Any good films based on or featuring roman emperors?

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we're watching caligula now

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Don't you get to see guys ejaculate in this

>good films

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Life of Bwian

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I, Claudius



Romulus & Remus the First King just came out not too long ago. Guess they arent emperors though

Based and kino intro

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TV series Rome is a 7/10

I, Claudius is the GOAT

Quo Vadis

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5.5/10 if you're actually knowledgeable about Rome

I Claudius is the best you could ever wish for. Aged nicely

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It does the job on major historical points with fudging some of the details for TV and flow. Need more battles. Shitty production value. Should have at least showed the battle of alesia

Anthony and Augustus were based af.

2:25 is brutal KEK

life of brian is kino

Caligula is quite kino

"The N Word"


Passion of the Christ on now get in here or Jesus will be mad

Quo Vadis has an interesting Nero in it.

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Isn't about the fall of the Roman Empire but more of its moral downfall under crazy man Commodus after the reign of the Five Good Emperors. The film has Alec Guinness as Marcus Aurelius and Christopher Plummer as Commodus. It is an alright historical epic.

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