First pitch at 7:10pm
Get in here!
First pitch at 7:10pm
Get in here!
FIRST for let's goooooooooooo DOYERS!
delet this right fucking now.
first look at Hunter Greene
>Sportsnet LA
I missed you so much
his stuff has a lot more life than i expected
>tfw first Jorel game of the year for me since I went to opening day
go dodgers!~
I'm always wary of the too good to be true hype in general but the highlights I saw made it easy to see why he's been a name since before the draft.
you and me both. esPECIALLY when it comes to "can't miss" pitchers. he did a podcast with our roving tv reporter and as goofy as it sounds i bought in 100% after hearing him talk about ball and family and his approach to being a professional, he's a very impressive 22-year-old
I always get most excited about prep pitchers even though they have the highest risk. I feel like there's always going to be good hitters but nabbing a pitcher that's going to give you a chance to win every game is the best feeling there is to me.
good start urias
katie nolan anus
For me its Alex Curry milk
tell me more
vamos doyers
trea's got wheels
turner & turner bros...
fuck votto
would if i could
he's always been on my short list of favorite non-Dodger players
sometimes i imagine the players only in their jock straps
I miss Puig bros....
puig is fucking k-pop pussy after hitting dingers in the KBO
When do the Dodgers start scoring some runs?
this is the inning
maybe after Greene exits the game. I thought he might have the jitters but it looks like he's meeting the moment.
After they run the starter out.
I don't know why but I believe it
bellinger has zero chance against greene
This guy is a rookie, right? Isn't this only his 2nd start?
you can say that about pretty much every pitcher
this dude is nasty
yeah. he's a freak talent even amongst the best of the best. the reds need to do the right thing and trade the kid back to his home town team stat.
this fucking offense, i swear...
Rookie but high end rookie.
greene is the real deal damn
>All those ratchet cute Latina girls in the pavilion
tfw no latina doyer weeb gf
tfw greene wants to be a dodger
damn i need this desu
>Urias already gassed
>that double play
>sliding past the bag
OH NO NO NO~! bag size change in effect!
solid double
wait i thought they wouldn't put the bigger bags til next year?
doggie doos kek
You Dodgerbros are alright. I hate that my White Sox are going to have to beat you in WS
Bellinger is BACK
my code :)
Ignore me. No change yet.
I hope Cody is realizing he doesn't have to just hit dingers. Singles are good too.
dodgers lookin' kinda sus no cap
on god
don't have a good feeling about this game doyerpacos...
same my fellow doyerhermano....
Urias is so hecking based.
thought cowboy was just griping but hunter really is getting squeezed a little bit on some of these ball calls
They ain't got no dawg in them. Greene? He's all dawg.
what he's not being the shit out of his girlfriend he's pounding strike zone
he looks like an ace in the making already
when you're not having multiple typos I'm pounding your anus
what do you think is causing the typos?