Who was he meant to be?

Who was he meant to be?

Attached: IMG_7783.jpg (1600x907, 178K)

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Definitely not Epstein. Who are some powerful Hungarian people?


That dude from American Renaissance.

I know that Kubrick was an anti-Semite, but I think he wanted any trace of Jewishness wiped from the script because he didn't want people to think he was singling Jewish people out. Sure, he was in the cult as well, but the guy who tries to help Tom the most in the film is Jewish.

I’m pretty powerful when I’m hungry

You don't have to wait for later
here's a new eleminator
Ask your local weapon-trader
for the Superperforator.

Stress? Just cool it
here's a special bullet
put it in the magazine
Boom a Bang into your been

You can call the Operator
for the Superperforator!
Killing is your habbit
make you wriggle like a rabbit

But before you die my dear
have a final glass of beer
and before the breake of dawn
we'll have your back where you belong.
Sprinkling the lawn. (Hih!)
the bang-boom-boom,
meet your doom,
call it soon,
the local weapon-trader
with your Superperforator.

Easter Egg:

In Raphael's script, Szabo says to Alice "You know why women used to get married... It was the only way they could lose their virginities and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted."

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He thought they would spare him for that, how naive Stanley was.

Vlad the Impaler

vlad was a romanian raised by turks

Didn't based Kubrick also hate Schindler's List?

Maybe Nicole Kidmans father? A known child trafficker.

>The success of Schindler's List led filmmaker Stanley Kubrick to abandon his own Holocaust project, Aryan Papers, which would have been about a Jewish boy and his aunt who survive the war by sneaking through Poland while pretending to be Catholic.[108] According to scriptwriter Frederic Raphael, when he suggested to Kubrick that Schindler's List was a good representation of the Holocaust, Kubrick commented, "Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about 6 million people who get killed. Schindler's List is about 600 who don't."[108][b]

I hope I'm half as good looking at that age.

>6 million

What a retard.

Anton LeVey

>"Think that's about the Holocaust? You think that was about the 6 million people who got killed? That was about success, wasn't it? Was the Holocaust, a historical event where 7 million of the chosen people got killed, about success? The Holocaust is about 8 million people who get killed by filthy goyim. Schindler's List is about 600 who don't get killed, separate from the 9 million of God's chosen people who did get killed by your filthy goy hands. Fuck you. Justice for the 10 million."
Huh, I guess Kubrick was just like the rest.

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I don't think Uncle Jared is involved in these shenanigans.

>tfw the movie was never released how Kubrick originally wanted it to be
>tfw there were supposedly more fucked up scenes in Kubrick's cut compared to theatrical release
>tfw the (((elite))) didn't want this getting out
>so they neutered the film
>Kubrick "coincidentally" dies right after the movie's released
really makes my almonds dilate anons.

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What if the ritual scene is real
No actors
Real people

Effron Jefferstein

Nicholas Tesláth

Google, Bing, Yandex and Duckduckgo bring back nothing on this fella. Who is he?

He greatly advanced the field of electricity

Attached: Nicholas Teslath.jpg (2563x3348, 1.41M)

>Easter Egg:
>In Raphael's script, Szabo says to Alice "You know why women used to get married... It was the only way they could lose their virginities and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted."
That's what he says in the film though.


He said it's absurd to think that one bullet could go through five people

Fuck you! He's what came up, but it doesn't say that "Nicholas Tesláth" is his real name or that he's Hungarian! (It might say the second part, but I'm not going to look far enough to find out.) !!!FACTS!!!


What if virtually all movies are rituals witnessed by millions of people, sometime multiple times, increasing their power

What if Hollywood was so named for the holly tree's wood that magic wands were made of

it really makes you think...

He represents the Eastern European oligarchs that run the human trafficking/underage prostitution rings irl

The bad guy from Der Schuh des Manitu.


Is Hungary at the center of the occult.
>The Hungarian In Usual suspects.
>Something Hungarian in The ninth gate
>This shit

WTF Hungary

To be honest, most Hungarians I met where prostitutes.

rich old well connected chad that high society thots consider creme da la creme as far as men go

Niculaie Teslea was romanian

German? Czech?

legitimately mentally ill or low iq, they deserved it fully but it absolutely happened almost exactly as described you wormlike resentful nigger idiots

WRONG. Nikollë Teslaj was albanian.


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German. Worked in a brothel for a while.

believing kids deserved to be rounded up and killed just because they belonged to the same ethnic group that a bunch of rich bankers and media moguls did is even more retarded than believing in the whole typhus and wooden doors drivel

This. Even Zizek admits that there were plenty of Jewish people who deserved to be punished, but it was along class lines rather than ethnic lines.

>all [insert categorization] is evil

sorry, fren. do you forgive me?

yes, but only if you remember it was more along jawlines than class lines

Okay, but first take a picture of your hand laying flat with a timestamp next to it and post pic.

The guy said he had friend ins the art game whos also into the rennaissance, given the theme of the orgy. The guy in red was credited Victor Vitali on imdb which is also the name of the european fashion guru mentioned having had an affair with the dead model in the newspaper article.

Basically the whores on the party are models that were provided by the fashion guru and Sandor prolly was involved in the theme of the party. Also you should mention that in the book the orgy members wore nun and priest outfits instead, which was what the actual hellfire club wore when the likes of Benjamin Franklin were members. As in politicians or powerful people in general.

>Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe.[1] Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality"[2] who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain. The clubs were rumoured to have distant ties to an elite society known only as The Order of the Second Circle.


Notice the circle thing?

>Notice the circle thing?

The magic circle game, the circle during orgy, etc?

Eyes Wide Shut is a loose adaptation of the Odyssey so he represents Penelope's suitors