do you walk out of cinemas when there is a word, or sentence in a movie you don't like?
With almost every post you come across as an even huger retarded faggot than the last.
Do you really expect every reader of the comic to be a world expert on the comic on their first reading? Do you expect them to know the intention of the author or what is in the comic? At what point should they know when a comic or in your case a movie, is bad? The first minute? The first page?
Are you starting to understand why I think you're a huge retard?
Mental gymnastics about a misguided sense of morality doesn't make you less unfuckable.
If you're going to insult us, please write something that makes sense.
Rent free
How's that wall coming, big guy?
>b-bruh that doesn't even make s-sense
>Butcher calling God a cunt and Starlight telling people to ignore the Bible is anti-Evangelism, not anti-Christianity
You hate Ennis so much, yet you talk like one of his characters lol
Dude, let me get my crayons out and draw you a picture. I've walked out of irredeemably bad movies before. Everyone has. Ennis is in your opinion irredeemably bad. But it really sounds to me like you read the whole thing.
I didn't read Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey because I sparkle vampires and rich BDSM people don't appeal to me. Obviously something about the Boys appealed to you. It's OK to like bad stuff and while still knowing it's bad. No one's gonna take your kino card.
Why do people get so fucking assmad at people having opinions.
Why do so many wanna be critics always think every off handed comment made by a character is a political statement by the writer?
Maybe Butcher was just assmad about his wife and couldn't imagine a God that would let such a thing happen, but most retards just want to cry about the writing instead of looking at the character motivation behind it.
I doubt Homelander gives a shit about Christianity, he just wanted to up his brand and compare himself to God
You walked out in the first minute? What about the first 5? The xmen thing is in the second epilogue out of about ten. You are a childish. You are retarded. No I'm not a Garth Ennis character for stating this simple fact about you that I am sure most everyone you know thinks.
You are honestly the most stupid retarded person on this sight I've ever, EVER heard before.
>overly sensitive conservacuck watches a show
Based and secretly in the closet pilled
No, you're a Garth Ennis character for not being able to state your opinions like a well-adjusted adult.
And it's site, not sight. Which of course as not a retard, you totally knew.
Don't be mad at me that you read so much of something you don't like. Be mad at yourself.
The reality is they have inferiority complexes and assume they are the butt of everything, every now and then they happen to be right
I literally stated my opinions in the original post you replied to you retarded child. You've been rambling on like a dumb faggot about how I should know that comics are bad before I've even read them which I've told you is something a retarded faggot would say.
>Read so much of
I read two epilogues which took about 30 minutes what are you even talking about you dumb fucking child?
not him but I agree with the other guy and I think you're retarded
Prosperity gospel should be wiped off the face of this earth
>two epilogues
What the fuck are you even on about? Stop being so butthurt and start making sense.
Epilogues are at the END of a work, not the beginning.
G-Wiz doesn't even appear until like issue 25.
I'm starting to think someone here is rambling like a dumb faggot, and it isn't me.
Are you ESL by chance?
>comment made by a character is a political statement by the writer?
The writer is a militant atheist so yeah I'm thinking it is
>Not him
>but I agree
OK, not him
>comics re-released as epilogue compilations for the TV series
Oh! Oh! I get it now! You're mad as FUCK I called your favorite comic trash! Oh shit I can see it HAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy fuck you are mad as shit kiddo.
Hey hey... Listen... Garth Ennis and this comic is shit. How does that make you feel lil boy?
So that makes it literally impossible for him to make a character that has motivations involved with religion?
That's an awful weird mindset to have
>A literal psychopathic murderer giving his nihilistic perspective is offensive to me
>A girl that was part of a corrupt evangelical group and repeatedly says she still loves and believes in God is offensive to me
ur a cuck
Look who made the thread faggot.
Christian fags are so sensitive. Imagine living life that way.
She rejects God and becomes an atheist later
user, it's surely ironic.
Capeshit: for manchildren
This: manchidlren who think they are mature
Still waiting for an actual deconstruction of the genre
Oh man. A character has a different opinion than me. That should be ILLEGAL.
Garth Ennis is shit lol.
I only said it in my first post.
What I've been puzzling over is why you'd take a hate-wank of Ennis's (that everyone already knows is bad) and try to seriously critique it.
He's Garth Ennis dude. The Uwe Boll of comics. They're just the mouthpiece for his edgelord fantasies.
Nah you are mad as FUCK I called your fave comic bad. All your trash posting whining makes a ton of sense all of a sudden. Wow what a fragile lil child faggot you are holy shit!
I don't believe there is a god, but let's say there is.
Why would you trust the words of iron age middle eastern peasants instead of forming your own personal relationship with god?
And given the state of things he would definitely be a cunt. 99% of the universe causes instant death. Nearly all living things have to eat each other constantly in order to survive. Constant threat of mass extinction events. These are not the actions of a loving god.
>Oi m8 Mohammeds a fooking cunt innit
Would something like this pass for a loljoke?
The shilling is starting to work on me and I almost watched an episode last night. Amazon must believe strongly in it as a potential hit with all the marketing they've been doing. Even RLM talked about it.
>athenigger claims to know what gods intentions are
>god is evil
>literally sacrifices himself to give all of mankind everlasting life and peace in heaven
Ask me how I know you post in pagan threads on /pol/.
>No I decide that you're MAD AS FUCK
You're embarrassing. And also sounding a little booty bothered yourself there, friendo
Please see
And try to stop seething. Also have sex and dilate.
>All the marketting
Bro I work for amazon and they had Good Omens on their boxes for weeks and it was fucking trash, they have Taylor Swift on them now, I haven't seen shit about The Boys on their actual shit yet
>You like this shit?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Get mad lil garth ennis wankboy faggot! Your fave comic is TRASH. How does that make you feel son? Gonna cwy lil bitch boy? Awwww AWWWW GONNA CWY WANT MOMMY MILKIES WIDDLE WIMP BOY?
Get mad faggot.
That was God's plan, but it was ruined. Take it up with eve lmao.
>sacrifices himself
What kind of loving god requires human sacrifice to change his own rules? You're thinking of a demon.
And it's not a sacrifice if you don't actually lose anything.
I'm at episode 2. It's like walking on a plateau. It's flat a annoying, I don't hate it but barely care to continue
i feel like the second half of the show was incresingly directionless and rushed. Hughie finding starlight in the church like that, starlight and atrain showing up in the prison, it all felt extremely lazy especially considered the previous focus on actually having to find where people are.
I didnt particularly mind the christian bashing but i found the gymnastics they went through to make starlight not look bad ridicolous. Bitch you spent all your life in gaybashing christian circles and this is the first time you notice that they hate gays and premarital sex? Get out of there
>suffers as a human in the worst way possible
>literally goes to hell and suffers
>is not a sacrifice
>let me, an atheist fedora tipper who has never touch a woman tell you what love is an isn't and what god is and isn't
You're not as smart as you think you are.
>Dude this comic isn't anti-Christian propaganda, there's a good Christian character in it!
>Well actually she becomes an atheist later in the series
>No that doesn't count!
Why can't you just admit that Ennis is a preachy redditor?
What kind of loving god creates a place where people are tortured forever?
Sounds like a cunt to me.
Even North Korea isn't that bad.
Are there multiple writers? Who wrote the bad episodes?
>Hell is for humans
Hell is a prison for demons. It wasn't made to make humans suffer. Humans however who do not believe on Christ Jesus are evil and do evil things so end up in Hell because they cannot end up in heaven.
Oh and yes. If you are an atheist you are evil. Sorry but not sorry.
>get mad
Maybe if you ask nicely lol. You've been kind of a dick.
Just for your reference, typing in all caps really does give the impression that you're mad.
But you seem like someone who goes out of their way to live in a perpetual state of anal devastation.
what are epilogues compilation?
Fedorafags are basically the crazy fundamentalists of atheism, an embarrassing joke to everyone else ever since the early 2000s heyday.
>why would you trust the words of the people who were actually around when Jesus was on earth instead of just making up your own fanfiction?
That promo was in reference to her blowing The Deep right?
Uh oh! Boo hoo! Widdle baby boy mad I insulted his favorite comic artist is gonna throw his toys away cuz he's insulted! Oh NO! OH NO POOR WIDDLE BABY WIMPY WIMP!
Why are millenials so thin skinned? Every thing is offensive to cunts.
You read issue upon issue of something you hate because you love the taste of shit in your mouth. It's all I can think of, because even the first issue of the Boys is edgy, crass, and adolescent beyond all measure. You knew what you were getting into, yet you kept going. Like some automaton that's starving for feces.
And now you have the gall to complain about it, like you didn't lick the stray shit off of your lips so you didn't miss a speck?
Also as an aside, WTF did you mean by this
Itt: Triggered Christians and autistic atheists swing their purses at each other like two old grannies in a nursing home.
>You started reading a comic you knew nothing about to form an opinion which you ended up disliking because you like shit
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's AMAZING the length a fucking retard will go to just to save face! I mean I even type out the TLDR arguments of your faggot reasoning and you STILL don't get it.
Nah I think I'm enjoying watching you seethe lil boy. So mad I insulted your favorite comic series you love so much you read through all of it and know where every character appears off by heart! OH NO ARE YOU GONNA CWY I INSULTED ENNIS!? OH NO! SOMEONE CALL THIS FAGGOTS MOMMY!
This. The absolute state of this site since GG/election is fucking abysmal.
What about Hebrews who believe in the OT but not NT?
Now this is why I come to Yea Forums. Keep it up retards, you're doing great.
10 pages in, you would know the Boys wasn't something you'd enjoy.
But you clearly just kept on chugging along. Needed something to be mad at. Chooo chooo!
All aboard the Autistic Rage express!
Also, epilogue compilations aren't a thing. What kind of frank discussion can we have if you won't even be honest with me?
Why would you trust the words of Jesus? Seems like a generic cult leader to me. Charismatic leader. Small group of dedicated followers. Told people to give up their possessions to follow him. Preaching about the end of days after the Roman occupation.
Why do Atheists always start seething when people point out anti-Christian propaganda in movies/tv?
Glad you're enjoying it lad. We are too.
What kind of loving god makes demons he has to imprison and torture forever? And why would he imprison humans in the same place?
Even we figured out that you don't put petty criminals in gitmo.
>even anons on Yea Forums see that all this degeneracy is making mental illness the norm, but you, being a true retarded faggot, embrace it, being even more contrarian
>Read only ten pages of a comic, say it's shit
>"WTF man you only a part of it!"
>Read the entire comic, say it'ss shit
>"WTF man why'd you read the whole thing if you hated it?"
Pretty shitty retort, man
Its obvious he liked it. thats how ennis gets you. its like latent homosexuality
We're just making fun of you for seething over a quite bland criticism of evangelical christianity.
Alright I'll give it a watch if it's making Magapedes cry.
No one would fault someone for only reading the first issue of an Ennis comic. He's not exactly David Lapham.
The only reason you keep reading Ennis is that you're into it.
Christcucks btf
i like how edgy he is.
God literally came to earth because the OT jews were worshiping Satan and they killed him for saying it. Any good Jews followed Christ and became Christian. The others became the Satan worshiping Jews of the Talmud. Next time you're with a Jew ask him if thinks creation is literal or a parable. Rabbi's teach that the Old Testament is a book of parables and myths. Stories that weren't real. The Talmud is their holiest book. Christ believed in the Old Testament literally and so do Christians.
>makes demons
Demons made themselves. Angels became demons because of their hubris over God's creation of Man. If you are an atheist, you are an enabler of abortion, homosexuality and the massive levels of pedophilia that comes with it, degeneracy and other evils that do not just effect you but the people around you. You have not asked for forgiveness for these sins and thus you are punished. In the same way we punish those who commit crimes in this world.
That’s very interesting. I did not know this about modern Judaism. It seems like they’re not at all different from the Pharisees who frequently denied Jesus as the messiah.
Spoken like a true Ennis fan kek. Welcome to the club
The Pharisees were the first practitioners of Talmudic Judaism. After Christ was killed and his followers left Judaism, they became the ruling class of Judaism until the Romans cast them out of the Empire.
As a result all Jews are the progeny of the pharisees and practice not the old testament hebrewism but Talmudic Judaism.
>Christ was killed
What kind of loving god makes angels knowing that they will become demons? That's the same as creating the demons.
And if the point of hell is to punish bad people, what is the point of that? It can't be to reform them since they never get let out.
Even we figured out that torturing prisoners is wrong.
It is important to know that Christ was killed. He died. But he rose from the dead and is everlasting as the messiah.
Interesting. I guess the big evangelists like Hagee and Van Impe who say Jews are exempt from accepting Christ, are wrong then.
He's a zombie?
>Atheist who has never experienced love and has no idea what it is stating what loving is and isn't
Why does a Father raise his son well even though he knows he will make mistakes? Free will is free will. It is the gift God has given us. We use it for good and ill. God is not a calculating AI. He is God and we as humans will never be able to understand his reasonings. But Angels became Demons because they chose to.
Yes. Watch Marching to Zion.
>He died
no he didn’t
So 8 good episodes then?
Read the bible. Christ died on the cross for our sins then went to hell for 3 days before rising again to the living an guiding the disciples before he returned to heaven.
It's lovely when a show doesn't even comment on shit this close to an election and you pussies still act like victims. I mean you are victims, just not in the way you think you are.
Is it free will if God tortures you forever if you don't do what he says?
And what kind of all knowing god can't predict the choices of the creatures he creates?
I think I’ve seen that documentary and a rebuttal that Greg Koukl did that sounded solid, where they both agree that Jews aren’t saved without Jesus but Greg states that while Israel is lost, that eventually they will be made right with God after Christ’s second coming. Both believe in end times theology but one is pre trib and the other is post trib. What I don’t get about Greg’s viewpoint is that he’s of the belief every Christian will be raptured yet he promotes repent from all sin doctrine which basically narrows down all of Christianity as opposed to Anderson’s free grace viewpoint.
Hell is not a torture chamber. It is described as the absence of God's light. You are there because you have rejected God and his sacrifice for your sins. You are there because you have brought sins upon people who do believe in him. You are there because you deserve to be there. Just because you don't think that's loving is a symptom of the world we are in. Punishment is just as important as praise and that we have lost the idea of punishment is why crime and whore culture are rampant.
Based and cutepilled.
I'm mirin hard
Rent free
The idea of Baptist Christians is that in the end times the Jews in Israel and around the world will be killed by about 80% and the last 20% will reject judaism and follow Christ. However the bible states clearly that to help and support a nation which not only hates God but preaches the most heinous things about the messiah Christ Jesus, is a sin. Pastor Anderson goes to considerable length to show that supporting Israel as a Christian is not right under bible doctrine and those that do are helping to bring the AntiChrist into the world. Tex(?) does a good explanation of a Christian woman who was donating to the temple mount fund. He asked her why she was doing that since the anti christ would declare himself god in the rebuilt temple to which she replied she just wanted to help israel. The film lays down a significantly well read argument about why zionism for Christians is sinful using doctrine and the bible.
He was a zombie for 3 days. Then he died and went to magic land to reunite with the other part of himself, the one that created him.
This post made you sound really, really stupid, so I have no choice but to believe that the comic is a masterpiece. Next time try articulating yourself a bit better instead of saying "fuck i don't know man, superhero's or something".
s e e t h i n g
It goes downhill the moment Kimoko is introduced, same with Frenchie's character.
The entire people on this board are just a bunch cunts. Acting like twats bitching about a tv show.
>I epic troll'd you trolololol xD
Learn to speak you sperglord
You sound mad as fuck.
>still here two hours later to reply to (you)s about an edgy picturebook he didnt like
If god is omnipotent why doesn't he just remove demons from existence?
God, I want to fuck her so badly, seriously I jacked off with every scene when Starlight appears, fucking semen demon, delicious and cute slut
>christfags and trumpfags btfo
For the same reason God doesn't make children not drown or murders not happen. Because it's your fault you do shit things on this earth and you have the live with the consequences.
Are you lost?
Wrong. Correct answer was because he's fucking make believe and demons aren't real you retard
>a britbong actually felt the need to type this and post it
Getting some real Yea Forums-tier replies in this thread, boys.
Make-believe fags on suicide watch
It's funny because the world we currently live in is the Atheist paradise. Murdering unborn children. Rampant pedophilia and women who have become nothing but fuck holes. There is nothing sacred. No morals. No belief. It is a world of the worst degeneracy the world has ever seen on a scale we have never known. And it's created by atheists. Whether you believe in God or not, it's apparent that Atheists are the worst thing that has ever happened to earth.
He says after yet another priest runs off to the Vatican to escape pedophilia charges
Are you a bitch?
Funny how you all do exactly the same shite and yet act as if you're any different.
>globalist Left shit up the entire West
>Right wingers try to fix it
>How dare you react to our bullshit!?
Vatican pedo's are all homosexuals which we used to hang and kill off and make sure they would never raise their evil heads. But even at the height of homo pedos in the church, it's nothing close to the pedophilia in hollywood and politics which are run by jews and atheists.
Dont forget Corporate Overlords taking over.
Literally too dumb to Yea Forums. Haven't you got a tv license to pay?
No. I’m not homosexual.
>source material for edgy show
>expected Mark Waid for some reason
>got Ennis
/r/atheists seething in this thread
Why is edgy trash like this always written by Brits?
Shouldn't you be outside while the Bull's fucking your wife?
Brits are all like if Kurt Cobain read The God Delusion and got drunk all the time.
Moore has tons more rape in his stories, you're just a sheltered little baby
rent free :^)
Learn to use apostrophes. You know it's a problem when England can't even read or write English properly. Now I know why you're getting so worked up over a silly picture book. It must have been the only thing you've read in your entire adult life.
>I'm gonna elect a mushbrain foreign puppet
If you're this easily triggered, then pop culture isn't really for you.
>right wingers
pick one
God forbid someone criticizes a tv show on Yea Forums.
Get a grip.
Wow, a rightard watched a TV show and only managed to get offended by half of it? That's pretty good.
>lets promote cuckoldry, that will trigger racists
Get a job.
No. Since the dawn of time homos have huddled in the safety of monasteries. The roman-catholic church, the very first truly christian church has been a cesspool for degeneracy for well over 500 years now. There is no god, because his annointed servants and champions in the world wouldn't bei allowed to be blasphemous degenerates if he was.
>the boys comes out
>suddenly Yea Forums has encyclopedic knowledge on all capeshit
Wanna know how I can tell you have no fucking clue what you're talking about? Because you didn't spell "Mark Millar" right
Garth? People are saying mean things about your comic in here.
It's midnight here dickhead. Being called out for being a retard that lacks any self-awareness doesn't mean that everybody criticising you are Americans. However, it took all of half a sentence to realise you're some Chav dumbass who can't formulate a cohesive opinion, or even articulate something as simple as "you guys don't like anything" without making a complete idiot of yourself.
Why didn't he just fry the plane like he did the first episode?
Be nice or he'll hook you chinks on more opium
Y'know, people use the word "edgy" so much, I wonder if it has any meaning left. And it pretty hilarious, judging by the creatures that traffic this site.
Getting warmer
I feel like you're actually an Aussie desu. It's a hunch
>bong takes his first look at the globe
Catholic, I did like how they exposed how stupid megachurch stuff is but starlight's preachy bullshit about supporting gays and premarital sex was just moronic
sounds based
I'm not the same user, you saucy kangaroo fucker
Always. Evangelicals are cancer
lol seriously
>switches tabs back to loli guro rape doujins
Could be worse, you tranny cuck soiboy.
We don't fuck kangaroos, you racist prick. Although I know a guy who banged an abbo chick once, which is far worse.
Read the comic “preacher” by the guy who wrote the comic for this one. It’s so fucking embarrassing with the religion shit. I guess theists can have their paradise lost and brothers karamazov, atheists produce comic books that just slap you in the face with their banal overdone “message” which can only be communicated by the people they disagree with murdering everyone
I heard that Abbos are the most dangerous animal you have over there
All of Ennis's comics are revenge for him having to go to church as a kid
>Hughie is a whipped bitch
But he literally Chads the fuck out of Starlight. Fucks her uses her spies and then she comes back to help him. She never once had the upper hand in their relationship.
But Butcher. Now there is a cuck of epic proportions. Man that guy got cucked like no one in history.
>What kind of God created angels knowing they will become demons
People have children despite the fact that they may become bad people, and they don't execute their children for making mistakes.
>Hell is torture
The whole "firey torment" thing was created by Dante. Hell is supposed to be eternity without God, for those who reject Him.
You aren't really. You are supposed to pity her.
Are you sweating at your keyboard you fat cuck?
try to into processism midwit
god makes the rules for what can happen, not what does happen, just because he exists essentially outside of time does not mean he interferes with it
not even religious but anyone who read any philosophy knows all this was answered years agi
christcuckery is fucking stupid, can’t wait for islam to replace it entirely
>Hell is supposed to be eternity without God
Nah, not only that. The torment lies in knowing god exists, paradise exists, and the knowledge you'll forever be separate from both
>you can get several 9yo wives
Based. Imagine getting 3 of them sucking your dick while you drink a beer and eat some bacon.
you sound like my 60 year old cuck grandpa, always repeating the same talking points
More face to cum on desu
cuck grandpa, cuck grandson
So you mean 4 good episodes and 4 extremely kino episodes, yay.
what's wrong with shows that don't tackle modern but slightly older politics? I don't understand
i know, i can't believe how many losers suck Jesus's dick on this site, yet i bet none of them ever read a bible, went to church or know a fucking prayer. BUT THEY ARE CHRISTIANS LMAO
Oh and even if the show touches that subject, how fucking retarded do you have to be to trigger you in such a fashion? Fucking cringe
You know a show is 10/10 when it gives birth to threads like these. Every single big thread about this show has been split in 2: people who hate it (but haven't seen it), and people who love it (and have seen it). It really solidifies the show's status as a top tier must see, and i'm glad.
progressivism created western culture, are u retartad?
Hamatora, Tiger & Bunny, One Punch Man, Defenders of Greg, The Tick, the list goes on
couldnt they have just put a bomb inside translucents throat instead
At first I thought that Hughie poisoned him (or that he'll poison him later).
> controversy = quality
Okay shill.
except there's no controversy, literally everybody loves this show except a handful of losers who like to be contrarian fags, or can't put away their pol cap while watching it. The show is literally in the top rated shows of all time, go fuck yourself already
>watch capeshit like a child
>get pandered to like a child
What did you really expect?
is black noir as cool in the comics?
i found it hilarious that hes just chilling in the background doing whatever while everyone else is wrapped up in conspiracy and drama
it's almost like his opinions are part of his character.
>Discuss the show with literally anyone
>Every single fucking person can't understand why Homelander doesn't give 2 shits about humans and why he did what he did on the plane.
If you had near godlike powers you wouldn't be shitting your diaper if a fucking meatbag with no powers died, holy shit, anyone that has even heard of Affluenza should be even slightly aware of what would happen if you grew up 100x times stronger than the people around you, you'd turn into a fucking warlord if you're not reigned in
anyone that has ever worn a pussy hat should be dispatched immediately
>muh russia
hes right tho youre just regurgitating boomer cnn talking points its retarded.
Hey you're giving us Alita posters a bad rep by posting tranny opinions
It's a good first season, they undermined the threat of supes somewhat but picks up again once Homelander goes full fuck you mode (or does he? They may still utilise clone plot from comic). I understand being hesitant about film/tv adaptions being how we're in the "current year", however this show doesn't attempt to shoehorn in any SJW BS, at least not yet.
This. What the fuck are they doing here?
kek thats the best way i've ever hard it put
*sucks all the dicks*
imagine having to resort to mainstream shows that parrot your beliefs to find solace in life. honestly what are you even resisting? the entire fucking establishment is on your side, faggot
>a bunch of characters who are shown to be morally wrong most of the time are not faithful
Color me surprised
>guy who believes his wife was raped and murdered by a maximally powerful being revered to be "chosen by god" hates god
who'd have thought
Chosen by God according to a bunch of evangelist rednecks.
Can I have some of that pizza?
is that fishboi juice?
seemed like almost all of america believed they were chosen by god, because they all just believe what vought tells them