Name a more kino duo

Name a more kino duo.

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I literally can't.

James West and Artemis Gordon in the original Wild Wild West tv series.

For once someone actually posts a duo that is the top of the kino pile.

Best Lee Van Cleef kino? Loved him in the dollars movies but have never seen him in anything else.

Obviously TGTBATU but he’s greag in Escape from New York

Escape From New York is mine

He is in several on this list

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well that was easy.

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lol just look at a picture of De Negro’s kids and say that again, clown

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fuck off race obsessed incel

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lol did he get his name from wow, wtf

Check out the original Sabata series, God's Gun and The Grand Duel. Most of the rest of his westerns are pretty good too really.

well for starters, the duo that those hacks ripped off of

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The Big Gundown is great

Name a reason not to cut your cock off, stick it on a dowel, plug your shitter repeatedly with it as a strapon and then gag you to death with it

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He was in an odd little film called The Hard Way, where he plays across from Patrick McGoohan. It's not his best film, but it's an interesting one.

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Fun fact: Van Cleve comes from a 400 year old clan of yokel inbreeders.
T. NJ fag

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Both based answers but still incorrect

I loved Django and The Great Silence, but didn't enjoy Navajo Joe at all. What Corbucci should I watch next?

>mfw Nebraska Jim still isn't real

This right here.

Nebraska jim is a made up version of corbuccis real film Minnesota clay

Perfect casting

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I always liked Barquero myself, and I'll second the poster who mentioned Sabata.

>Blocks your path

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Why is the western so compelling?

Because the story of the american west is like the bible or some shit

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Think of how many great movies, actors, shows, and performances we wouldn't have had, had it not been for them.

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He was born under the shadow of a cliff in Mexico.

I used to watch this

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Total bros to the end.

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Sean Connery and Michael Caine

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Sabata > Man With No Name

Does that explain why he looks like a walking snake?

Because we currently live in a sanitized (a24) America and are desperate for excitement as unfulfilled men

He was in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

I love this movie but I really feel like it was overhyped. That scene came and went like nothing

I actually prefer For A Few Dollars More


Nigga are you even trying?

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Not even the best duo in the trilogy. Tuco and Blondie >

came here to post this but alternatively:

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Based. The characters in TGTBATU have no depth, its just le treasure le backstab lmao. Lee Van Cleef is the hero in FAFDM, Clint is just a sideshow. Justice, revenge and Indio's regret make it kino. Also AFOD and OUATITW have more emotional impact than reddit's favorite film. There is only the bridge scene and Tuco's brother that give it a wider scope, Angel Eyes is hardly in it and is a one dimensional villain.

The Big Gundown's a great spaghetti western. It's got one of Morricone's best soundtracks as well.

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