Sorry boomerfags, but the new Star Wars Sequel Trilogy was never meant for you...

Sorry boomerfags, but the new Star Wars Sequel Trilogy was never meant for you. It was made for a whole new generation of fans and women.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Star wars was never good, and always for children.

And I'm sure the next generation who grew up watching the Sequel Trilogy is gonna be just as pressed with the next prequal and/sequel trilogy as the current one is. "Star Wars is dead" every decade according to the fans.

History's just gonna keep repeating itself.

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>This is a resistance, isn't it? I resist.


>I'm alone
>So you're Solo, eh?

God damn it.

Ok I won't watch them.


>Master Yoda, the Separatists have declared war.
>A Star War, this is.

It seems that even the target audience doesnt give a fuck either, kid.


If we didn't have to buy free chicken nuggets for Tyrone and Eduardo we would be having real Star Wars by now.

As a 58 year old fan of the original I'm ok with this. In fact I have enjoyed all of the nu wars films thus far. Everything has to evolve to stay relevant on the global scale. The U.S.A. is not the only demographic to consider now.

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>it was made for people who don't care about Star Wars

I'm sure you didn't care about Star Wars when you were a kid. The adults who whine and complain about a children's film series on an anime imageboard are the TRUE demographic

>Rey is pretty powerful, isn't she?
>it seems within her the force awakens

Oh no

>Well Luke, it seems everyone else has cum on the biscuit
>You know the rules of the game, as The Last Jedi you must eat it

>Why must you all be so honorable? I guess I'm the Rogue One.

She said it. She said the thing.

The problem is that new generations don't care about Star Wars.

>It was made for a whole new generation of fans and women.

Which you clearly failed to gain. Die mad, Disneynigger. lmao

Since when.

Shut up, boomer

They would. If it were good.

Since they came about

Nah, Been around on 4chins since 2006. Not likely to shut up anytime soon.

Proofs for this? Also, the first film came out roughly 4 years ago.


Probably the most logical post in a sea of autism

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>Yoda, do you think we should attack the empire?
>No, Luke. Back The Empire Strikes.

They could have shoehorned the title in more subtly really.

is that the super cute rey from disneyland? seems a little uglier than i remember

Careful young padawan, You're going to have a brain aneurysm..

>Return of the Jedi
>two movies later The Last Jedi
>brilliant writing

>whole new generation of fans
They don't care about it either

Except that's not true. Kids don't give a fuck about Star Wars. Pokemon and Fortnite have more relevancy w/ todays kids.

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Anyone hear that rumor about them casting Ed Harris for a young Snoke in flashbacks?


Or maybe he will play Liquidus Snoke

How do we stop these threads. These are even more pathetic than your usual "how are you" "are you hanging in there Yea Forums". Embarrassing, grown men crying about their lives.

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Why didn't they cast her to play Rey in the movies?

Your franchise is tanking faster than my dick watching gay porno.

Your last movie had a 50% drop in revenue from the previous opener, Solo became the first star wars product to actually lose money, and the fact you have to resort to fucking time travel in Rise of Skywalker or w.e the fuck it's called proves you are officially out of ideas, out of energy, and out of fucking time.

And no god damned minimum wage park thot is gonna save you this time.


>I'm sure you didn't care about Star Wars when you were a kid
Bitch, I'm old enough to have burned out 2 different 3 VHS sets of the non-specialized trilogy at the age of 6 before the prequel trilogy was ever announced. You can blow it out your ass.

Why does your dick watch gay porno?

I can't control the fucking thing, it just does what it wants

You drunk or something?

Flopping fanfiction.

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You bet your fucking ass I'm hammered as fuck. Maybe when your little zoomer ass turns 18, we can have a drink together

>minimum wage american vs upper middle class eastern european

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First off faggot, I ain't no zoomer. And secondly, I don't drink. It's for the weak.

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About as weak as you sitting there with a pair of tweezers stroking your miniature infant penis while I fucking rail your wife like she's my own personal jizz rag, faggot

what did she say?

>made for a whole generation of retards and cucks
fixed it for you

This is true and Luke was always a shitty characters boomers just can't take nostalgia glasses, he is their "hero"

It's like a poetry it's rhymes

Yeah it was made for non-whites, women and fags, and guess what, toys, books, games, fucking Solo movie and now the park don't bring that much money anymore. How strange. Must be "fatigue", right?

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Do you actually make these screencaps yourself?

How is that the park Reys are so much better than the movie one?

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Kids don’t give a shit about nusw.
It’s all about JoJo and mcu for them these days.


hapa rey has that sexy arrogance
much better than soft loving rey

>still didn’t make a profit of 4b
>what are china cuts, distribution rights and disney not getting 100% of tickets sales
>galaxy edge took 1b to make, still hasn’t made profit and is barely 50% complete on top of being a ghost town
>merch is rotting away on shelves for four years and clearing out for 15 cents

Literally who are you quoting?
Ask any kid whether he’s excited about part 6 animation or episode 9 and see what happens.

This is correct, but it's a really stupid business decion by Kathleen Kennedy.

What she is doing like telling chocolate fans to fuck off and aiming all your mars bar marketing at fitness fanatics.

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Oh shit guys, i think this disney mom finally broke down.

Any anons who want to team up and kidnap Bailey?

>It was made for a whole new generation of fans and women.

Neither of those groups care. The young kids liked marvel and phase 4 is gonna get rid of that shit like the TLJ did with SW

Star Wars being dead has more truth to it now than during the time of the PT. At least there were a lot of well received video games and books being made. Now there's fucking nothing.


>tfw you know Ep. IX gross 20% more than the TLJ (much like ROTJ and ROTS before it) which will result in a 1.7b gross world wide and Yea Forums will SEETHE for months like they did with Captain Marvel whilist they accuse Disney of buying the Tickets

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Pic-related is real. It was so overwhelmingly anti-ST that I actually went to the cesspool that is Twitter to see it for myself. This is how out of touch with reality the people running Star Wars now really are, how desperate they are to memoryhole the prequels, that they'd include Poe and BB8, characters that have spent a grand total of ten minutes interacting over the course of better than four hours worth of film, over Anakin and Obi Wan.

Look at it. Had they included them, I have no doubt that two of the characters from the "hated" prequel trilogy would have buried Disney's cardboard, nothing characters as well.

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Because unlike the movie one those ones aren’t secret trannies


Bailey is such a goddess

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Park Rey should have been Rey Prime.

She's Greek actually.

Where are the Jyns?

>tv/ will SEETHE for months
Why do you assume everyone is a cuck like you who cares how much wealthy Jews make? I couldn't care less. Just like McDonald's is shit food popular among retards, Disney will make money despite themselves.

Or even better, Anakin and r2d2.

minimum wage american girls look like that?

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>tfw every single Rey getting paid minimum wage at a shitty half empty theme parks is literally more attractive than the actual girl they cast in the movies

Fucking Kennedy, they really did cast the ugliest possible cast for a major franchise.

I want to cuddle Pure Rey

that's the only good shot of her, actually. she's a qt but none of her other pics measure up to that single shot of her profile as rey. "hapa" rey is more attractive in general.

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>1.7b gross world wide

Absolutely fucking delusional.

I literally don't know a single person in real life who is the slightest bit interested in it. Every person I know talks more about Jumanji 3 that opens the same week.

It won't bomb, it's too big to fail that utterly, but it will make less than TLJ, and I wouldn't be shocked to see it held to $1 bill WW which would be an embarrassing failure given the IP.

Lol shes a thot u fuckin nerd

In cali sure. They all move out there to try and become actresses and instead end up being character impersonates of movies they have never watched in theme parks no one goes to.

They'll be fine. All these girls are with some Chad Thundercock, if you look up their social media.

>>tfw you know Ep. IX gross 20% more than the TLJ

doubtful people cared to see how the original trilogy ends / how anakin becomes vader

with this trilogy theres nothing to care for since the second act set nothing up

we get it you have yellow fever

This. They're just doing that for fun and or some extra money. They just could live for free with Chad just offering their pussy from time to time. It was happening in every wacecuck jobs I've had.

This could've been the best response I've been given this entire time if it weren't for the fact that Yea Forums DOES care about how much money wealthy Jews make. They make a huge fuss about it every day and it's hilarious seeing them seethe whenever I say they're probably wrong, It's like they want Yea Forums to be their own little echochamber where they complain about an entertainment company made for kids. I don't much care for brand loyalty either
Imagine caring on whether a giant entertainment business is succesful or not. I also can understand being mad that a franchise isn't the same as it use to be, but going on and on about it on a daily basis? "IT RUINED MY ENTIRE CHILDHOOD!" That's your childhood? I honestly feel fucking sorry for you. It's like reddit has invaded since I left.

So why aren't any women or children interested in it?

They're beautiful but generic as fuck. No one would remember their faced.

who was that retard who had the yt channel with vids of her

>Imagine caring on whether a giant entertainment business is succesful or not.
the funniest part is how many, if not most of those whiners are paying netflix cuck taxes or similar stuff which directly and indirectly feeds the industry they despise so much

Fucking goddess. This woman belongs on a palanquin ordering me to bring her some unbeliever's head. That is the world I would choose to live in.

Me and my family will be partaking of littykino.


>Sorry boomerfags, but the new Star Wars Sequel Trilogy was never meant for you. It was made for a whole new generation of fans and women.

and that's exactly why it failed so miserably, what's your point?

Minis last bf is actually a soi boi

Aren't you the angry manlet crying in the other thread?

I hate park Rey so fucjing much. smug bitch stands on stage for a few min and make more money than mini does all day.

Rey cage match when!?

Wrong, no actual thot has a good relationship with their father

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>riding her daddy while grabbing a naked statue's butt
Yeah, not a thot.

Mini doesn’t stand a chance. Just look at Baileys Boa constrictor thighs.

Thots fake all kinds of shit on social media these days.

Reminder this evil queen is the absolute definitive disney park kino.


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>ywn be that statue

New generation doesn't give a fuck. They care about Marvel.

>4 billion box office means 4 billion profit

Who writes this shit?

>wanting to be the statue instead of dad
Just imagine having her wrap those legs around you

R1 made over a billion.

SOLO made 400 million.

IX will be lucky to pass 800 million $.

They won't let Solo happen again, they'll buy tickets, it will be less of a loss for them to do that than another failure would be to shareholders.

Why is this non Yea Forums thread up 24/7


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Both absolutley soulless.

>her hand on my chiseled, rock-hard ass, but I'm a statue
>her thighs wrapped around me, but I'm a bitch-titted boomer

Life never prepped me for such complex choices.

Those thighs are pretty basic for someone who's done at least 100 squats every day.

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Too hot for modern disney.

it's over

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Should have been
>wanna /ss/ kid?

>Projecting that hard...

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As a guy who never wore star wars jamies or creamed in his star wars undroos I find these new films to be rather meh not terrible but like the prequels they don't live up to the originals for me it's not about sjw bullshit or if rey's op/a mary sue the new generation characters just aren't that interesting and can't carry a trilogy

Mini Rey is love.


Boomers btfo

moar, asking for my penis

*hits pipe*

need mini rey gf, stat

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mini rey can't even afford stans and has to buy imitations, so sad :(

I hope you are not American. You probably are since boomers are traitors, but I hope not.

Why love when you can have lust?

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Star wars couldn't cut it as science fiction since there is no science, and it couldn't cut it as capeshit, so they have to be called faggy space opera

old school mw 2 then jump the years with league and bioshock and black ops, wtf autistic list is that.
Fix that image, also old school would be dota 2, ancient gaymer dota, and new school league or Hots your choice

And it will be entirely forgotten in a few years, and looked back like a terrible error.
Meanwhile the original movies impact went through for 40 years, revolutionized movies and became one of Hollywood's more important franchises.
That's the problem with new generations. They are entitled cunts who think that art and entertainment should bend to their whims even if when that makes it so bad no one, not even them, end up enjoying it.
In a few decades this generation will go back to the classics and feel ashamed of itself, because nothing of value was produced in the name of inclusiveness.

I'd say that's pretty much impossible given how China is totally uninterested in Star Wars.

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good job disney, they lured in all the kids with the mcu instead of disney. Now phase 4 will be the blacked era, right as the kids are starting puberty and now their waifu larson not only took orders from fury, but now the falcon america is gonna be keeping all the ladies left on the team in check.
Phase 5 when they introduce the XY-Wahmen
Wolverine will now be black, and he will cuck cyclops with that embedded into their minds when their hormones are flaring all over their place. They will always have this preference in their mind.
disney moms of course love the sound of this and the numale fan base well I guess I can just say fanbase

>It was made for a whole new generation of fans and women


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based trips of truth
that guy is btfo
But they might not buy as many tickets though, they may not have a chinese market to pump numbers in.
Another case of finding sold out shows and empty rows will probably greenlight an investigation, but that only matters if the SEC does it. They risk lawsuits from god knows how many different companies that it would probably dismantle disney and be forced to sell their properties or dismantle some mergers

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Holy fuck.

from left to right: Sporty Rey, Posh Rey, Scary Rey, Ugly Cunt Rey

What will Ralph think of Rise of Skywalker and how many times will he pay to see it?

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The subtitles are too long and doesn't match the lips you dummy

the only decent relationship in the prequels was between natalie portman and that white skin-tight suit she wore in Attack of the Clones that allowed us to see her nipples and cunt.

cunt sounds so dirty and old.
She was super young and pure back then

>ancient gamer fallout 3
son I played fallout 1

you must not have heard the stories about the evian bottle, then.

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>It was made for a whole new generation of chinks


sauce me bro

You damn kids better get of my lawn!

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why do I wanna eat her logs of shit bros?

fpbp soi on suicide watch

Yeah we noticed. That's why we stopped going even though you fully expected us to support a product not for us.

This is what I'll never understand, we get yelled at for not liking it and we're told 'its not for YOU', yet when we stop seeing it? We're told that we were never 'real' fans.

You can't have it both ways.

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i am NOT sharing so no

>REBEL scum!


Star Wars is only "popular and cool" because Men love it and are passionate about it, like a cool toy everyone wants to play with. Once they lose interest and move to other things (which is happening) women are just going to move to that other thing (and ruin it again) and leave Star Wars in the dust.

I didn't realize Disney had such a low opinion of the newer generation. But telling me not to waste more of my money was also pretty thoughtful for a giant soulless megacorp.

based and whitepilled

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You "people" are so fucked in the head from watching pornography it's starting to make me think the conspiracy theories about porn are true.

I can't believe you are sexualising a 7 year old boy and dont see anything wrong. If you dare to do this in real life you would not only be locked up, but you'd be beaten and possibly raped for being such a subhuman.

I implore you, to stop watching pornography and try to fix what is left of your brain before the damage is irreparable and you sexual assault a young boy.

The Lion King's success proves that audiences will gobble up trash so you're probably right.

the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

liam neeson is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed portman's pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with liam barely able to force it past the knob, and portman moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on liams throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet she still masturbates to the memory of it

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They don't want to assault the boy. They want to be the boy getting /ss/'d. thats how that particular fetish works.

How does /ourgirl/ fatima get to visit disneyland everyday.

Also where do they get so many top tier women, i mean jesus christ.

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Merchandise in the gutter and the park is a failure.

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Imagine being invested in whether a film company makes money or not

Ep 9 will make money because Disney will push the movie as “The Last Episode of Star Wars!!!!” (Even though they are making another trilogy after this) and “the final Skywalker Story” (even though Luke is dead and he died a virgin and Kylo is a Solo). There will be heavy shilling from the media and a guaranteed fresh score on RT. I see it making a billion because of Normies thinking it is the final Star Wars Movie.

We need another world war.

>Made for a whole new generation of fans and women
By a whole new generation, you mean sois, cucks, and incels, correct? Most women don't like Star Wars, and the ones who do are mostly overweight.

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This shit cracked me up. Somewhere in the 18 hours of elapsed time in this piece of shit movie, every single remaining member of the Resistance must have received a text from Holdo saying:

>could i get everyone to start calling ourselves “Rebels” again now? kthnx

Shut up, boomer

i miss banging young girls. just look at those eyes, they dont know love just lust and will do anything to satisfy themselves.

Read that Disney is killing off Lucas Era characters is cause George gets 25% royalties on it.

What is wrong with americucks, why dont u just get grindr and have gay sex with black guys. It's all u want.