What's the worst movie theater going experience you've ever had? What movie were you watching?

What's the worst movie theater going experience you've ever had? What movie were you watching?

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Fingered an old girlfriend while watching Black Swan and when I took a sniff of my fingers it was fishy as fuck. Not pleasant. I can't watch Black Swan now without thinking of it. It's a shame too, because it's fucking kino.

When seeing The Two Towers on opening night we got late to the cinema and had to sit front row far left which made the movie near unwatchable. You couldn't focus on the whole screen and action scenes made you sick.

Not necessarily the worst but when I saw Fant4stic, I was the only loser in the theatre until an old Asian couple (40-50) walked in and sat in front of me. He nibbled at her neck and sang quiet Chinese songs into her ear. Might have been more entertaining that the movie.

My spinster aunt took me and my brother to see the Karate Kid remake, the one with the little black kid and Jackie Chan, and the whole time a bunch of hood apes were shouting nigga this and nigga that, would just not shut up. Made everybody uncomfortable, movie was shit anyway though.
They got in a fight with some rednecks in the movie theater parking lot afterwards, and I saw a nigger get his head kicked in, so that was kinda fun actually.

I tried to catch a Kill Bill 1+2 double-feature and got extremely drunk and high in between films. Once I had returned to the theatre for the second film, I was falling asleep and could barely keep my eyes open. I left after falling asleep during the first big scene with Michael Madsen

I went to go see lights out with some friends a while back at night. Meh movie but the fun part is that two huge families, one black and the other mexican, with like 5 adults and at least 10 kids each erupted into a huge fight screaming, yelling, throwing shit, and eventually just full on fist fighting each other for some reason and even though it interupted our movie we got free tickets for any movie we want after so it was worth it in the end. This happens pretty much everytime you go to see a late night movie here in Brooklyn. The only perk to diversity desu senpai

Damn man. I live in Kentucky and have been going to the movies since 1993. Never once had something like that happen in a theater but we're also not very "diverse." Connect those dots on your own.

Probably when I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. These two guys sitting ahead of me must've been high or something because they wouldn't stop saying "Harry Potter" in all the goofy ways they could for the entire movie.

Took my little sister to the midnight premiere of the eighth Harry Potter movie and the audience were exactly the kind of people you would expect to be there.

A row of about 8 indians in front of me.

Talked the whole way through the movie and had their phones out the entire time, not even watching the movie just talking with eachother.

One guy kept getting up, walking out and then would come back after 15 or so minutes.

I kicked the back of the guy in front of me and told him to shut up but there were about 6 others still talking that I couldn't get near.

I could hear the fat gf of the nerdy guy sitting next to me to "say something them, tell them to shut up" and honestly I was hoping he would do something as well but he did nothing.

Honestly, I had some coke I was going to pour all over them but the movie wasn't even that good. This was about 3 or 4 months ago and I haven't returned to the cinema since then.

I fucking hate shitskins so much they should be banned from the theatre.

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Went to see Avengers Endgame with my mom and the designated sniper headshot her.

The Happening. Walked out like twenty minutes into it.

I was in the middle of fucking my gf in the theater when she loudly queefed in sync with a loud fart in the film. It was Amadeus.

My worst experience in a theatre:
>be me
>watch The Force Awakens

Fuck pakis

Watched endgame with a free ticket
Sit in a row full of Indian kids not shutting the fuck up
Even though I barely think the avengers is entertaining those little fuckers makes my fist feels really light

>actually watching Black Swan and not Perfect Blue

Indians are subhuman.

Some fat jewish dude took out his phone and just randomly called someone during a movie. Had to literally yell at him to get him to stop. He had this expression like he was doing nothing wrong and I killed his dog

Nothing stands out in particular but I've been in several where tweens come in and sit for 10 minutes, glow the theater up with their cellphones and get up and walk out only to come back in and do it all over again. Fuckers won't sit still.

The Last Jedi. I kid you not, when my buddy and I bought tickets the night of, the entire front row was open. So that’s where we sat, 2.5 hours of hell.

Went to the airing of the 3D episode I with my father just for the shitpost factor and there was a couple of fat people in the back tongue kissing, and that grossed me out.

Deserved it for watching space capeshit

there was a couple of times where i had to tell some teen fags to cut their shit out, one of them kept kicking the back of my chair so i warned him once then i had to get up and told him to move or i was going to beat his ass and another time i was with my bro and a group of teebns came into the movie we were watching and started acting up like running up and down the isle so i told them to sit down or fuck off

Probably the midnight premiere of Avengers because I absolutely hated it, the audience loved it and I knew I was witnessing a turning point for mainstream cinema in a direction I did not like at all. I was sipping whiskey from a flask past the first hour. And my friend almost got into a fight with some Mexican punk behind her who was throwing popcorn at her.

>I saw a nigger get his head kicked

at least your story had a happy ending

Went to see Scream 3 and got scared and accidentalky threw half my cola over my pants.



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TKR opening weekend with broken air and around 300+ people.

How much of your bros cum did you swallow at the end of the night?

>be kid watching The Two Towers
>couple behind me
>for the entire movie the guy is explaining to the girl what is going on because she didn't see the first movie
I think it's the only movie I have seen twice just to make up for the first time.

youre 12

The city I live in is absolutely full of asians who always take their phones out and half-heartedly record the screen. Like, they don't hold it up or even attempt to get a good view, they just hold it at an angle with a limp wrist. They always stop when I call them out on it too so I have no idea why they bother in the first place.

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>be me
>college time
>not very interested in girls yet
>a female friens ask me to go watch a movie with her and some friends after class.
>run to my house, preparing pop-corn ans coke in my bag
>ready to have a good social activity with friend
>my friends are already in front of th theater
>it's 50/50 girls and boys, most of them are couples
>the girl who invited me tricked me into some kind of couples hanghout.
>being autistic, I tried to place myself between a couple to distance me of her
>"dude fuck off"
>spilled coke in my bag
>it's a shitty dwayne johnson movie
>run at home

I've been littyed
sorry for the broken english

Watched man of steel front row
Horrible, couldn't pay attention to how fast pace it was and ultimately gave me a headache

When we were teenagers we got high before a movie and one of our friends disappeared within the first 20 minutes.
After the movie we spent an hour looking for him and finally I clicked "Check the toilets in the movie theatre"
Walk in and we can see vomit coming out from one of the cubicles and find our friend very sick from the weed.
Movie theatre called an ambulance and his mum turned up and yelled at us in front of everyone and said we were a bad influence.
Kind of funny considering it was her son who brought the weed and bragged about how much of a pot head he was and he couldn't even handle it.

I was with a date and decided to do the popcorn trick during Titanic. She screamed when she felt me because she thought it was a snake. I watched the last 3 hours of the movie alone.

I have several
>watching captain america winter soldier
>3 fat fucks sitting next to me
>eating nachos and shit that stink out whole theater
>they talk very fucking loudly throughout the entirety of the film
>on their phones
Then there's this one
>watching American Made
>group of teenagers in the back
>they're just really loud but not a big deal I can ignore this
>have my hands in a circular formation because autism and don't know where to put my hands when sitting
>they throw popcorn, crumpled up wrappers and other shit like it's a game and my hand is the basket
>I subconsciously do this when I'm sitting so it keeps happening
>can't really get up and tell them to stop so I just give them a mean look and stop making me hands go like that
Final one
>be me
>watching Captain Marvel because
>15 minutes in decide to pop in some Xanax
>am a dumb fuck and take way too much
>Don't remember anything about the movie
>somehow wake up in my bed the day after in my house which is kinda far away from the kinoplex
>still haven't seen Captain Marvel and have no idea what happens in that movie

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Nice selfie bro


should have made a move on the girl, I once went to the theater with the girl I lost my virginity to and her husband and I sat next to her and rubbed her elbow during the entire movie

Id probably throw things at the obvious Autist too. Sort yourself out user.

>>still haven't seen Captain Marvel and have no idea what happens in that movie
You didn't miss much.

>be me
>influential day trader
>go to see Spiderman XXXVIII
>start trading on my phone making mad buxxs
>some poor complains and gets me thrown out
I'm sick of these jelly serfs. We need a business class for cinemas.

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movie was alice in wonderland 2 btw


But the Holocaust.

>be me
>getting high with friends
>sneak into movie theatre
>all heckle the entire movie
>see couples leave during
>movie ends
>all leave to get higher
That was like 10 years ago, feels good knowing I ruined an already shitty movie.

Honestly this is how I read that cringe shit.

>go see T2 in 3D with my cousins
>theater completely empty aside from one middle aged back dude in the back
>we're joking and having a good time during the movie
>Dyson makes his first appearance and my cousin says "A BLACK GUY AS A SCIENTIST? PSSH"
>look behind me later and notice black guy is gone
>didnt come back

pretty embarrassed since even i have the tact to not openly flaunt my racial biases in public.

great movie though. was surprised how good it looked in 3D

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>Edgy teen with greaser friends is satisfied by only the Edgiest of Kino's.
>Still goes to midnight showing despite "omg #hatingit lol"

You know what? You're not even worth continuing this mockery of you. I'm just gonna call you for what you are. A faggot.


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Black Swan is better than Perfect Blue solely because it doesn't force you to wade into weird Japanese celebrity pervert culture. Also the comparison between the two is overwrought, the narratives don't have that much in common aside from being psychological thrillers with similar pacing starring unreliable an unreliable narrator as our female lead who is in a variant of the entertainment industry.

I saw A Million Ways to Die in the West and this guy was hysterically laughing at the seen where Neil Patrick Harris shits in his hat. He was the only person laughing in the entire theater

>calling them out on it

I'm not him but you're one to talk
>You're not even worth continuing this mockery of you
You never even started in the first place, unless you spent 15 minutes prior to clicking post typing out paragraphs
>I'm just gonna call you for what you are. A faggot.
Calling him a faggot and then calling him a faggot in greentext is pretty faggy

>18 y-o virgin
>have crush on a 17 y-o virgin female in my circle of friends
>her birthday is coming up so give her 2 tickets for picrelated (just came out and was being shown as canadian premiere during an asian festival)
>pick her up with my (parent's) car and drive 45min to city
>I try to make small talk but she is very shy and only replies with short yes/no answers. Doesn't ask questions back
>get there, huge line-up, wait like 30mins outside
>try to talk a bit but she remains very silent. I think there was a 5+ minutes total silence at some point which is painfully long while on a date
>get in the room and the movie starts
>can't enjoy it because I keep thinking about topics and.stuff I could say on the way back and how the date is going bad
>movie ends and we get back in my car
>ask her if she enjoyed it, she says "yes" and nothing else
>bring up some of.the topics I thought about but same thing happens
>give up and put the radio sortof loud and we don't speak for 45mins while I drive
>get to her home, she thanks me.for taking her and swiftly exits my car, no kisses or nothing
>2 weeks later she loses her virginity to some chad she met at a bat

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>This happens pretty much everytime you go to see a late night movie here in Brooklyn
What fucking neighborhood do you live in?

Happened sorta to me once. There's light on the other side of that abyss btw. What did you learn from that experience? What will you do different the next time? Look for the signs and act accordingly.

Because it's distracting and rude

Captain America: Winter Soldier

Halfway through movie, old guy sits down several rows ahead of me and he smells like a combination of dried shit, cigarettes, unwashed laundry and day old garbage.

Lolwat? Aronofsky literally bought the rights to Perfect Blue to make that movie. He didn't hide this. Educate yourself.

When I went and saw The Two Towers a massive obese bearded white man hobbled in using two walking crutches and sat beside me. The seats were big but he was so enormous he spilled over the armrest into my seat. He was surrounded by a cloud of intense unwashed BO and marijuana. He started laughing uproariously the instant 'Wingnut Films' appeared on screen like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. He pretty much never stopped.

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Sounds kino as hell. How can you call that a bad theater experience?

should have left and asked for your money back, you beta faggot

Perfect Blue came out like 15-20 years ago user, that was an old story
t. boomer

>watching the new jurassic park movie
>teenage boy is talking with his girlfriend
>kid starts laughing non-stop for 5 minutes for no apparent reason
>I finally had enough and turned around and told them to be quiet
>girl apologizes a few times while the boy didn't say shit
>they stayed quiet for the rest of the movie
I don't mind a bit of whispering here and there but you're not going to talk while I watch a movie. I've told so many people to shut the fuck up, it's one of the reasons why I don't go to the movies anymore.

well of course she didn't sleep with you, she lied about liking it obviously

that sounds like a painful experience. you should have read the situation in the beginning and lightened up a little.

even though she was a 17 year old qt, if you didnt click well that should be an indicator that youre not gonna shack up. i recommend getting in shape.

En yor seevan, m8

Sipping from a flask. Smells like pussy in here.

>throwing up from dudeweed

>>have my hands in a circular formation because autism and don't know where to put my hands when sitting
>>they throw popcorn, crumpled up wrappers and other shit like it's a game and my hand is the basket

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Was watching Rush Hour 3 and there was some nigger family that wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Also I was watching the first Avengers and I was in front of some little kid who kept talking throughout the movie. He shut up after that Hulk jumpscare.

Sorry about that bro. I've been through some shit.

public areas are no-go zones in many parts of the US

some guy had a seizure watching 28 weeks later
I was working at the theater at the time and his gf came out of the screening screaming loud as fuck

Someone decided to abandon their full sized special-ed kid in the theater, he walked around the theater the whole time yelling "Beep Beep Beep!" over and over, sometimes while headbutting the screen.

>parents take me to see Saving Private Ryan in theater
>watching part where guy from Avatar gets shot in the liver
>guy from Avatar starts saying he wants his momma
>hear crying/ sobbing next to me
>look over and see old man crying a river
>we make eye contact
>with tears in his eyes, “they always begged for their mother just before they died”
>permanently traumatized me and cannot watch war movies ever since

10000000000% Dunkirk in 70mm.

How old was Juliette Louis in that movie?

Last little bit of the movie "Red Dragon", climactic confrontation. Three old black women came into the theater, they hadn't been there for the movie, and started screaming at the screen. "Shewt Heem In Da Hayd! Shewt Heem inda Hayd Again!"

Pirates of the Caribbean 2, whichever one that was. The movie looked like shit to me and I saw it with my buddies at the movie theater in what we called the Million Man Mall. Every stereotype about black people in the movie theater is true. Fuckers were jabbering all throughout the movie, talking to each other, talking on the phone, screaming at the screen, etc...

Best experience I had? Watching "Cruising," at a showing at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin (or one of them, my brother-in-law and his wife were hosting me for the evening while I was in town). Everybody minded the rules, I had beer and pizza, the chairs were comfortable, and the overall experience was pleasant. The movie was shit, but that was the point. Great time.

Went to see Aliens Versus Predator. Group of five Native Alaskans sat a couple rows behind our group. They would keep asking "Is that predator?" and another would respond, "Yeah! That's predator, Predator is Tiiiight!". Every single thing in that movie was "Tiiiight!"

I typed up this story for Yea Forums once before, but I am gonna keep it a bit more brief this time

>Have a cousin who is really into The Fast and Furious, cars, Michael Bay movies and shit like that
>He really wants to see the new XXX Movie (the one that came out in 2017, Return of Xander Cage or something like that) but his girlfriend is visiting her parents out of state
>Asks me to go, I don't want to go but he offers to buy my ticket and take me to lunch after
>We go to this piece of shit ghetto movie theater near his house
>We got mediocre seats in the back, the theater is actually pretty packed
>There is a guy near the front row who actually brought his fucking DOG to the movie theater, and it was a Pitbull on a chain leash with some dollar pet store blue vest around it (Presumably so he could say it was a service dog)
>Dog keeps fucking barking at trailers and advertisements
>It just keeps barking and growling
>People start yelling at him to shut up his dog, he tells them to shut up
>Like 15 minutes into the movie the dog has continuously barked for the entirety of it and the guy finally just gets up and leaves
>There are several children who have stopped paying attention to the film and are now literally running up and down the aisles, climbing over seats and people while screaming
>Their parents don't care
>Two guys randomly start screaming at one another during some action scene, it is impossible to hear them except for when the movie momentarily quiets down and then you can hear them for a few seconds before the explosions start again
>Audio for the movie fucks up like 75% of the way into the movie and becomes really echoy and warbley (if that makes any sense)
>We leave as soon as the credits begin and my Cousin tells me the movie was awesome

I've never quite had an experience like this before in my life. I have never gone to a theater and left feeling like I never actually saw the movie. Its like I was in the twilight zone for 2 hours.

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Seeing The Dark Knight with a mouth ulcer.

I liked the movie but the lingering taste of salted butter in the air multiplied my pain levels several times.

you saw a movie released in 1980 in the theater?

I saw The Dark Knight Rises a day or so after the shooting
I was a mess back then so my anxiety was through the roof throughout it all

That's deep. What a unique experience to have.

It was a special showing, kind of like how some places do showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Room.

Man, that had to be the worst Dark Knight moviegoing experience ever

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I went and saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and there was a woman one seat over from me who was on her phone constantly and kept asking her husband/boyfriend/whatever what was going on. I felt bad for him because while she had no self awareness he was clearly trying to get her to not talk and was whispering into her ear what happened in the movie and kept saying stuff like "C'mon, just watch it, just put down your phone"

She did that for the entire run time of the movie until the very end when the Manson Family breaks into their house. Then she started saying stuff like "Oooh! Holy shit! Ouch! What the fuck?! Why!? Oh my god! Holy Crap!" really loudly. I looked over at the guy (who was right next to me) and he literally sunk into his seat like a cartoon character. He just hunched over a bit and tried to become as small and tiny as possible so people wouldn't notice him.

Funnily enough her biggest reaction was to Brad Pitt licking the Dog Food where she said something to the effect of "Thats so fucking nasty! What the FUCK!!"

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somehow misread headache as "heart attack" and laughed my ass off
you should have done that instead

I've always wanted to go see an old movie at the theater. Some theaters show old movies on certain days even when it's not a theatrical re-release. I just can never make myself go. Shit seems like it would be so kino because not many people would be there. Seems really comfy.

Please tell me she was at least an amazing piece of ass; talking 10/10 instagram thot or something.


While it isn't an old movie, I went and saw the Extended Editions of Lord of the Rings Trilogy in amazing quality with orgasmic sound on a giant screen in a theater. It started in the evening and went all night.

Fellowship was fucking horrible. The theater was packed and I guess because people had seen the movie they thought they should be giving a running commentary on what was going on. Faggots must have thought they were clever or were watching "The Room" because they kept trying to make jokes or yell memes. The council scene where Boromir famously says "One does not simply walk into Mordor" had people literally screaming variants of that phrase for nearly the rest of the movie.

However, after Fellowship most of the kids and young people left and the theater went from packed to being less than half full and everyone was quiet. It was great. Return of the King had only a few of the most hardcore people left and everyone was silent as we watched it. After the movie ended me and my friend, along with two other guys who were there went and got breakfast and discussed the movies. Overall it was a great time but I wish I just outright skipped Fellowship.

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If we're actually gonna give a "harsh" rating with 5 being average, I would say she was at best a 7.5/10. As in she was definitely above average and attractive, but certainly not some 10/10 bombshell.

It can be fun, because everybody who is there is there because they actually want to watch the movie. It's a real theater experience and the audience is more engaged with what's going on. Sure, you're watching a movie that you can watch at home, but the tickets are usually more affordable anyway, so you're not out a whole lot of money, and you'll know if you'll enjoy the movie beforehand.

>met at a bat
i dont know why but this is very funny to me

Saw the last lord of the rings movie with my family and came down with stomach flu or something, theater was packed and I couldn't get out of my seat in time and literally shit my pants 30 minutes into that movie. Uncle thought I was making a joke when I told him. Sat through the entire movie in literal shit. When I left aunt gave me her sweatshirt to wrap around my waist to get to the car and dad laid out some old shopping bags on the seat and opened the windows all the way. Uncle laughing the entire time saying "I really thought it was that greasy couple in front of us!"

Uncle still makes jokes at family dinners.

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My Chad friend yelling out jokes the whole movie. Cant remember what movie, we were in high school.
Literally every female in the theatre laughed every time, they could sense his personality and dominance in a dark theatre, just by his voice.

that's some weird shit right there

I snuck a 6 pack into Trek 09. This was before theaters started serving alcohol around here. Anyway I'm happily drinking my miller lights when I suddenly get literally the biggest burp attack from the nachos I was eating.

The dude in front of me gave me a death glare and I had to give him a beer to prevent him from knocking me out

Post her

I’m an oldfag and it isn’t bullshit. I’ve never been able to enjoy war movies since. It feels like I’m watching shit that real people went through, created by people that would never have the guts to go through what they’re creating.

Thats what you get for being a disgusting fucking degenerate hedonist piece of filth i hope you develop aids next time normie cunt. Youre in a public place be a little more respectful

Got multiple, stoner smoke weed,movie shut half-way no ticket back,not the movie who was suppose to play ,again no cash back (different movie theater).

>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Some guy in the back snuck some liquor in
>progressively gets more obnoxious as he keeps drinking
>making dumbass comments and laughing at literally nothing
>hear him arguing with people telling him to be quiet
>finally the staff comes in and kicks him out

I know it's cliche but I swear on my life the entire theater actually applauded when he got kicked out. Still kinda ruined the movie for me tho.

Your cousin sounds based.

>snuck liquor
What third-world shithole theater do you go to where they don't serve alcohol?

In NZ at least, just because a place is licensed to serve alcohol it doesn't mean you can bring your own shit in. I assume it's a different license for "B.Y.O." and most certainly has more restrictions they have to follow.

Then again, I highly doubt most places give a shit. I usually take a bag with me when I go in to town and in five years I've maybe been asked once to show them what was inside before watching a film, so I've taken in liquor and food plenty of times.

Years ago I went to see a movie with my cousin, and my grandmother was supposed to pick us up, but the movie was a little bit longer than she thought. Naturally, she gets the bright idea to convince the staff to let her in the back, and she promptly walks all over the theater, mid movie, in front of the screen, up and down and through all the isles, yelling our fucking names. Was the most embarrassing and shameful experience I've ever had. Fuck me.

12 years a slave.

Some old white lady started laughing and singing along when Dano started doing the nigger song.

I was watching Get Out with a few Quiz Bowl teammates in a small southern town (Their idea, not mine). One of them was a big, sports-trivia guy in a relationship with a mismatched, far smarter premed gf. Kinda thick in the head, but seemingly tolerable.

We’re about the only white dudes in the entire theater of about 15 odd people. And he out wiggers them all. All throughout the fucking movie, he talks and comments loud as fucking can be, while me and the two others just sat, a tad dumbstruck at him. I think the blacks were equally uncomfortable.

That was the only time I ever went out with them to a film. And Christ, I can’t imagine what his fucking parents did to him to make him ape out in such a way, as they seemed like decent, middle-class folks from appearances.

I haven’t experienced a full blown Black Chimpout, yet. Though given the city I’m transferring to for college, it seems like an inevitability. In theaters and elsewhere.

Which is why I think I’ll stick to the hipster art house place. It’ll be lefty as fuck, but as white as dirt speckled snow

This thread is about the worst theater experiences, not the best. Learn to read man.

Did the guy die?

>80% of incidents posted in this thread could have been alleviated if the beta males in question simply got up and reported them to theater staff
Who would have guessed Yea Forums was filled with cowardly slack-jawed faggots?

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Sounds fun and better than the movie.

I recommended going to watch shitty horror movies in mostly black neighborhood theater. It makes the movie 100% better.

Fast and furious 8 premiere day
Dragged by a friend to watch it, and god i thought i would kill myself i couldnt stand out all those retarded two digit iq boomers laughing every five second just because something dumb happen.

>not a single mention of anvils or birds of prey

You've changed, Yea Forums.

I think he had some medical condition and even though his gf was freaking out, it seemed like he had dealt with seizures before, he was very calm about it even though my managers carried him out of the the theater
the scene that fucked him up had a lot of strobing lights

>and then everyone saluted him for his service and I clapped
god bless america

fast and furious is unironically kino

did they rip this scene off the simpsons?

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>describing anything as “orgasmic”

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