Cara turned 27 today, say something nice right now

Cara turned 27 today, say something nice right now

Attached: MV5BOTk3OTgwZDItMTk1MC00N2EwLWIyNmQtNGEzYmE5NzFlYjc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x742, 79K)



the wall is ocming dyke looking bitch.

Shes not entirely ugly with the right camera lenses, makeup, and photoshopping to hide her cokebloat and disgusting Anglo body

>Wall incoming
>Still no viable movie career
It's over

She likes Ezra so she is A-okay with me

Attached: cara suicide squad premiere.jpg (1080x1080, 160K)

she's a cute and charming girl. i would like to lick her neck

happy b-day, please stay away from movies

She only looks about 50.

Attached: drugs are cool.jpg (360x480, 39K)

27? time to die

Shave the eyebrows

What's she doing with her right hand in this pic?

Attached: 1565349566525.jpg (1280x1834, 247K)


Attached: 1540858044835.jpg (755x1133, 241K)

disgusting fridge that is only in the industry due to nepotism

literally just resting it against her body you perv

Attached: 1559228848710.jpg (2550x3600, 968K)

Attached: 1559228943908.jpg (2550x3600, 1.12M)

that's hot

Attached: 81wmU-WsscL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1000, 141K)

nice, which one is sub and which domme?

checking her oil.