Do you agree?

Do you agree?

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anything under 25 is pedo imo

11 and ups are sexy

7-11 are cute

Who needs to be a pedo when you have 17 year old femboys that crossdress

it's not a statement, it's a question

how did the movie end?

History says otherwise

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Women ADMITTING that they hit the wall at 16-18

"No, but all men want to fuck teenagers and that's a good thing!"

Thinking 18 year olds are attractive is LITERALLY pedophilia now.

Yes, but literally all women are whores too.

shiggy diggy
lol wut

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sounds pretty Yea Forums to me!

Fuck you, all men just want to wear frilly pink dresses.

cunny thread

Sexually mature ones... yeah.

Anyone telling you they are disgusted at the thought of railing a high school girl until they magically turn 18 and they are suddenly attractive, is lying.

all men are pedophiles, but not all men are cunnyseurs

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all man are ephebophiles
most men are hebephiles, to a certain degree
real pedos are a lot more rare

Yes but what about women ? Aren't they also?

This pretty much though I think it's stupid how there's terms for normal behavior.

I fucking love pigtails.

Women don't like to admit it because it makes older men seethe but they find younger men attractive just the same that men do younger women.

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What's it called when you want a Zhenya wife to hug and cherish?

>all males want to have sex
Well that's nothing new

if you go by the reddit definition of wanting to fuck teenagers makes you a pedo then yes

Pedophilia only becomes an issue for roasties when they have to compete with natures actual prime age. They couldn’t care any less when there’s 8 year old transsexual boys at gay pride parades in thongs and make up, clearly a victim of molestation.

11 is peak. Girls at that age are peak cute and funny.

This DESU, plenty of pretty young teens are fuckable, you just don't actually do it unless you're a douchebag.

No, just salty past-prime feminist nonsense. "All men are ephebephiles" would be accurate. Or "A few men are hebephiles" would be accurate as well, at in terms of your average cunnyposter that is. Actual pedo-tier is very rare, not even cunnyposters are pedo-tier 95% of the time. The only thing that has changed over the century is that all three of those designations (Ephebe/Hebe/Pedo) got lumped into the last for purposes of US law (and others), when in reality they should be split into separate categories (or two categories) because they are of entirely different severity, at least in terms of why someone would be attracted to each range.

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>not even cunnyposters are pedo-tier 95% of the time.

well I mean, is he wrong?

Both men and women tend to find people aged 16-20 attractive. Very few people are attracted to 10 year olds.

The answer is yes

Ephebe is 15-19 range. Hebe is 11-15 range. Pedo is everything before that. 95% of the cunnyposters on Yea Forums are just posting pictures of girls in the 11-18 range. Therefore it's inaccurate to call them pedo-tier, because they're actually just hebephiles or ephebophiles. Unless you're talking about US law definition only, where 17 years old 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds is designated the same thing as a 5 year old, like I was saying.

>fuck a teenager
>gets some trauma/mental illness
Yeah I’m not going to metoo’d myself.
And also, they aren’t ready to that but teenagers, specially girl teenagers, are retarded

>Ephebephilia and hebephilia are wrong
*breathes in*

Wrong. Girls in those threads are usually under 10.

A woman stops developing mentally at 14, so if they're retarded at 16 they're gonna be just as retarded at 30

brb delaware

>95% of the cunnyposters on Yea Forums are just posting pictures of girls in the 11-18
yeah no, there is literally a pedo thread right now

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it's Yea Forums culture

but a 14 years old girl doesn’t have as much experience as 18 years old girl. But is true that women can’t admit their mental illness