Jordanian edition
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how many bings for the belal fight?
>6 feet tall andre
>same height as DC
damn hearing him talk about how the ufc is gonna cut him is sad as shit. two rough fights and its over...
Early stoppage Baeza had the single leg takedown in the bag
This Syrian Girl? I want to put those lips on my dick
Yeah he probably started panicking when his nose broke knowing that guillotine was over his head
DC is 5 11
DC is black dude
>scientific approach
tfw to smart 2 b hemmed
DC 5'9 said so himself
Hey everyone thank you.and this is still my boy!
where rizin stream
Doesn’t start for another 2 hours
Good job, my son.
Fake one.
this semen slurping sport needs to adopt the NFL logic for what constitutes a downed opponent
I hope dana cuts this shitty russian after this performance
Fake it until you make it
He's making the Russians stronger.
Welcome to the Aljo era
Nope, technical decision loss.
DC is retarded.
Big retard Dan
Imagine someone watching Pride FC back in the day getting put through a time travel machine and showing them this fag shit
cut this dc bum from commentary
should be a NC wtf lol
just fucking make all knees illegal
I'm so tired of this pussyfooting shit
everyone in the disadvantaged position is fishing for the illegal strike
so make it all illegal so we don't have to worry about it all
just make all knees legal this so fucking gay
No you fucking mong make all knees LEGAL
You don't have to imagine, nor do you need a time machine. This is pain
that would obviously be better, but the athletic commissions will never allow it
Illegal strikes for Jesus!
At some point Dana has to look at this and realize he needs to change these fucking rules to be less gay.
don't be a retard, they should make all knees legal because the arbitrary rules around them fuck loads of fights, I don't care whether it makes things easier for wrestlers or for strikers just fucking allow them and stop the bullshit.
They allow it in several promotions all over the world.
is that ephey? god she looks like her breath smells good.
Rules will never be relaxed, only restricted more, that;s why when the UFC was sanctioned they should have insisted on no retarded things like 6-12 and no knees to grounded opponent
Allow knees to ground opponents and allow soccer kicks. UFC would be based.
RIZIN > poofc
Not enough booty.
Faggot Russian.
Small asses are unironically god-tier.
>Belal ragdolls Luque
UFC1 was so fucking dank, just dudes brain damaging each other permanently every single fight
>he doesn't make thousands of dollars a day sitting on his ass watching MMA
hit me up if you want to make real money bros
I feel like this shit always dissapoints me, what a shit main event
>ufc still having events at apex
>ufc still showing tweets during the fights
>dc still commentating
>ufc still having garbage tier cards with 2 bums as main event
yep this sport is fucking gay and dead
since the fight sucks, post more of her
>the UFC is fucking gay and dead
Selling signed memorabilia?
Signed boxing gloves and photos?
Oh well good job, at least somebody is making good $$.
Heartlet performance from pooque
48-47 Luke K
Beast of a card.
Belal Muhammad now has a better win than any win on Colby Covington's resume.
Belal Muhammad trash coward nobody likes him backed up on the fence the whole time like a bitch.
I told you that Luque was a bum and wouldn't land a single strike. He's a fucking terrible journeyman and always has been. Flushed Woodley almost finished him and you all thought he was going to run through Belel.
Belalbros we did it
fuck Belal fuck Luque too
Luque sucks. He acts like he doesn't want to win.
THE Pissentgay Pooque???
Luquefags are also yancels
In many ways this was a dogshit fight on a dogshit card full of dogshit fights.
Belal "Whiter Than You" Muhammad
You are so fucking mad right now
Honestly a kino fight. Luque is literally better than him at everything but Belal still finna 49-46 his ass because he had the better game plan. KINO
What a boring shit fight
pukegay utterly exposed
>aljo won
>belal won
what do we call this era?
remember the PED's
mediocre bum carried by superior drugs
Don't care faggot. If somebody knocks you out and all you can do is pitter patter them in the rematch then you're still a loser.
Colbeastsisters... what if our boy loses a boring decision to "Remember the Name"?
[redacted], YOUR GUY GOT IT DONE!!
Which one was a 10-10?
Imagine what Zatdaddy or Colbeast would do to Luque
pisscente dookue
Luque with 30 seconds left down on the scorecards "oh I better throw a leg kick"
The "MMA community seethes" era.
Who is more white?
i cant do it anymore. i cant spend hours watching this
Because ur racist fantasies didn’t take place?
Islam is the best base for MMA
Khamzat call out incoming
Alhamdulillah, islam won, arabs won, palestine won, belal won, now start seething /heem/.
funbros... the boringchads are laughing at us
Week after week UFC puts on absolute snoozers. I don't know why I even watch this semen slurping sport anymore.
Why sunglasses indoors b
Why did Luque event take this fight?
Two boring decisionators lead to banger matchups.
squidward ass lookin nigga
I honestly don't dislike a fighter more than Mohammed.
Colby mashes both these nerds
see you next week
(just kidding i might actually skip that one)
who the fuck is tweeting at belel muhamned
Has there ever been a 5 round fight where the score went 1st round for one guy, 2nd round for the other, 3rd round for the the first guy, 4th round for the other, 5th round for the first guy?
is it that middle man reselling shit
Why isn't this man in the GOAT talk yet? Can it be anything other than Islamiphobia? You know damn well if he wasn't Muslim his name would be up there among the greatest to ever do it.
Not a great fight. Good win for Belal though, fasting too. Just wish he did more on top.
On the flip side, surprised by Luque and how ineffective he was in the fight. His TDD wasn't really there
Belal is an Iranian and hates jews, I'm glad he won.
In five years of watching every single card, this is officialy the worst beginning of the year I've ever seen in the UFC
THE vicente luque?
Belal "Murder the Jews" Muhammad
Damn, Luque fucking sucks.
Carried to decisions lol
He has basically no finishes
he's high as a kite on PED's and his eyes are bugging out. when you look for it, you see. eyes are WILD!
Wtf was that snoozefest cut belal
Obv he fucked Usman up only 3-4 are at his level
Colby will absolutely duck. Belalchads, we won the story tonight.
belal is a jew
Israel bros...
>colby is going to fight belawl now instead of khamzat
god damnit I hate that ducking bitch
Alhamdulillah Belalchads rise up
Ephey will one day sit on my face Inshallah
Magny vs Belal would be the most boring matchup possible so that's probably gonna happen
him vs khamzhat????
>Belal is an Iranian
He's palestinian.
Is this the worst year for the UFC?
Colby wrecks him. Israel forever.
The guy who knocked Blowhole out. Luque still my boy.
He's Palestinian and hates jews.
>calls out colby
Fuck he did the colby call out now I look like a fool ;(
I'm glad he won so now Colby can buck break him
even better
Based Belal "Jew Hunter" Muhammad
she likes asians
So someone gave them a 9-9 Rd?
Colby was always ducking Khamzat never gonna happen
at least this counts as a loss for israel (the country)
Yes by far
>bringing up politics
stream closed, goodnight heem until the next good card
Reminder that Belal dominated Luque despite fasting for Ramadan during his training camp. If it weren't Ramadan, he would have knocked Luque out cold.
Why do Muslims hate Colby so much?
if I were to do Colby Khamzat I'd try to keep it for the title
But we hate the jew? What's happening
Colbuck doesnt want to fight muslims, both khamzat and belal rape him.
What did he say?
Remember The Name has a GSP style, but even more effective.
I'm German and love Jews
I'm a chud and Belal is based. Palestine? Based. Religion? Based. What's not to like? The better fighter won. Both fought like real ones.
Belal "remember the planes" Muhammad
Dumby shitington
I failed....
Easy paycheck?
Jews are winners b get with the times.
*saves MMA*
pissengay pukegay on flushed watch
I predict deez tings
Literally nothing offensive at all, just said this fight means nothing compared to what his people are going through in Palestine
he called colby a zog shill and that hitler did nothing wrong
Belal has outstruck, outgrappled and outwrestled luque, luque is a better fighter than colby.
RIZIN begins in 55 bings
unironically 6/10
nah it was obvious, he's been seething about him for a while and sure as shit he isn't calling out Khamzat
That's it. Goodbye. Fuck this gay sport
I did it. I sat, stayed up and watched that whole card. I saw the whole thing. It's 5am.
I don't think I gained much from it. Why did I do it. Why on earth. ......................
Animechads where we at
This was an ok fight.redditfags love Colby despite him having way more boring fights
It’s so funny how faggots on /heem/ will root for a fighter so much and promise he will win and then when they lose it’s radio silence. Let’s dance luquefags
rizin in 54 bings
Every division stuck in the mud currently, and 9/10 fights absolutely suck
Main events are always a bit of a coin flip but we are consistently seeing whole cards end up being complete shit
Can anybody stop this man? He has the momentum of a runaway freight train. Every fight I feel like we are witnessing history
Something about wooden doors and the math not adding up
>Uh Belal? Uh uh . . . no I don't think he deserves a fight with me . . . uh I'd l-like to call out Masvidal for the rematch . . .
>despite fasting
prove he actually fasted. I'll weight (wait)
Is this true colbros...
3/10 until I saw Colby's smiling face then 8/10
rizin in 53 bings
my boy GOLDBEAST GODvington will pillow ko these cans
Colby is literally a cuckold for muslim bulls
I would've scored the fight 50-49 Belal. Nobody landed anything or did anything until round 5 where Belal outstruck Luque. Boring ass shitter fight. Usman one shots both of them in 30 seconds.
why is welterweight the snoozer division is it gsps fault?
Will strikers discover a counter meta to lay and pray or is this the way of things?
Heem is a wailing right now you fucking retard. What radio silence are you talking about?
Aside from Cumshot these last two cards have been the worst I’ve ever seen
Thats cool but I got a big day tomrrow
Belal would be an easy win for GODby
>I'll weight (wait)
What did he mean by this
when was the last entertaining main event
They need to allow 12-6 elbows, knees to a hounded opponent AND soccer kicks. If the UFC doesn’t do this soon it will risk dying out due to indifference and unpopularity. IMO they should move their entire operations to some Arab shit hole country and just yolo the new rule set and thrive.
No, can confirm not true
Belal has better hands and over 90% takedown defense. Colmeme would get dominated.
wrestlers will dominate until everyone is a wrestlefucker then striking once again becomes prominent
I hate to say it....Luke Thomas was right
Just wait until you see the next one.
I don't know if Luque is better than Colby but Luque might be a better win than any of Colby's
I don't think Colby is shit though, I think he's a hard matchup for Belal. They have a similar style in terms of pace and pressure, seeing rounds out with a takedown, not much gnp
Just think Colby might have better cardio, maybe the better striking? idk
Belal is just a better version of Colby
hey joe, how is kamala
Cumshot ducked Belal
The real reason muslims call out Colby
Belal bros, when did you first hop on the hype train? For me, it was the Lima fight.
They need to fucking ban wrestling without submission attempts.
Looking back through all the cards so far this year and getting depressed
Thank fuck rizin is today as well
what? colby usman, colby usman 2, colby vs masvidal were all more entertaining than this fight and belal's 4 fights before that
Ngannou-Gane or Kattar-Giga
I think Colby would destroy belal. Belal keeps his back to cage at all times which is where Colby wants you. Belal has good timing on his takedowns but he doesn't seem to have great scrambling ability. Also Colbys chin, I don't think belal can really threaten Colby with strikes to get Colby to back off him. Colby by decision maybe even late rear naked choke. Lightwork for colby.
When has Lucharias Thomas ever been wrong?
Mnetal Illness colby would clean up ez he #1 and could have been champ if he wasnt robbed
the Ligma fight
Can't care enough about Belal to seethe, i knew Luque sucked but damn, that was embarrassing.
His corner tells him to fight his heart out and he puts less output than the previous round.
will never happen
was honestly pathetic watching aljo effectively utilizing a kowtow in what is supposed to be a simulation of hand to hand combat, meanwhile nips in rizin are launching grounded knees and soccer kicks like it's nothing