Get the fuck in here bros Disney Stock TANKS, Dark Phoenix LOST 100 Million + Park Attendance Down
Based neckbeard guy
the absolute state of this board
The Soitering
Ah yes, the fag who's just as faggy as the fags he hates.
I like Jeremy but that motherfucker can't read for shit. I pisses me off so much.
Wait, are these different people?
imagine the metrics when they see people get their streaming service and literally less than .5% of the viewership is nu-wars shit.
That guy got his ass beat by a tranny. Then he wasted a ton of money suing the tranny (that he got by begging people on Patreon), but only got a half-assed apology from the tranny in exchange for never being able to talk about it again. He can't even defend himself from people when they mock him on livestreams for getting buttbanged by big tranny femcock.
It's the same guy.
>i started this gangstah sheet
>and this the muthah fuckin thanks I geet
Kek, they're just several billion dollars loss away from actually feeling a pinch & starting to worry.
Death of Yidsney confirmed.
This. The only person worse at reading shit is that gap toothed vapefag who sometimes shows up on that geeks + gamers channel. Why the fuck do I watch this shit? I hate everyone.
This is the face of that guy who constantly obsesses on Yea Forums about the box offices of movies (or worse, the attendance of the Star Wars area in Disney World). This is the kind of guy who thinks he's some bigshot Hollywood insider expert.
>That guy got his ass beat by a tranny. Then he wasted a ton of money suing the tranny (that he got by begging people on Patreon), but only got a half-assed apology from the tranny in exchange
Because he didn't get his ass kicked and you aren't going to get anything from suing someone who shoved you once, leaving not a single mark.
What are you talking about? It was a savage assault that left him hospitalized pls giev money.
This is a genuine smile not a basedboy face.
reported. Fuck off faggot.
Disney is a mega corporation. I don't even have to watch the video and I know Jeremy will blow this out of proportion.
Disney bought the Fox properties even with the absolute clusterfuck dark phoenix was and expected a loss. They don't give a fuck because they know the future potential returns if they adapt Secret Wars is exponentially higher than the loss they will incur today.
Seriously do you guys not think that Disney knew that this was going to happen? They have billions, they don't give a fuck, those kikes don't care.
Did I stutter? You will never EVER pass. Now go shill for Disney some more before you kill yourself, tranny.
> (You)
>This (OP) is a genuine smile not a basedboy face.
This guy is full s o y
untill he gets rid of the beard I will not support him
>Did I stutter? You will never EVER pass. Now go shill for Disney some more before you kill yourself, tranny.
Why name the file "beefy?" Also, you must be new here. Onions is word filtered.
>Disney Stock TANKS
>supporting manbabies either way
i do not like him but getting sucker punched does not count as getting your ass beat
no, you don't get it, you have to remove context to be a bad faith actor.
le beta smile :D
this guy is such a negative nancy.
all he does is bitch, bitch, bitch.
People like OP just say shit as wish fulfillment. When they say some movie is going to be a flop or some franchise isn't doing well or whatever, they're not saying it because it's true but rather because they want it to be true. Sometimes they cherrypick a few facts but usually it's not even that.
I’ll wait for Chads and Gamers video. Quarterpounder can fuck off after he lied about that Marvel tweet.
don't you see that bit where it goes down on the far right? IT'S TANKING
No, you can clearly see in pic related that Disney has CRASHED AND BURNED!!!! The s o y-ening is totally right, guys!
It wasn't a lie! He never said it was real! It's your fault for misunderstanding him!
what's going on here?
He made a tweet and a video going after some Disney employee on Twitter for tweeting "Fuck Stan Lee" after his death. The problem is that the tweet was fake. It was obviously faked, and if he put any amount of thought into it, he would have found the tweet wasn't archived at all because it didn't exist. Instead, he fell for it like a fucking moron because he is a fucking moron. Worse, when people called him out for it, instead of admitting his mistake, he tried to weasel his way out of it (see ).
>get woke go br-....
>It wasn't a lie! He never said it was real! It's your fault for misunderstanding him!
did he ever say it was real?
This guy is a Disney shill perfectly crafted to make enemies of Disney look like soifags
This guy came out of nowhere and suddenly people pretended he was the voice of this """movement"""
This guy's claim to fame is actually hilarious.
He used to be the biggest magic the gathering youtuber of all. And all he did was shitty unboxing videos where he opened packs.People hated him for being so successful for just being a retard who opened packs of magic cards. But what could you do, the numbers didn't lie.
He tried working on financial projects with other MTG youtubers but ended up ostracizing them because he was a social retard. To be fair, they probably were too. But then he acted so autistic that the company that ran magic the gathering banned him from everything they do and stopped sending him free product and he got banned from their reddit.
He got so assblasted he tried switching to promote other card games as his viewing numbers plummeted. That didn't work so he tried doing videogame shit. That didn't work so he started making videos about gamergate issues and has slowly been trying to get his channel as big as it once was.
But this dumb asshole still can't get more views on his videos than he used to get from just filming himself open packs of cards. Shit's hilarious
Thanks for giving me all the information in the subject line of your post.
I don’t want to waste 15 minutes watching that fat cunt give me the same information in a much more s°ybearded way.
True this guy is a massive faggot and certified lolcow.
No true Scotsman, eh?
I hated him because he looks soŷ. Is into soŷ media and still has the GALL to berat the SJWs. He even has the condescending mannerisms and hugbox as a sjw if you saw the stream where he threatens Mister Metokur and proceeds to be a... I don't even know like he treats Metokur like a parent would treat a child. But then it became obvious when he milked his "assault" for views and then i noticed how he talks unforgivably slow just so he can get the 10 minute ad revenue. I can't wait until he gets MundaneMatt'd. And inb4
>muh e celeb drama
You know who he is. A snake. And a greedy fat fuck. Sorry English is my third language
Destiny destroying this soi boy was a funny video
Jesus Christ who took the time to write this pathetic shit
this fucking faggot has the most punchable face
based, fuck disney and fuck waman
disney tanked dark phoenix and removed it from theaters so fast so they could get those screen to play avengers endgame for its re-release
>offers himself to suck your dick
>Recommends Ben Shapiro
>Claims to hate Saudi Arabia, yet supports the conservative elite, people infamous for their business ties and weapon sales to the Saudis
>"Lauren Southern Fights Back Against Establishment Media"
>Argues with to randoms in the street
Thanks for reminding me why i dislike Lauren so much.
>Disney is worth $70 billion dollars
>they lost $100 million
>Dark Phoenix LOST 100 Million
I'm confused. Was Dark Phoenix even a Disney product? I know Disney had won back the X-Men by the time of its release, so I can see why the film's loss would be a financial burden on Disney's records ... but it seems a little disingenuous to act as if that film's poor performance had anything to do with Disney given that they had nothing to do with it's production? Am I missing something here?
If anyone can just fake tweets, how do I know the tweets you're posting from The Quartering aren't fake?
>that like to dislike ratio
lol what a bunch of retards. it's like a cult
Fuck off, quarterpounder.
top comment from the vid:
>The Star Wars I grew up with and loved survived almost 40 years. Amazingly it took SJW Disney 4 years to destroy it.
Yes, because the prequels were a fucking masterpeice, as we all know.
prequels didn't even put a dent into the franchise though. It spawned a bunch of shit that people loved and still love to this day.
social justice warrior warriors are so 2016
you have to be an idiot to enjoy those cucks
>quarterpounder farming reactionaries
guys even if you agree with his bullshit. he is bad optics.
Prequels can't really take credit for Lego Star Wars, SW:TCW, KOTOR, novels etc.
On its own, the prequels are a pile of shit, and everyone knows it.
Also, nu star wars is killing it in merch sales, so it's not like Disney isn't turning out a profit.
How is this clip relevant?
The guy in the background.
Who is their audience? Who wants to watch te same whiny shit day after day?
young kids and autists
also those who still give a shit about fighting s jay dubyas
frankly i dont get the point anymore, too tiresome to get invested in every minor thing, just head to fox dick farms or metokur to see when something actually important happens
that and all that shit is not nearly as important in the drumpf era
Is that the same guy as the guy holding the Green Lantern pic?
I watch him and yongyea daily. Unlike you NEET autists, I work from 9-6 every day. When I get home my free time is limited so I just listen to their videos and go for a job or something. Not everyone is here or on Yea Forums 24/7 getting all the news as it hits. You jobless faggots will never understand this.
cry more disney shill, stock is tanking, park is failing, and they literally have to buy their own tickets lol
explain how losing money is good, disney shill
>My free time is limited so I waste it on pure shit
I hate Disney and Disney Star Wars but you suck for posting this douche.
I don't understand how conservatives don't see how stupid and brainwashed they really are.
Is this that WAHMEN hater?
funny how you never say this about jim sterling tho
The funny part is Disney knew Dark Phoenix would fail and didn't advertise it because they want to reclaim X-Men in the MCU anyway.
Not him, but explain to me how a 70 billion dollar company losing 100 mil is "tanking", autist.
explain how hating corporations is brainwashed
imagine being a "woke leftist" and also thinking corporations are good
Yeah he was just so happy about hearing the news and then he held that smile and maintained the same level of genuine surprise and satisfaction throughout the entire process of turning on his computer, setting up the camera, setting up the lighting, adjusting himself into the perfect frame and angle and then actually taking the photo.
It's not about getting all the news as it hits. This fag blows everything out of proportion and whines non-stop. Also imagine thinking you're a big shot for having a job and falling for the NEET meme.
>wah wah I don't like what you like
You are a fucking child. Just say the truth. These guys politics annoy you, you dishonest passive agressive fuck
I see no difference anymore between the whiny right and whiny left, they both are bad faith actors trying to brainwash and lie to get gullible people on their side. Its ridiculous and pathetic how people gobble this shit up. I rather think for myself then be a conservative sheep or leftish sheep.
He reports shit that he steals from resdit. Thats it. You are some dumb fuck liberal angry that he probably leans right. This is all this is about. There are tons of faggots like this but surprise only the right leaning ones you bitch about. KYS faggot.
Come on. Nu wars is utter dogshit but the prequels are just as bad. It's insane the amount of fandom starwars still has considering there hasn't been a good film since the empire strikes back.
You got it flipped the ones whining about him look like this.
Not really. I'm probably more conservative than he is. Just can't stand him constant whining and overreacting. But you do you sweaty. From your irrationally angry tone I can see why you like him though.
Cringe post right here folks
>Lion King made most money of any animated movie ever
It's too late bros. Hope is lost.
>n-no yYOUR the beta males..
Trumplets are so pathetic
Here comes Quarter, a full fiscal quarter late with the news as usual
>Irrationally angry
And here you show everyone you are some faggot tourist from resit or neogaf of my tone makes you fragile here
Learn to spell before you try being smug, you retarded fuck.
Fun fact; those guys are pedophiles.
Is this the beta version of duckface?
What are these type of pictures called? This meme
I like it and want to save some
This shit is just a fucking commercial. Stop shilling your fucking channel fat faggot
>making it about Trump
See guys I was right. It's whiny butthurt liberals whining about Jeremy. That's all it is.
leftists sites are literally trying to deplatform him for criticizing corporations lol, you don't get to try and turn it around, this is your political side, now you own up to it
Wait a minute... you're telling me stocks don't go up up up up up up up all the time? And that $100M lost is 1/10th of a percent loss?
Hm and yet he still has more fans and devoted followers than anyone on this website. He could just make a video asking for money, and people would just give it to him. He built a legit video game review business from scratch, which is on it's way to becoming financially self-sustaining. This is all in addition to having a full-time career outside of youtube. And he STILL finds the time to upload several videos per day. He also has a wife and a house.
What do you have, again?
So predictable, you really are npcs not even able to think for yourself. Pathetic and sad
Here since 2005.
Nah not even that guy but I can tell you're super butthurt. Quarterpounder is a cringelord no matter hes politics.
glad you don't run a business libtard, you are expected to constantly grow as a business or else people stop investing in your company
one time lego made 2% less than what they made in a previous year, they responded with firing over a thousand employees
Now say "you are just as bad as the SJWs" to fully exhaust your redit talking points
>here since 2005
>Your tone upsets me
No one agrees with you buddy. Also pretty funny how you call others reddit and use reddit spacing.
Based Quantumpounding
I make thousands drawing porn on patreon
I'm not that guy but this thread is literally "Quarter pounder is evil"
"No I disagree"
"Hahahah u mad u soiboi"
Hi quarterpounder
>don't like soi boy in OP
>don't like trump
>hurr durr must be a leftist!
Nice npc response #26 there you sheep.
I live in low class Florida, should I be worried?
Pls go quarterpound.
Good fuck Lego.
>Also, nu star wars is killing it in merch sales
What's life like in opposite world?
Many people agree with me though.
>in the fight between disney and disney, disney FUCKING LOST
>we're winning
fucking retards all of you
But they are growing year to year. You're looking at a dip for 24 hours which bounces back up the next day. That's like looking at the Dow Jones and worrying because it dipped for a minute even though it closed higher than it opened.
doesn't matter they just lie to get incel wish fulfillment views and subs
You're the one upset not me lel. You're getting pissed at people thinking your fave e-celeb is a cunt and you're a faggot for defending him so passionately.
There are tons of people like Jeremy but you faggots only whine and bitch about him and it's blatantly obvious it's politics related which is insane because the quartering barely leans right at all but that's all it takes to trigger you.
No. Go to reddit if you want sjw trump supporters or e celeb shit. Yea Forums is and will always be neutral anarchy politically.
Seething famelets.
Post your art so I can laugh at it.
>Learn to spell
Newfags gonna newfags. OH NO NO NO NO NO NO
Have sex
imagine seething this hard that based jeremy is on his way to eclipse contrannypoints, htrannyguy, trannynton reviews, etc
Sorry but this is Trump territory now, sweaty.
Cope harder, Disney are profiting from star wars.
Fucking who? Seriously just fuck off you fucking beta. Go give $50 to your favorite e thot twitch celeb you literal cuck
Imagine calling youtube faggots by their first name and whiteknighting them on Yea Forums.
You are some resit faggot pretending to be from here getting upset by my "tone". Who are you fooling here?
I love trump, I love all the money he gives to Israel and Saudi Arabia
Jeremy. Almost every video if not every he literally introduces himself as Jeremy from the quartering. You are upset by his videos but don't even bother to watch them?
Is that why Toys R Us is still in busine- oh wait. Then how about those EA video ga- oh wait. Then SURELY the theme pa- oh...
If you were really "from here" you wouldn't be sperging out over e-celebs.
what the fuck are you talking about you brainwashed zoomer
I don't know who any of these are? I'm assuming the neckbeards whose cocks you suck?
It's literally how he introduces himself though in almost every video.
Are you fucking retarded?
You keep saying that. I'm guessing you're autistic so I'll make this clear. Most people on this board are right wing. That's not why we don't like quarterpounder. It's because hes a whiny beta cuck neckbeard. I'm guessing you are too to shill for him this hard.
oh no you accidentally posted a picture that contains htrannyguy and contrannypoints, both leftists who hate quartering LOL
you fucked up libtard, back to the dilating discord
OP video he doesn't even say his name, he fumbles like a beta autist and says his name is jerm .
they are your political adjacents whom you are running gay ops for in this very thread
If you really were from here you wouldn't be upset by my "tone".
This. Their audience is too stupid to cross reference anything they say so they just tell them the fantasies they want to hear.
lol holy shit your right
Are people supposed to know all those fags?
Im just posting soi pics I find
onions vs onions, everyone loses
Why are you sperging about the failures of other companies?
You are the one upset and frantic kek. Raging at people who don't share your söy mancrush.
No are you?
There are others who are like Jeremy like Jim Sterling who don't get shit funny enough these guys are super far left. Wonder why that is?
I said almost every I know how you liberals argue you never say "all" with you semantic arguing autists.
you literally just posted a picture of them lol, you know exactly who they are, you are doing leftist disinfo psyops in this thread right now
You are the one upset by my "tone" and pretending you are from here.
deep fried memes
I'm lauging at your "tone".
You are upset by my "tone"
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a samefag.
>t. schizo culture warrior
kys. no one gives a shit about your incel culture war on youtube or whatever
He works in digital marketing so he knows exactly how to play the algorithm to get recommendations. He's done a great job growing The Quartering when it's really just another Mundane Matt clone low effort "read Twitter posts" content.
Ironically out of all the spergs from the Magic community that ganged up on him to destroy him he's now the most successful. The obese one with the broken spine and Russian bride is completely broke and living off his parents, the can I have a dollar guy gets 1/10th his views, and the rest might as well not even exist they're so irrelevant.
Still funny that he got his ass beat by a tranny when he's 6'4" and weighs a quarter ton....
I look like the guy on the left and it pisses me off that my look is associated with basedness
Delusional just like you bf """Jeremy"""
Trannies have retard strength with all that chemical unbalance
Calm down your tone is upsetting now
sure, tran'
and you are seething about jeremy because ????????????????????
friendly reminder
This guy is an insufferable self-promoter
Who knew a guy that literally does nothing but steal Reddit content and produce it in video format would upset so many fragile liberals. That's literally all it takes these days
I thought it was a MtF, the thing should've been weaker than a regular male and it still caused Hamburger to flee in terror and lock himself in a kitchen until the cops came and laughed at him.
All trannies are trannies because their internal chemical makeup is fucked up.
jeremy? is that the basedbeard in the OP? in any case kys
>I'm so cool guys I'll pretend to not know the guy I irrationally hateq
>is fully aware of jeremy's grift but pretends to not know the channel he's constantly seething about
LOL better (attempt to) delete your posts, tran'
Why does 4channel get so buttdevastated at the success of youtubers? Is it because no one watches your own yt channel?
I hope you're getting paid. Also, checked.
We just don't like this worship of e-celebs.
omg great video. my wives son loves the quartering.
shitty zoomer meme 15424352
I'm not a fan but why do you guys ascribe memes about leftists to obvious non leftists? it doesnt make sense.
Cringe. This just goes to show how the average moviegoer is becoming a bug like consumer
I see your son is a white nerd good for you
'Just weeding out the useful idiots. Nobody wants another sargoy
ironically, if you're for real, you are the left's useful idiot.
Guys like him are just bad optics man. As expected from grifters co opting rightwing memes like the kekistan menace.
did the obese bearded man point out something totally outrageous™?
>bad optics
I repeat. if you are for real you are the left's useful idiot. the reason pol died is guys like you who bought their bait.
>no one posted this yet
Jim is kind of a lolcow these days. I still listen to him cause of that sweet voice and the insanity videos but his fangroup are truly 14
>these are two grown men
>says it's tanking
>will cite the slight dip in the price
>will use this as proof
>people will say that it doesn't mean shit
>will say that it's cope/shill
>people will point out there was a global stock drop due to various geopolitical and economic factors
That's pretty much everyone these days.
except those live action remakes actually made money
oh boy the sweetie squad arrives you get Jim to read your superchat?
seethe, ross
>various geopolitical and economic factors
translation from söi into English: ORANGE MAN BAD
triggered much, snowflake?
oh was Jim sick today? did he miss his weekly stream? sorry little buddy
Seethe, Sargon
>Nobody wants another sargoy
Why? His political quest was an amusing disaster.