Films about the absolute fucking state of the west?

Films about the absolute fucking state of the west?

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How can that shit be legal

Clown world.

white women are ruining the west
If straight white men were the only people allowed to vote everything would be perfect, prove me wrong.

Yeah, you lost me when you cropped out the """News""" souce but hey, points for trying.

Shit is fake


women shouldn't have human rights

It could easily be real and that's what's scary

*honks internally*

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>straight white men
No such thing, choose 2 of the above

All the links this uses as sources check out as legitimate.

It is real sweeties

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It's actually real which is the weird thing
I always thought it was the kids choice

>Euphoria fags will defend this

>feds will come to your house and force your son to get chemically castrated by way of court order because your wife put him in a dress one time and thought he looked cute

Reads like one of those /pol/ greentexts...

Attached: Why didn't you stop it?.gif (858x570, 1.52M)

>actual sources proving its validity presented
>all of a sudden the leftyfags go quiet
Shocking, truly.

You guys need to get your shit together. A weak west is a world in danger. I worry about the future of a world where the west is castrated (heh) like this.

t. third world brownie

Are you surprised? Their whole crutch was "who cares what they do in the bedroom! they're bot forcing you!!"

>dailywire, thehayride, christianaction

yeah, nothing to see here

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>By News Editor

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Trump 2020. All I can say.

I agree, also they have to own property.

t. woman

>17 year olds can't consent to sex
>7 year olds can consent to sex change

Stop the world, I want off.

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Huh, that escalated quickly.

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>the kids choice
>prepubescent boys and girls are mature enough to decide if they want their genitals mutilated and go through hormonal therapy
>having sex with 16 yo girls? are you sick in the head you fucking pedo? they're not mature enough to consent

hmmmm... sjws confuse me

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Just a reminder that single motherhood is probably the greatest threat to western society. Modern empowered Women need fathers to feel irrelevant to justify their shitty choices

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>Doesn't bother to check the sources posted in any of those articles
Yup, sure, it's all bullshit.
Act like just anybody can speak out against this kind of shit anymore. Or wants to.

Heh... I remember when I used to reject information because it didn't come from CNN.

it's women who unironically preach these values. Giving them a voice really was a mistake

Castrato movie kino could be back on the menu

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Can you delete this??

Their fucking heads practically twitch when you bring this double standard up & there's nowhere for them to go except suddenly accuse you of being a pedo for even bringing that up.

>By: News Editor

too old to die young

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Isn't it fucked up you only get this bizarre case from those sources? I mean, it's actually happening, but only christcucks are bothered by it...

did logic and pointing out the double standards fucked your brain brah?


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Can you educated gentlemen show me a contradicting source now that , and proved that it's not entirely made up?

nothing short of the most cucked of men would believe in castrating children because a woman said so.


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I donated $10 US this morning. last thing I donated to was Build the Wall.

straight white men gave women the right to vote. you have your ancestors to thank for being spineless pushovers

>Isn't it fucked up you only get this bizarre case from those sources? I mean, it's actually happening, but only christcucks are bothered by it...
The more you begin to notice how little is actually being reported on, the more of it you start to notice.

I'll come right out and say it... it's the fucking Jews.

Women vote, men don't.

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Top result on Duck Duck Go:

he’s just a kid

>All things that Jews push for right in this moment is supposedly tied to evil right-wingers