>makes you seethe and beats your team by 15
Nuggets-Warriors Gamethread #2
I wanna lick Doris Burke’s feet
nuggies win if refball didn't give joker 4 soft fouls
First for Lebron and Curry are frauds
nuggies win if they replace joker with literally anybody else
same. i also wanna suck her old nipples
fuck it put in facu
he's sure to dive into somebody's knees
Nuggets can't shoot, no ball movement, GS has that vibe
Honestly lebald is lebad no lie
>20 point difference to start the 4th
>by 15
That's generous when Jokic is clearly worn the fuck out and Nuggets have literally no one else of value
Nuggets just go home
I may have been to generous
you treat doris with respect you gawd damn vile pigs
gonna assign the good warriors to doris for protection if i have to
its insane how many bad takes he gives on basketball yet remains here
I have an SSBBW that says she wants me to feed her cock and she is famished. Do I do it bros?
game 1 means jack shit, they only won because of refball. mike malone will solve them in game 2 easily, only leading by 20 with all that refball and memechucking is actually pathetic.
this shit over. they need to start demarcus and bones hyland next time. everyone else fucking blows
Why is Murray sitting out? I feel bad for Jokic desu he's gonna die.
He's also in foul trouble
Nuggets have a motivation problem. That one nigga could've easily saved the ball from going out.
Post her face
here's a picture
because you give me attention by reposting all my posts
i dont understand that acronym
Jokic can't carry these cats
aaron gordon seriously needs more help, and no, a fat fucking serbian is not more help.
>game 1 means jackshit
>game 2 is still warm up, just wait until they come to denver
>only matters until they win the series
>series doesnt count because xyz
He should get his hands cut off if he does anything else other than cutting and dunking Jokic's passes.
jokic sucks
based Lil Jon arena music
>giving another mvp to le disappears in the playoffs man
fuck you denver scum. i know you're reading this and i know you're pissed off. you deserve it. you
lmao the absolute state of nuggets, they have no intensity at all. they have literally all given up judging by body language
playoffs is game by game, kerr is a shit coach and will get exposed whether it's 5 or 6 games
she is so fucking fine. god damn
>That one nigga
Im going to need you to be a bit more specific here
>tfw rooted for Jokic to win MVP and get swept by the Warriors so now the statnerds have to defend giving a suspect MVP to a 6th seed that flames out early in the playoffs like in 2017
Its all going according to keikaku bros
>tfw curry still somehow finishes with good efficiency
how did boogie get a double T with his back to the ref for both kek
>Scott Foster
Bitch made ref
classic boogie getting ejected
haha told you this was rigged
my reffies favorite boogieman kek
aight see you when warriors go 4-0
Nikola Jokic has a PEGASUS of 14.11, the highest in a first round playoff game since 1973.
told yall
ngl refs are bitches nowadays
boogie pointed at him and said "thats a foul man" and gets ejected? i dont want to see that shit, even as a dubbie fan
You peg your ass? Sus
Curry is more than his shooting. He's also really quick with the ball and has a god tier handle which lets him get to the rim and finish well or get space for that sweet floater.
This Denver team is literally poop man, if it weren’t for Jokic they’d be last place.
eating animals is barbaric and factory farming is immoral. unfortunately humans are lazy ignorant fucks so we will continue to slaughter beings with the mental capacity of small children until we can grow meat in a lab
these refs are just irl shitposting now
Referrees really think the game is about them sometimes. Who cares what the players said to you? Your job is to officiate the GAME
Seethe, and cope.
shhh, let the casuals think hes just a shooter lol
just a product of what today is desu
>ngl refs are bitches nowadays
>boogie pointed at him and said "thats a foul man" and gets ejected? i dont want to see that shit, even as a dubbie fan
Why hasn’t someone assaulted Scott Foster yet?
>tony pajamas
i grew up with this guy, real asshole. used to kick cats and dogs, eventually started extorting mom and pops for the mob
donkey been spitting bullshit all night at the refs. boogie points once DOUBLE TECH YOOU LITERALYLY KILLED THAT REF.
are you retarded? officiating pertains to making sure players don't treat you however they want. you all bitch and moan and say its a players league nowadays but get mad when refs try to uphold order.
pick one retards is it a players league or not
every warriors game since 2014 is a fucking borefest
look at that cgi crowd
this. is there a more soulless franchise in all of sports?
>denver fans running turbo copium
i think theyre pretty fun to watch
that horns set for poole was amazing
its a refs league. thats why i go to the games because i fukcing love scott foster
Dunno, their ball movement can be pure sex sometimes
Shit teams
its time for jokic to statpad so his metrics look good
>this is your MVP
can silver just make this an automatic sweep to save face for jokic bros? i dont feel so good jokicchads......
This game is so fucking boring
jocic needs to do more. not impressed with him, doesnt really do much besides posting up now and then. thats not enough to lead a team to a chip
Jokic should just go to the locker room and kill himself
You can officiate between the players because they are the ones trying to fucking hoop. Refs take a player pointing at them as a personal offense, nothing to do with the game and insert themselves into it by ejecting a player.
It should be a player's league because thats who is getting people in the seats and getting people to turn to your channel. But that has NOTHING to do with this argument so fuck you for strawmanning
The Warriors have a great system offense and are fun to watch, especially since they get buckets by actually playing great team basketball and not spamming pick and rolls as much.
Name one likeable thing about Curry
no, thats giannis
league is rigged if poole stays with gsw
Aka, the MVP.
he's white
guys.... we need to make up an advanced stat that proves jokic would have won depending on a certain circumstance NOW! i'm thinking of calling it the SERB stat.... what do you guys.... think....
yea nba needs to cut time outs to 3/game and call 50% less shooting fouls
I don't think he's staying. He's definitely going to be a max player and a starter somewhere else.
His floater
he is mortal and will one day die
he's cute and arrogant
the beautiful blue eyes
i have this cool stat that maybe statnerds havent heard of called wins and losses. jokic is about to get a loss (the higher that stat the worse it is btw)
He's a elusive finisher at the rim, and makes Lebron fags seethe.
the perfect borderline between humble and cocky
His wife
if you think steph is humble i have a bridge to sell you
nah you do
>the MVP is the best player in the league