If your child doesn't look like this then you're not white.
If your child doesn't look like this then you're not white
Based /pol/ poster.
a bit unorthodox OP but, based cunny poster
Why would you want a pure aryan child in the age of anti white ideals?
protip being huwhite is worthless
I'm white but none of my children are.
Sorry bunny. But your grandchildren will be brown.
whew, the absolute state of this board
What a pathetic excuse for a cunny thread.
the west is lost
t. alberta barbossa
This isn't a cunny thread you dirty shitskin
man, I wish I could travel back in time and give the confederacy AR15
4 kids all blond one has brown meyes though unfortunatly.
Whites have been extinct for over a thousand years thanks the expansionism of Alexander, Rome and the Mongols, everyone alive today is only some flavour of mutt.
t. alberta barbossa
man, I wish I could travel back in time and give natives tanks and rockets
my kids
They would probably sell it for booze.
>this is what the (((they))) are trying to take from us
Another great post brought to you by the hard-working mods of Yea Forums.
zhezhe pls
>t. jesus martinez
t. schlomo goldstein
I want to fuck a white girl like that
who's this
but the OP is the one trying to make whites a minority, nice fucking try
my daughter
Virgin mode: breeding a qt white girl to have white children
Chad mode: flying to Africa and inseminating the darkest niggresses you can find, and forcing them all to give birth to lily white kids wih your dominant sperm
having white babies makes less white people? whatever you say shekelberg
they're gonna end up with brown eyes and curly hair. they're also gonna get killed