Meanwhile in bizarro Yea Forums....
Meanwhile in bizarro Yea Forums
God I love Jews and minorities.
Noticing Jewish over representation in Hollywood makes you a nazi
i love black people!
upvote this if you liked Endgame :)
cracker detected
Spiderverse was kino!
I'm so glad Maskposting is finally being beaten by the new Sneedposting. Three years of terror are ending
The Big Bang Theory is the greatest, funniest show ever made.
Sheldon is a master of comedy
Don't have sex.
African americans are the kindest, most modest, cordial and intellectual people i have ever had the pleasure of living around.
I do wish they were forced into over-representation in media I love seeing them so much
This but in normal Yea Forums
And don't smell
Stitch up and treat your wound.
little girls are totally gross and not sexy
The Last Jedi really gives Attack of the Clones a run for its money as the best Star Wars movie. The Casino planet was so much great world building packed into a tiny, but impactful sequence. I'm so happy that Rose and Finn are going to be featured so prominently in episode 9!
I love Tarantino films, especially his recent work.
based. came to post this.
I love how peaceful and law abiding they are. A black neighborhood may as well be a white neighborhood with how quiet they are. Really clean people too!
(futurely Snuck's)
I LOVE homosexuals, transsexuals, and LGBTQ people of all creeds. I think we need to see more of them in Hollywood.
They are also very attractive, some would say the most attractive race on the planet. Basically every other race pines for a black spouse (notice I say black and not the Nword out of respect)
i discuss television & film and don't like holywood
White people don't ruin everything.
please post hot grannies
Harvey Weinstein is a saint who made sure all those starlets never did drugs or were taken advantage of. God bless him!
I really like older women, young girls are just gross
It's so nice to be on a board that features in depth discussion of its topic and not just forced memes, racism and pedophilia!
Superhero movies are the Homeric poems of our time.
I think that the presence of jews in Hollywood and in the media is proportional to their share in the US population
Yes he is a genius. He’s also very cool when he’s around black people, almost like he himself wuz a niggaz.
Africanized communities’ homes also go up in value. Always happy to see.
Men who want to chop their dicks off and call it a vagina are not crazy. THEY'RE FEMALE!
Remain celibate.
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