Films about the true nature of women?

Films about the true nature of women?

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Other urls found in this thread:

These women are based because they're honest and they shut down the feminist

Is it me...Or is it getting crazier out there?

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hee hee hee haa haa hoho.. heehh..

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Behind every clown lies something sinister...

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Daddy issues



>That cuck at the bottom

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>that cuck at the end of comments in absolute denial

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It always amazes me when people are surprised by stuff like OP's image. Just go on instagram for even a minute and look at one of those girl meme pages. It's full of shit like this. Especially Cherry Twitter, where girls are so unashamed about openly saying they are empowered by being gold diggers.

Its a funny world we live in

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Everyone is one day away from going crazy..

This, you'd have to be an actual virgin to not know all women are whores and sex addicts just as much as men.

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>that fuckboy being force-fed a red pill by one of the very people he swears to protect online

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daily reminder she will never struggle in life and will marry some beta buxx loser

At first I thought it was cute and that I would be strong enough even in my old age to lift my girl

Then I remembered that 17ish year old girl who sometimes calls me daddy and curls up next to me and falls asleep after I fuck her raw...and am now sporting a very uncomfortably hard boner.

Cast him.

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>I'm assembling a team

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jesus fuck women are a meme

Dated a girl for over a year, sex was good but stopped the last few months even when I'd tell her that it was really hurting our relationship etc. After we broke up she begged me to take her back, got really lewd one day and I agreed to let her come over for sex. I was 10x rougher than I've ever been in my life, slapped her, spit on her, fucked her face, came on her face, brutally insulted her etc. She ended up cumming 7 times that night (to be fair even when things were vanilla 2 or 3 was not uncommon).
We got back together not long after and she was making time and coming over every single day even though it meant driving across town in between jobs and classes just to fuck.

Now, this doesnt really mean all women are whores in the sense they're disloyal, but they all want to feel like YOUR slut and be given an excuse to act primally. Afterwards we'd still laugh and giggle and be sweet to each other because we loved each other, and didnt judge for what we did in the bedroom.

Taking care of a disabled person is a huge responsibility most people can’t handle long-term.

Bitches and Hos are like new clothes...

what's that thing on her boob at the end?

Fucking cringe.

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Read an exact genderswapped version of in some ask a psyc thing the other day
>I want to leave my disabled wife and my family thinks its wrong
or something

a bite mark

Is what it is.
If he had died that day I'm sure he'd have still wanted her to move on by now. And really, he did die that day.

Then don't marry that person if you aren't willing to be there for them. Marriage isn't just dating someone, and the common attitude of leaving your partner when things get really hard is what's driving up divorce rates and hurting kids who need both parents in their lives.

Through sickness and in health.

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bite mark

all women are child abusers

....fucking hell, we need a big war.


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its a bite mark

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God didnt care for female orgasms, why should I.
Dont speak, bite the pillow.

>women never ever orgasm
>women fake literally every orgasm
what is up with this bullshit, women talk about the great sex they have on Twitter literally all the time

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>my wife will be visiting him one last time to tell him to never contact us again
not sure that's all that will happen chief

He btfo that magapede so a bald chad like Jason Statham

>It's a GRRM learns how women think episode

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They orgasm, but a lot of women will never or extremely rarely have "vaginal" orgasms. Foreplay is where it's at.
Plus great sex isnt about the cumming. You can make yourself do it within 3 minutes, it's all the things that happen before and after that make sex good or bad for you, why cant you see it's the same way for women?


A woman will never say sex was great if they didn't cum lmao

Jesus Christ. I don't want to call the man pathetic as I've never even been in a long term relationship but fucking hell. It is so sad that someone would be so attached to someone else that they had to put their ow fulfillment and needs on hold to the point that they end up getting literally raped.

Because this woman couldn't handle monogamy and thought it was too hard and because this guy couldn't accept that she wasn't a good match for him. This ends up happening, and he doesn't even know if he should go to the cops? I mean, yeah, don't be a vindictive asshole but the guy is a rapist, a literal rapist, of course go to the cops of course she shouldn't see him "one last time"....I mean goddamn. fucking why? Fucking HOW?

Again, I don't want to end up like this dude since I'm pointing fingers and relationships are a part of my life where I have very little experience in, but come on dude. Just, why even bother being in a polyamorous relationship? I don't get it.

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This was impossible to follow. I get the story but man was it all over the place. So was the kid abandoned at someone's doorstep? I'm assuming Koltens...?

I can respect a proud slut a lot more than hypocrite thots

Of course not, but again, the cumming happens for a lot of women before your dick is inside of her. It's the things you say and do before and during and after that make sex great. It's the way you make her feel as a woman, the cumming is a given and not particularly hard unless they're frigid or fucked up from guilt and stuff, eating pussy or rubbing a clit for a few minutes is not exactly difficult. Lowering your own inhibitions to the point you feel okay treating her like a little slut while selling yourself as daddy without being corny or autistic is a lot more complicated and requires social skills.

>after 10 years of working in a job where I was always on deadline
shut the fuck up, you didn't do shit

>you will never be Chris Stein
>NEET on welfare
>living in a slum
>fucking prime Debbie Harry every night
>when they take you off welfare she brings you tendies

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women have sex to feel validated, if you lay some decent pipe and are legitimately decent to be around you'll have them forever even if they don't cum all the time

looks like she posted the goblino babby to instagram or something so the father would be guilted into seeing it. now she has to be a crime nigger to support her future criminal

That was a ride. So she left the kid with her fake father? What a cunt.

Why do you make so many threads about this? I know it's just one guy.

What kind of pathetic incel makes these sorts of fake Facebook posts?

>now sporting a very uncomfortably hard boner.
So was the dad. You can see it in the daughter's face. She can feel it and no she's made a mistake but cannot turn back. She knew things would never be the same.

Hypocrite thots are fun to break. Getting a girl who'll spend an hour bitching about rape culture and being treated with respect to suck my dick and lick my balls while wearing a girl scout unifor and a dog collar
Then fuck her tiny snatch while she sobs and begs me to stop till the first orgasm hits.
That tiny insignificant shred of false self resprect and perceived value that she clothes herself in in public.
Her complete thirst and need and her dropping it willingly if I just ask or hint at not giving her her reward.

>it's Yea Forums incels sperging at women again

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Yeah. I don't want to sound like an MRA but I really think society in general needs to put more responsibility on women.

Unfortunately they're collectively kind of shitty, as people anyway. It should never be the case that a man is an alcoholic and abusive borderline sociopath and because of this is branded "dangerous" and thus sexy. No.

Full stop.

Seruiously, fucking stop. Under no circumstances should society deem it acceptable that you "fuck up" or in any way reward this person with sex. Why? Because Hitlers father was an alcoholic and abusive borderline sociopath and if Hitler's mother didn't think that was in some way sexy or an otherwise tolerable set of circumstances for marrigage and procreation 60 million people wouldn't have died.

It should not be socially acceptable that people that by every social norm are considered deplorable (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc) should be rewarded with ridiculous amounts of pussy. Women bare an enormous amount of responsibility for the state of the world because ultimately all those sociopaths that fuck it up got laid. A lot.

Because women think bad boys are sexy because too many are too fucked in the head. You are wrong. Being a thug is not sexy. Paying your mortgage on time, having a well paying job or otherwise managing your finances well, being responsible, kind, helpful, professional, clean and educated should be sexy. Not punching someone and stealing their wallet.

Can someone post "Back the fuck off?!"

Why? You already know it.

yeah that made me lmoa



What the fuck...

>muh evopsych pertains to everything
Conservitards are so stupid

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hard not to

also you can have sex with a woman and still recognize that the modern woman or a woman who ascribes to modern woman culture is a blight to society

Have sex.

The guy trying to white knight, while the girl admits she’s a slut


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Yeah but the world is hell and everything about reality rewards psychopathy. There’s lots of good men and women out there, but evil runs the show and pretty much always has. Because being aggressively self-centered collects more power and resources than being kind, giving and compassionate.

Yeah, people are shitty and we were too insulated to realize this until now. I get why that's funny. Rather than sperging over women though I'd like to say that I sperg over how garbage people are in general.

Because women are only half of the problem. The fact that women can have this behavior rewarded in any fashion isn't because women as a gender are shit, it's because society is shit. We fucked it up somewhere, somehow. Because none of this shit is okay. It really isn't. It's not ok for you to be a sociopath nor is it ok for someone to find sociopathic behavior attractive, both of these things are bad and we should all feel bad.

Behind every "evil" woman is 10 men who financially support her

Who is the real evil here?

What's so bad about enjoying to be degraded in the context of a safe roleplay with a person you love that you consent to rather than in your actual day to day life? I'm sexually submissive towards women yet in a relationship I'd want to be treated as an equal.



>implying they consented

Evopsych does pertain to everything. We're animals the product of evolution. We didn't magically overcome our animalistic nature simply because we learned to reason.

Oh wait, wait. You're a tabula rasa retard.

>It always amazes me when people are surprised by stuff like OP's image
Does it? They've been lied to by feminists their entire lives. It's a bit jarring to discover that everything you were told about women by women is absolute horseshit.

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Have you ever once wondered why you like to be degraded

Because no one is mature enough to really pull that off. She thinks less of you for that 'roleplay". She respects you less, she admires you less, and without mutual respect and admiration you cannot have a healthy relationship. Someone is dominating the other and sooner or later that dominance is going to turn abusive.

It’s easy to say that, it’s harder to live it when you’re changing somebody’s colostomy bag.

Is what it is. I have a lot of respect for people that pull it off. But I’ve worked with disabled people for years. Eats up people’s lives and leaves them with nothing else. My grandma did it for my grandpa for a decade after his stroke and it was a great act of love it’s hard for me to see a lot of people pulling off.

women are society who depend on their social roles in it

men must be individualistic predators or dominators who never self-pity themselves with the judgment of lower community

>that orbiter at the bottom whiteknighting her against herself

COPE you shitbag

>We didn't magically overcome our animalistic nature simply because we learned to reason.
That's exactly what we did sweetie

>will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him to never contact us...
>will be visiting him one last time this weekend
>will be visiting him

Jesus fucking Christ, man. I knew bluepillers were naive as fuck, but THIS bad?

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Because I find the feeling of giving up control to some extent exciting.

don't fucking bother dude that's the only way of dealing with all this things

"cast all your cares on God; that anchor holds"
point yourself at some goal in life and achieve it

Why is it always liberal leaning women who are into the most self-degrading fucked up sex. Conservative women are into submissive sex in natural ways. Most of sex is inherently about a woman submitting. But liberal women want to be cuffed, choked, held onto by chokers, their hair pulled, like goddamn. And then they'll turn around and talk about empowerment.

That's funny, though

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The only reason I do not use my generous size and weight advantage to shove an axe into a coworkers face on the reg is precisely because I overcame my animalistic nature simply because I learned to reason.

That isn't to say I don't really REALLY want to do it. But I just control myself and try my best not to.

But fuck me if I thought I would have no negative repercussions my boss and like 75% of my coworkers would be soooooooo dead.

It's not considered a problem to anyone but inexperienced virgins.

As long as you're monogamous, who cares how you fucking get down in the bedroom? I get worrying about it if you've never done it and assuming bedroom shit translates to the rest of the relationship. In real life, though, after you've gotten done choking and slapping her or whatever else, you share a towel, untie the ropes or whatever, tell your partner you love them, and order a pizza while you joke around.

When my chick makes fun of me for something stupid I said in real life or for taking a wrong turn, I dont hit her and call her a dumb slut. She doesnt say "yes daddy" when I ask her to pick up deodorant at walmart. The two aspects arent connected in an unhealthy way.

Based Chavo poster, what a great show

It's just a marketing nu-word for Ethology

Because you exist on a twitter feed and one type of woman talks openly about their kinks

You don't understand a single fucking thing about evo or psyche. Our desire to cooperate IS part of our animalistic nature, you fucking mongoloid. So is being able to size up an opponent and determine whether or not shit is worth it. Christ alive you people are fucking dense.

>There are some deranged people in our little community

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Next you're going to tell me that its actually conservative women who wear chokers all the time and make up a large percent of the BDSM sub community.


It's a fetish post on a fetish forum, dummy.

Well fuck you too, asshole.

Didn't know that, thanks,

Lack of fathers.

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The world is indeed a very reasonable place.


Holy shit every woman wants to be choked and have their hair pulled to varying extents. That's literally an aspect of even vanilla sex.

You must be the worst fuck on the planet.

>Holy shit every woman
Stopped reading right there.

No, no we don't.

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>group anal sex

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redpilled and triplepilled

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Wow, she must be a fascinating person.

It subtly gaslights women into thinking sex isn't enjoyable and is a thing that is done to women.

It's both an attempt to pretend that she's chaste because she doesn't enjoy sex, AND pretend that having bad sex and choosing not to enjoy yourself is a form of sexual power.

It's a memetic poison that infected the minds of women and ruined their natural sexuality. Along with hard pushing dykery and all girls as bi.

Look at the picture of the girl who's posting that. She's in full whore mode and is posting that?
Unless she's full slut and posting that as a challenge.

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say that again after I rape you bitch

We are remarkably reasonable considering the fact we STILL haven't had a nuclear war over some stupid disagreement yet. Always is a nice little tidbit.

Just realize that women are only good for fucking and none of this will bother you. There’s no point in caring about females or having a relationship with them(includes family members). Pump and dump and you’ll be fine.

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Guilt from molestation? Usually goes one way or the other.

Someone post the one of a guy who charged an active shooter to save his wife and she re-married 2 months later lmao

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>I'm a women
Don't believe you, post tits

Are there any movies about virgins who see posts like these and think they understand women? You think women like getting roughed up? They do but only by men they find attractive, not Yea Forums neckbeards. Fuck bitches incels. Get fit.



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>if he had died he'd definitely want her to cuck him
Imagine being this roastiebrained. No way dude, if you're a friend of someone who died you're obligated to kill his wife if she finds a new husband.

incel detected

Some women enjoy getting roughed up. Some women get their hair pulled and say "ow, that hurts, stop that", not because theyr'e "normal" but because they're them.

tl;dr, neither sex is a hivemind

You really overestimate the impact fathers have on daughters. There’s no real complex reason for why girls become sluts, they just do. Fathers and daughters aren’t close past puberty and it’s rare to find an adult woman that’s actually close with their dad, they usually only spend time with the mother. If anything is gonna influence a girl, it’s their mother first, then social media and friends. Fathers are low on the totem pole of importance. Most dads are clueless about what goes on in their daughter’s lives and women like to put up a good girl image for certain people. All females are lying whores, starts at age 13-14

oh man holy fucking shit please be in london

Quite literally redpilled.

Fuck better men honey

I mean, you're not wrong. But neither am I.

Putting on a skirt doesn't make you a woman

They say "ow that hurts, stop that", because they want you to growl at them to shit up and take it.

I feel like this is a shitpost, but knowing wider leftist trends I really doubt it.

Some, others just want you to stop that.

that's because psychopathy is an evolved human behavior. It's a superior state of mind

this is why I opt for the mutual humiliation part
>slap each other around
>spanking and pinching anything you can get your hands on
>basically more wrestling than sex
super sweaty and tiring but the adrenaline high is like no other



Another excellent post for the hard-working mods of Yea Forums to put on their resumes.

How many guys here like "love bites"? How many do not?

Yet to encounter it, and trust me, an anonymous internet poster, I get laid.

But seriously, I'd be stunned if a woman actually told me to seriously stop pulling her hair.

I fucking hate love bites. They suck and they hurt and are in no way sexy.

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>OMG Stacey, this guy actually thinks I like when anyone but Chad does it haha! Yikes.

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>Yet to encounter it
That's in all honesty just not statistically relevant.

Oooooh very frightening and edgy. Pls do tell, when is it going to happen?

It's disappointing in a way. If I knew that's what adults did as a child I would respect them a lot less. You can act all mature about it, but it becomes pathetic after a point.

Holy shit two non-insane-incel posters

Actual biting is awesome but hickeys look like we're in high school. Kinda fun with a new girlfriend though, sort of that honeymoon ownership thing to do to each other and your friends bust your balls but it's nice.

Love getting my lip bit but I'll admit there was a girl who did it the same way every time and bit it with every single kiss and was really really into making out. Took a month after the breakup for the scab to go away. It did hurt but it was wirth it. One time it bled but she kept going and it was weirdly hot.

>wanting a gf
Also, ever notice how every image in this thread showing the nature of women involves a white women. Really makes you think

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>Being a thug is not sexy.

Kek lmao imagine believing this

Twitter is a cesspool

He doesn't believe it isn't you retard. He's lamenting that it can be.

>your snapchat filter reinforces the patriarchy

she aight

Some time after heat waves kill millions in India and drinking water and farmland become the most valuable commodities.

>women talk about the great sex they have on Twitter literally all the time

Yes, with their designated BBCs, not with you

White women are the most loyal race, tranny dischord poster.

Did they fuck?

>t. baby dick beta-cuck

>drinking water and farmland become the most valuable commodities
So we're going to make the valuable farmland and drinking water radioactive, right?

Burton and Taylor Taming of the Shrew

It’s more lizard brain than rational. Doesn’t take a genius to know fear and force can get people to do what you want, the intellect comes in dressing it up like something people want to support and be part of.

keep telling that to yourself, white boi

Anything that doesn't kill you, makes you...... stranger

>White women are the most loyal race
not even a little bit. Those are East Asian women.

>white women
Lol no, white women fuck tons of black guys through one night stands and hook ups. Plus they cheat the most. It’s 2019, stop defending these sluts

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a thot using her brain should be an accomplishment.

What did she mean by this?

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Lmao, loyal to your money and status maybe. Bug women dont care about you as a person.

hol up, lemme post those 2005 okcupid charts to prove you wrong

Fuck off, retarded cuck fetishist. They're cheating on each other with other white people. They're degenerate but they aren't so degenerate that they're spreading their legs for sheer xenophilia like you'd want them to

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Talk a walk around a West Coast city to dispel this notion. All the programmers get yellow wives.

>posts a chart on affairs during a discussion on interracial


but my (((porn))) and (((reddit))) say the opposite

Shit like this is more an indictment of men than women, I think.

So they're different from white women how?

she probably only plays Mercy

the third panel is kinda harrasing

>It turns out men were the race traitors after all
Always find that bit funny.

White men have always been worse offenders than white women, the only people who think differently are either actual cuckhold fetishists or people totally ignorant of history. The Dutch, the Spanish, the French, the English, it was ALWAYS the men who started fucking the natives

And it was ALWAYS the native women that started fucking the foreigners.

>And it was ALWAYS the native women that were being raped by the foreigners.
FTFY, sweaty

Men are natural conquerors that are supposed to fuck as many women as possible. It’s completely different

What would you say instead?

The only actual case I can find for that is the Danes, and that's mostly cause the Danes actually practiced hygiene compared to the anglos at the time 1000-1200AD.

There were plenty of consensual marriages.

nice pic you fucking retard.

show video proof of them consenting

>It's fine if I spread nig diseases I'm a conquerer for fucking nigs
Cope harder filth.

>The only actual case I can find for that is the Danes
Of native women fucking white guys? Are you high?

>40% of asian women won't fuck asian men

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Took your asses long enough.

Of native women consentualy going over to foreigners in massive numbers. Not of white dudes.