I took leave of my father's decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile...

I took leave of my father's decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile, making reasonable pace across a landscape bereft of anything resembling what I had come to know as modernity. I eventually reached the general store, a flimsy wooden structure that emitted a dark cloud of smoke from a narrow chimney. Two locals sat outside in the midday sun, accomplishing nothing and seemingly content in their doing so. Their bestial stupidity, likely the result of generations of inbreeding and race-mixing, was apparent in both their appearance and vocabulary.

My eyes were immediately drawn towards the words emblazoned above the door. These words perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this tome will meet the same fate as I should they read them.

I have not slept in weeks, as I have tried in increasing desperation to decipher the true meaning of that inscription. I fear that it is pointless. The fate of this city slicker is sealed.

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Chuck's feed and seed


8/10 for effort, still a dead meme

I was going to write up a Sneed pasta myself until I realized that’s exactly what you did. Good work user

That actually sounds like him actually nevermind, sounds better since I can't stand his style of writing and every short story from him feels like a slog

>These words perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this tome will meet the same fate as I should they read them.
Actually an on-point lovecraftian description

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>sneedposters were lovecraftian creatures all along

Maskposters don't have this sort of quality OC.


Havent seen this posted in a long time

>muh incomprehensible madness

If something swooped by and ate the sun tomorrow most of us would barely notice before we force to death

Fearing the harm that may come in entering this domain of squalor and criminality, great efforts were made to disguise my status. I appeared a tatterdemalion, the articles of my uniform purchased from a vagrant earlier in the day. Even so, one of the men accosted me in simian fashion upon my approach.

Despite my protestations he proclaimed without hesitation that the dry husks of black leather upon my feet were actually loafers of the highest quality. His toadlike companion merely looked on with vacant eyes and cretinous expression. I became petrified with terror, the foul odor of cheap spirits and tobacco leaf overpowering my senses. The incomprehensible envy of this man illicited a new horror in my mind, leaving me with thoughts of the unfathomable depths of decrepitude awaiting me inside.

Now it's not "driven insane" now it's "and we agreed to never speak of this again"

Based and robust

*hits industrial pipe*

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Nigga looks like that cripple with the hot girlfriend on youtube.

>muh ancestors
americans are pathetic

cast niggerman

Idris Dlba cgied in a furry hominoid cat body a la Cats

>complaining whenever an American brings up an ancestor
Non-Americans simply can't compete

wtf i thought lovecraft was incel like me

pleb filtered

Lovecraft was surprisingly progressive when it came to women. He just hated the darkies besides his cat.

hes not wrong

I think his sexually aggressive provider mommywife had something to do with that

I'm not even super jingoistic, but really, I think we might be better than you, dawg. At least at one point. Our nation at least used to be comprised of nothing but people who possessed the Faustian spirit. Explorers, conquerors, creators etc. That's why our people conquered the new world and went to the moon. God fucking dammit it's based to be the descendant of real Americans.

>sexually aggressive
I never heard that. Just that he was coddled. Did she ara ara him?


Women back then were sturdier stock. He couldn't fathom the horror and incomprehensible madness of the post-modern woman.

>fungi from yuggoth? In my Yea Forums?
I guess pincers come in handy when you type on a keyboard



he's handsome af faggot

How ugly are you to think that's handsome? He's got no jaw, ears like dumbo, and a nose like a Jew.

I can smell your double-chinned neckbeard from here

Dude seemed like he was at least 6'1"

>No u
He's ugly and you're projecting.

>"It is worth pausing to ponder the sources for Lovecraft's attraction to Sonia. It seems facile to say that he was looking for a mother replacement; and yet, the emergence of Sonia into his life a mere six weeks after his mother's death is certainly a coincidence worth noting.

>"His continued enthusiasm the next day was so genuine and sincere that in appreciation I surprised and shocked him right then and there by kissing him. He was so flustered that he blushed, then he turned pale. When I chaffed him about it he said he had not been kissed since he was a very small child and that he was never kissed by any woman [...] and that he would probably never be kissed again. (But I fooled him)."

>"We learn [...] that: first, he was a virgin at the time he married; second, prior to his marriage he had read several books on sex; and third, he never initiated sexual relations, but would respond when Sonia did so. [...] Sonia herself has only two comments on the matter. 'As a married man he was an adequately excellent lover, but refused to show his feelings in the presence of others. [...] One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""

>"Sonia seems to have understood Lovecraft very well, his frigidity, his inhibition, his denial and his disgust for life. As for him, who considered himself an old man at thirty, one is still surprised that he could envisage union with this dynamic, vivacious creature. A divorced jewess, what’s more; which, for a conservative antisemite like him would seem to constitute an insurmountable obstacle. [...] But it is perhaps the most unlikely explanation that seems the best: Lovecraft really seems to have, in a certain manner, loved Sonia, as Sonia loved him."

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Google's giving 5'10 m8. Not bad for the time period, but he isn't tall.

and then the ancient elder god... became an adorable girl you couldn't stop thinking about

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>How ugly are you to think
>you're projecting

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*Mask steps on Cthulhu, killing him instantly*
"My bad!"

hello is this the boys thread

>ESL doesn't understand English
How stupid ARE you?

>the horror and incomprehensible madness of the post-modern woman.
1930s flappers were basically the original thots so i don't know about that

>more out-of-context projection
Your lack of self-awareness is a quintessential unfathomable abyss

>If I use words like quintessential I sound smart
You're still a dumbass, especially since you're using quintessential and unfathomable as they are oxymoronic qualities dumb dumb

>sperging out over "big words"
Wish I brought my basic bitch bingo along I'd have won already

Yeah I'm just gonna say my cat's name

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Lovecraft confirmed for woke feminist. This means (((Hollywood))) will greenlight more of his material, right?

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I can read most of his stuff but fuck me the Dream Quest of Kadath made me want to burn my fucking kindle

>TFW no Khazar mommy GF

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>Teutonic ancestors

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