Just finished this

Just finished this.
What did I think of it?

Attached: killing of sacred deer.jpg (1920x2560, 876K)

pretentious faggotry

Never seen it, I remember reading about it and planning on watching it but now I forget what it's about. What's it about and should I watch it tonight?

Best thriller of its year

>but how can the kid actually do any of this?

Attached: l6FuFSbs.jpg (512x512, 24K)

Pure homosexual fantasy

>he doesn't know about the lemonade

stick to capeshit
>the kid's doing it

i don't watch capeshit. cope harder

I was glad to see Nicole Kidman is still hot

easily the best release and second biggest pleb filter of 2017

what was the first

Watched it because I liked The Lobster. This one didn't gel with me. Didn't hate it, but it never pulled me in. Quit about 20 minutes in and haven't encountered anything which has compelled me to visit it again.

McDonald's arthouse

And giving handjobs in movies.

I didn't like the lobster but I liked sacred deer.

but what about the favourite

Colin Farrell is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

pretty fucking boring
scene of the dad spinning blindfolded was fucking hilarious, but not intentional

first reformed

Why didn't someone kill the kid? It won't bring back the son but why not shoot the uppity little shit?

That one with Emma Watson? Same dude? Had no idea. It looks really good and I plan to see it soon.
That's cool, user. Glad you enjoyed it. I recently saw Under the Silver Lake and loved it. Felt like I was watching The Crying of Lot 29's movie equivalent.

killing of a sacred deer > the favourite >>> dogtooth >>> the lobster

I would have offed the kid regardless of my final decision.