Movies people pretend to hate

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my uncle molested me while this shit was playing. Hated it ever since

thats kinda hot


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It was during the blueberry scene

Are you gay now by any chance?

This is the movie that gave me jizzbrain

Felt too sterile to me and a little odd having the same guy playing the various Ooompa Loompas (if I remember right).

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>uncle babysitting me while parents were out on anniversary date
>watching movie up to the part with Count Dooku fixing someone’s teeth
>uncle comes in
>whispers into my ear
>the game


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>Alan Cumming

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>movies people pretend to like because they are pedos lusting after one girl

nah, it sucked

Like pervy uncle in his 30s or uncle whose like 4 years older, but also twinkish?

They aren’t pretending, they’re just 200-300 ng/dL söi folk tastelets

the lolis in the original were objectively better.

tell that to the ASRfags

What's sterile about it?

>heh I like a unpopular film I'm so unique and cool

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>haha I hate unpopular film, do I fit in yet?

>zoomer reads name of popular actor for the first time

Genuinely don't remember the man in the hat in the bottom left. What part did he play?

Le tricky friend man

Fat, soiboy neckbeards like yourself are the ones most likely to follow whatever is popular on the internet.

>wow im so cultured, i love all the top movies on IMDB!! oh IGN put out a top 20 best video games list! i will have to play all those i have such gret taste!!

I used to unironically fap to Violet as a blueberry

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That's a surprisingly common thing, I think that's where the largest portion of inflation fetishists got it from.

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Haha yeah imagine if someone actually found that arousing lol. There’s probably people who still do lol. Haha

Little too good to be true bud

>There’s probably people who still do
They have a name, they're called Deviantart

Can’t take my eyes off of you

Just seeing who got the GET earlier today. I’ll admit I like the OP film


A guy walked out and made a scene when the Oompa Loompas first appeared

genuinely heaps better than the 70s film

I really like the oompa loompa veruca song