I have eaten at roughly 200 restaurants featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. AMA
I have eaten at roughly 200 restaurants featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. AMA
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what product do you use in your hair to keep it so stiff
I don’t use any hair products other than shampoo
what shampoo do you use to make it so stiff then? That crazy blonde hair doesn't stand up on it's own does it? is it all the diners you eat at?
The pic is not me. It is Guy Fieri, host of Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Apologies for any confusion.
oh darn. i was hoping to speak to the mayor of flavor town. abandoning thread now.
Which regions of the country tend to have the best/worst food?
What one was the best?
Do you go by Fieri Jr.?
Ever been to Chino Bandidos?
Best DDD spots are probably in the south and California. Worst place for it is New York City. Everything is too expensive and not that great. Pies N Thighs in NYC is good but I didn’t really enjoy any of the other NYC places I went.
How's your blood sugar and cholesterol?
How's the gout treating you?
Dunno if I can pick a definitive best but my favorites were Memphis Barbecue Company in Mississippi, Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe just outside San Francisco, Valencia Luncheria in Connecticut, and Magnolia Cafe in Austin
Yes. It was okay. I was excited based on the concept but I was actually a bit let down.
Better than you’d think. I usually just have one meal a day.
why and how do you travel so much? just to visit diners or a for another reason
For work. Whenever I’m in a town I have no clue where to eat and DDD has been to pretty much everywhere so I just check where they went and eat there. Most are great. Some are okay. Only a few are, in my opinion, bad.
sounds comfy do you travel by yourself or with coworkers/clients?
A little of both. It can be fun but it depends where you go. Some places just suck now matter what.
>I usually just have one meal a day.
Isn't that particularly terrible for blood sugar? Diabetics are supposed to eat a small portions throughout the day so they don't get spikes from one or 2 heavy meals.
I dunno. I know I don’t have diabetes and no one in my family has diabetes so maybe I’m just lucky.
What about Hillbilly Hot Dogs? It's the state's only tv bait / tourist trap restaurant.
Haven’t been. Where is it?
It's near Huntington, WV right on the Ohio River. There's nothing worth going to Huntington itself though, it's all niggers and pillheads.
Well I don’t see myself going there anytime soon but if I do I’ll check it out. Anything particular on the menu you’d recommend?
Was a lot of this on a road trip?
The Homewrecker of course.
How many of them were drive-ins?