Personally I thought the movie was great, despite Jamie Fox's terrible whisper acting

Personally I thought the movie was great, despite Jamie Fox's terrible whisper acting.

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Be honest. If Trump never made it into office, what percentage of the people who now despise him would love him? He's hilarious.

>Jamie Fox
God he sucks so bad

People hated Trump before he ran for president, lil zoom zoom. He doesn't pay his workers and wants to fuck his daughter

You misspelled "Quentin Tarantino"

I'm 30 and I hated Trump before he ran. Now I love him regardless of his politics.

based brainlet

who doesn't want to fuck Ivanka?

TDKR was terrible. The only reason he liked it was because Trump Tower was used as Wayne Enterprises.

One of the worst to come out of Hollywood next to this man.

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it felt very unrealistic

Why? Even lots of dems, libs, leftists etc. can divorce their feelings about his politics from his sense of humor. Best stand up comedian in the world at the moment IMO.

Dunno bout raycis but it was definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen

Neil Patrick Harris

Someone get this hothead outta here.

Cooter Berger?

It wasn't really racist till Foxx bragged on late night TV that he loved his role because he "Got to kill white people"

a challenger appears

Attached: it aint me.webm (480x360, 2.5M)

>whisper acting
I watched Collateral last night, great movie but Jamie Foxx literally thinks acting is reading the words off the script in a soft voice

It along with reservoir dogs are literally taranfarto's only good flicks

>John 'How do I' Landis

Horsehit, plenty of people loved him for his TV antics. He's an American institiution, goddamnit.


Holy shit it's real.

I'm 36 and the opposite, Trump was actually a pretty likable person on talk shows, cameo's, etc. Then something changed in his personality where he became extremely hateful and defensive. I think it was actually before he even decided to run for president. Sometime during The Apprentice. Don't know if it came from being the "boss" of other celebrities and embodying the whole "You're fire" thing, but something happened. I mean I get it, a lot of people around here identify with that kind of person, but not really anybody whose life doesn't revolve around shitposting.

Based Trump

I'm Australian, earliest I remember hearing of him was during the apprentice during the early 2000's. I remember he came off as a mean asshole and a prick during that, but I just assumed it was an act and that was his "character" for the show. If you watch interviews with him from the 80's or 90's he seems like a likeable person. I think he gradually just stopped giving a fuck as he got older and felt no reason to hold back on the assholeish impulses to say and be mean.

That's kind of what I'm getting at. It definitely was an act at first, but I think he kind of became that person after doing the show for so many years.

People really are sheep.


Awww did dialating your colon-vag make you sore, sweetie?
Go jump in front of a train, you'll feel better or at least everyone else will faggot.

You're wrong because your Aussie pea-brain is likely deprived of the nutrients from Blood and Soil. You are an inbred criminal, so I won't make this too complex for you. Donald Trump has what we in the biz call "Balls". What are "Balls"? That's what makes a man a man.

You know that anxious feeling that arises in your stomach every time you have a drive to raise your pitiful Australian croak of a voice? He doesn't have that. You know how you would never hit on a woman that you were attracted to because you don't wanna be "one of those guys"? He doesn't do that. You know how I know you're a faggot? Because you are so fucking loserish that you call a man asserting himself "assholeish". You REEK of Reddit. I can just imagine how annoying your weasely, squeaky Aussie voice sounds saying the word "mean". Wow. You really are a lost bastard.

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if this isn’t just a slightly edited copypasta, extremely based

>Personally I thought the movie was great, despite Goose's terrible mumble acting

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It's not mumble acting at all

Say what you about him now, but what you just posted isn't true. you're trying to rewrite history. you either didnt care one way or the other about trump or you liked him before he ran for president. youre an untruthful faggot,

>commonly known as the batman movie
The Batman Movie: The Dark Knight Rises



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Trump is retarded, phone-kun.

Fpbp, Trump will always be the Reddit presidency

"No!" He's the Yea Forums presidency!

I remember a lot of people making fun of his hair years before he ran for president. I think a lot of the same liberals who now despise him already didn't like him much back then, since he was an oafish rich white Republican businessman, but they didn't care about him much since he wasn't a threat.

zoomer faggot. go chew on some tide pods.


Yeah, they hated him right into the Oval Office, and they'll hate him all the way to 2024.
Hell, they may hate him so bad that he somehow gets a third term.

I'm not a zoomer and I agree with him. Nice dubs.

I loathed him before and still kinda do but I voted for him. He's the perfect president for clown world.

I don't like him as much anyone but I'll still probably vote for him again especially if it's against biden

he based

His daddy handing him a fortune wasnt enough he had to spend years developing the winning personality you see today

He's based af

John “No Tomorrow for Vic Morrow” Landis