This is Rachel Bighead, say something nice about xir!
This is Rachel Bighead, say something nice about xir!
Other urls found in this thread:
she cute
I know OPs post is bait and all, but its still sad seeing a beloved character from many of our childhoods ruined like this
Makes you wonder how many more this will happen to, in future adaptations..
fuck commies fuck niggers and fuck trannies
Even the creator's own 10-year-old daughter knew it was a lame gimmick:
>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ”
I mean, this is all anyone's talking about with Static Cling, be it its supporters, its detractors, the media, whatever. It'd have already been forgotten without Ralph's "transition." So mission accomplished on the attention-seeking gimmick, I suppose.
>beloved character
I forgot the Bigheads had a son until I saw one of the two Ralph episodes again after twenty years. Peaches is more beloved.
Who will play her in her inevitable live action adaptation?
Hopefully more of them so adults stop obsessing over childhood cartoons and move on with their lives and tastes.
can't wait for the episode where it kills itself.
>I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t.“
I think Joe knows what's what at the end of the day but has to two the line as to not piss off the GLAAD mafia
10 year olds don't talk like that.
I mean he’s obviously paraphrasing but why would he make up a lie about his own daughter thinking his cartoon is a shitty gimmick?
10 year olds nowadays are super smart.
>I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “Alex Jones was right all along.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe the chemicals in the water turned the freakin frog gay.” And I said, “Yeah, well, they didn’t.“
Aside from this scene/episode, how does the series hold up?
This is the only episode, it’s just a one-off special not a whole revival season. And most of the episode is preaching how nostalgia is bad and you need to move on so it feels like it’s just spitting in the face of anyone who wanted that.
thanks for the info. I’ve only seen info about the new episode(s) in regards to the OP so I never bothered to look into it. probably gonna skip it. thanks.
It doesn't really hold up.
>the second half is completely centralized around the chemicals turning the freakin frog gay
>everyone but Ed immediately accepts it even the guys who are straight up from the 90s
>dude you cant live in the past, past bad, change always good
Fucking retarded.
based and redpilled
gee it’s almost like it’s an actual mental disorder, really jogs the noggin
emma stone
God I want to suck on that green tadpole and stroke xirs purple pubes.
>tfw your only son decides to castrate himself and effectively kills your ancestral bloodline
FUCKING wonderful. Just lovely. We can't even get a one off nostalgia trip for one of the most beloved 90s shows without the long dick of SocJus pozzing it up.
Why? Just why? Joe Murray was never some limp dicked cuck. Did Netflix make him do this in order to get it funded? The movie was announced years ago and kept hitting road blocks, I can see that being the case. But why does every reboot and throwback have to keep doing this shit? It seems like they are intentionally trying to destroy and rewrite everything that people love.
What a fucking embarrassment. I'm literally done with Netflix after this trash. Who was this dog shit disaster even marketed to?
>Rocko's Modern Leftist Political Lecture
I have a 4-year-old daughter whose watched the old Rocko's, and she goes "but he's a boy?" Fuck these cancerous evil parasites masquerading as human beings.
>mentally ill hollywood guy becomes a tranny
>implying this isn't redpilled
Based, the only good thing to come out of this shit
This is all his doing. Netflix didn’t pick it up until after it was already finished and Nickelodeon didn’t want to air it due to the Hey Arnold movie failing despite being much less controversial.
Hue. She already responds to female pronouns tho, no need to use xim or xir
That's the worst part about it. If it was just Ralph being a tranny and then everyone was just "eh, ok" then it would be one thing. It could have been ambiguous as to whether is was just another wacky aspect of modern times.
But they go on and on about it. The entire back half of the movie is just this soapboxing bullshit about OLD BAD, NEW GOOD. Just kill it.
Netflix Invader Zim releases in just a few days, we hyped?
IDK is Gir going to be a tranny too?
awww yeaaaa half of them were already faggots. cant wait to see the final transformation
reminder that ralphie always gave faggot vibes in the original series
>nobody gives a shit about this show since it's old as fuck
>suddenly it gets rebooted or whatever
I'm quietly anticipatory and buffering the possible fallout by rewatching old episodes.
What are "faggot vibes" exactly?
Don't you have some Fortnite to play, zoomerfag?
I will when you go back to watching cartoons made decades ago FOR CHILDREN
It's not a reboot, it's a new episode with all the established characters.
Frogs actually do change sex tho. It’s rocko’s MODERN life, trans are pretty modern
The worst ideas netflix has will be the best ideas for Invader Zim.
Maybe he knows it is a gimmick and wants to acknowledge that it is, without himself being seen as the one complaining thereby avoiding getting in trouble with the internet mob and whoever it is who forced him to incorporate it.
by that logic president trump is a liberal playing the long con. no, dude just made some show where the last half is utterly confusing
>wear fursuits in public to appease their weird fetish
>viewed as cringey and autistic
>wear opposite sex clothing in public to appease their weird fetish
>fucking worshipped
Also, trannies CHOOSE to dress the way they weren't intended, and get their feefees hurt when someone critiques them. Transphobia isn't even real.
Formerly Ralph
seething. your daughter will probably grow up to be a retarded 4channel contributer just like her faggot father
Almost lile in real life you doofus, it's about dealing with that change because it's purposefully triggering to you.
They do when you start them reading at a young age and actually make an effort to educate them outside of your garbage school system.
Netflix Rocko is just a meta-analysis of the effects 2 decades of drinking chemical laced water has on the common American frog.
>Change good, except for CGI, which is bad.
why are alt right snow flakes so triggered by that fact that kid's movies and tv shows have blacks, gays, and trans?
c & f
This is what the creator looks like now, and he has a Trump reference in his bio.
Chances are high it's gonna get current yeared hard. The Rocko spam will be nothing compared to the coming shitshow.
I just saw the trailer. Normally I don't mind flash, but wow, IZ looking so clean compared to the cartoon is already making me not that hyped.
>everyone but Ed immediately accepts it even the guys who are straight up from the 90s
This always gets me. You have all these liberals out there that claim they're cool with it, but deep down they know they're lying to themselves. It just takes meeting one actual tranny and realizing how fucking retarded they are. They're tolerated at best, just seen as some entity that is to be brought up when convenient, but to lurk in back alleys and San Francisco getting AIDS and killing themselves like they're supposed to.
>Using his 10 year old daughter as a human shield instead of owning the shitty gimmick and backlash himself
At least the kid is smart enough not to buy into the tranny nonsense.
Uh, cringe.
All I could think was that you guys were right. There's something on Netflix and pushing trans rights. But I think the message on the movie isn't positive, the author just hid it behind the faux acceptance of Rocko to the changes on his favorite show. It's trash, an abomination, but you can't fight the dumb masses when they are on a high crusade.
Not him but why would you reference Trump in your bio? A bio is supposed to be about you, not some other guy you probably don't like. Think, if someone wrote a bio like this
>Hi, my name is Steve, and FUCK STACY THAT FUCKING WHORE SHE CHEATED ON ME FUCK HER FUCK HER. I also raise pigeons.
you'd be like, "Seriously, dude? You raise pigeons?" It's just odd.
PS. When you greentext this can you have my wojak be one of those with the tiny brains? Those ones make me smile.
shh, you're a bit too mature for this board user.
How many hours a day do you spend scanning threads, soijack spammer?
I'm indifferent to Trump when he's not doing something funny, and I'm not a burger. But burgers who go out of their way to obsess over him tend to insert their agendas into whatever they create.
Then she called me a JIDF shill! Can ya believe that? A shill! My own flesh and blood... (Not that she was wrong, mind you, but that's beside the point)
They actually turn them into trannies. Alex Jones why did you lie?
(Formerly Ralph)
'heh-heh...oh maiii"
>How many hours a day do you spend scanning threads, soijack spammer?
>I'm indifferent to Trump when he's not doing something funny, and I'm not a burger. But burgers who go out of their way to obsess over him tend to insert their agendas into whatever they create.
I read that in his voice, lel
>straight from the leftist creator himself
>as reported by leftist journos
I don't think you can twist this one around, faganon.
Why not? It is your bio you're allowed to write whatever you want and 4 lines subtly referencing the president is nowhere near as close to a tangent as your example. Aside from that, he relaxed on his edgy fashion from say in the 2000s when the show was running so I don't see how muh looks means anything.
Looks cute for a man.
If anything he looks like less of a fag than he did in the Zim days desu
This. Bunch of dumb zoomies.
How does a cartoon look "cute" exactly you mentally ill loser?
jhonen has alway been a fag
the fact they focused on that particular story thread is so against the irreverent nature of Rocko's Modern Life. I'm so glad my favorite childhood cartoon isn't regarded highly enough to be corrupted
>It could have been ambiguous as to whether is was just another wacky aspect of modern times
That's the point. The show is called Rocko's modern life.
They're gonna say Gaz was always a tranny and Dib is trans-racial or something
Wacky Deli is best episode.
>See that Rocko has a new special
>Have a lot fond memories of the show, including its ability to take basic topics and make them absurd
>Special starts off just right, making light points covered in off the wall humor
>Suddenly “Rachel”
>Humor comes to a standstill and the rest of the special is a soapbox with barely any jokes
Every fucking time now
Based! Faggots, women and blacks are pieces of stupid shit.
how come they cant pirate shit then
>my profound and wise ten year old daughter
Any good fanart of her?
It would be redpilled if Rocko went insane and this was the last straw so he shot everyone. Then at the trial he was pardoned by Drumpf himself.
>I'm so glad my favorite childhood cartoon isn't regarded highly enough to be corrupted
What's your favorite?
Dont worry, they'll get Ed Edd and Eddy soon enough.
>my bigot transphobic ten year old daughter
everyone at the head enhancement clinic said no one would notice!!! :'(
>kids are so bombarded that a 10yo can be politically savvy
I wonder how hard the backswing's going to hit. They'll be trying to outdo the 90s and 00s for edginess.
Was Ralph molested as a child?
Does he have to dilate?
Is he a single tranny with rage or does he have a MtF wife?
I hope the next movie answers these questions.
You can get pardoned at a trial, retard. You have to be convicted first.
>*Dog shits in your lawn*
>Gross. That’s dog shit
They're compromising their artistic integrity by pushing an agenda. If you can't see this you're not only retarded but you're also blind.
>I can only compare things to shit because that's what my brains are made of
you own your lawn, do you own this show?
its like getting angry that a dog shit outside of someone's house 1 town over
It's a tv show just turn your brain off.
>or does he have a MtF wife
These are the most mind-boggling ones for me. You're some autistic back of the classroom loser willing to trade your dignity for mandated social inclusion. You claim to be a lesbian because you're obviously still attracted to women. Next comes years of forcing yourself onto women who have to tolerate your harassment until it reaches a point where it's okay for them to publicly expose it, right?
No, you find another autistic back of the classroom loser and you mash your malformed, 300lb, unwashed, shit-encrusted mutant bodies together and suck each other's horrific bent micropenises.
Trannies are delusional, so how do they settle for the waking nightmare of fucking their own terrible reflection?
Why did they change the spirals to be the pedo symbol?
It's still the same shape, internet detective
The fact that """transbians""" attempt to seduce real women is so disturbing to me. Lesbians are attracted to women for their femininity and the fact that they're actually women. If they wanted a feminized faggot they'd just date an feminized faggot dude.
Pretty sure she / her are her preferred pronouns, bigot.
Imagine being such an insufferable blatant shill for social justice bullshit that your own 10 year old daughter calls you out on it.
How would trannies even be portrayed positively in Zim? Everything about humanity is portrayed as disgusting. And the Irkens have already evolved past sexuality but they're all evil.
Dog shit is still dog shit, even if I don’t see it or if its 100 km away from me.
Simple as.
The parts of the internet that see furfags as those things will say the same about trannies
>getting upset over some soulless reboot of a b-tier cartoon from the 90s
100% they'll use beans somewhere
I wonder how badly his daughter is going to be attacked for saying it was a gimmick
>of all the things, the most important thing on user's mind is all the dogshit on lawns in the world
Simple indeed.
Such is life in our Outrage Culture today.
I'd fuck her.
Despite rhetoric here, a ton of girls like feminine men and I know cute girls dating MtFs.
Several girls have wanted to put makeup on me and wanted me to cross dress. It’s really other men reinforcing masculinity on other men for the most part. Just look at emo dudes and glam rock and all that type of shit.
Yeah, like just date a femboy
Clown World buddy. Honk honk.
The key word here is "girls". Not women. Silly girls who will outgrow that faggot shit and move on to actual men who they can start a family with.
The "clown world" includes all the alt-right retards freaking out about "MUH DEMOGRAPHICS CHANGE" as well.
People need to settle down, engage with their community, raise a family and stop obsessing over identity politics. Find worth in what you accomplish rather than innate characteristics you had no control over in the first place.
i watched all 40min of it and it was vapid as fuck
'hey im a girl'
Honest question. How old are you? Because based off observations generally women under 21 are attracted to feminine men. That's why K-Pop, anime boys, and before that shitty hardcore bands are so popular amongst young girls.
I unironically thought Rachel looked attractive. Something about that color combo is just so alluring. Also that rack is just amazing.
That's why I said it. It's just a repeat episode of "Yea Forums has a shitfit over Arthur longer than people who actually supported the episode gave a shit" episode.
Imagine being attracted to a cartoon character
Dude... The picture is right there. You can't try this anymore. How retarded do you think people are?
>Father, does it not concern you that you serve a zeitgeist existent only within your Hollywood milieu; one which is in in-fact discordant with the true sentiment of our age?
kek based 10 year old
The girl I know dating an MtF is late 20s. But I also live in California and frankly this stuff is probably more common out here than most places.
Toad has the natural ability to change sexes under environmental stress. This is a natural process, unlike trannies.
What the fuck are you talking about? They're literally the same shape
>Invader Xim
Nice one.
It's more of an 8 year old thing, you're right
Will they do a BOLD and Brave episode of it's suicide?
double d is definitely gonna be the tranny
HE always did have some kind of mental illness.
Ralph has to be like 50 at this point. He was never breeding.
I will not be made upset by things that don’t matter
I will not be made upset by things that don’t matter
I will not be made upset by things that don’t matter
I will focus on self-improvement and being a good example for the people around me
I will focus on self-improvement and being a good example for the people around me
Thank god. They rarely replicate and die faster.
>late 20s
user, i live in a light blue state and even then no decent looking chick around here would fucking do a MtF tranny, much less date one
Jhonen is a lefty but he’s an edgy lefty with his own style. It might be good
some people date them to show how tolerant they are but they don't become intimate
>Genocide doesn't matter
I always read this in Rocko's voice. As if he's sitting there saying it to himself in a dark room with his eyes closed.
Yea he’s always had a consistent 90s goth look.
Could just be a CD with a boob job. The special never specified and that’s all it really takes to call yourself a lady nowadays.
you genocided yourself by being an angry celibate faggot
What did they mean by this? It's a jab right?
c-could we just photoshop the tranny flag behind unattractive women and just co-opt their existence so they have to denounce the lgbt community?
top fucking kek
based lmao
I don't get it
Oh god hopefully not
Gaslighting doesn't work when you literally have the picture right there. What are you trying to accomplish?
when i kill your family, don't be triggered. embrace change
you're an ugly smelly nigger and your trans cunt can fuck off to hell
that isnt how genocide works, if it is illegal to have children without registering them to an avowedly hostile police state it is genocide
imagine being a father and your only child wanting to be trans.
Attempts. What's the numbers on successes?
It's funny whenever there's someone who acts logical they tend to get totally ignored. I've been on the internet for most of my life but people put way too much importance on internet politics when it's all just for the reaction
do people really think it's not a mental disorder though? it's extreme dysphoria.
but why would you treat it by acquiescing to it? do you give alcoholics more liquor? no, you pull the bottle away from them --it's escapism and instant gratification. and you know what? I don't blame them. I blame their shithead parents for not doing their job.
He looks like he's been sedated by antipsychotic medication.
So is there a reason why nobody in the show has aged after 20 years?
>Rocko's """""modern""""" life
I'm okay with this considering the plot.
Something to do with whatever audience it has consisting of developmental atrophy cases.
I would fuck that cartoon character if it could do something about its voice.
And cartoon penis.
I'd have preferred it was Rocko. Never liked that little shit.
I thought he just changed sex cuz he was a frog or whatever. A toad? Can't they do that too? that probably wasn't the actual reason but it's what I thought of
Honestly, the reason you give in to their dusphoria is there's not much to be done about it.
Same with gays, there's no "curing" it so society has agreed to let them live their lives as best they can instead of giving them a hard time.
The problems arise when it goes beyond letting adults live their lives, letting children make those kinds of long term decisions when all the science indicated their brains aren't even developed enough to consent to sex or drive a car.
but if this leads to them infecting children then we need to move to more proactive measures then simply letting them live their lives. they shouldn't be allowed to ruin children because we can't make hard decisions
>beloved character from many of our childhoods
>nothing to see here folks
>if this leads to them infecting children
which it will (absolutely is) as far a certain Yea Forums type's concerned. it seriously doesn't occur to you poor slobs this whole emphasis on trannies is occurring because when you're an underdog you sure as hell need another underdog below you in order to keep on feeling canine
>if this leads to them infecting children
Been there, done that. Keep up. If you don't let your children be trans then they'll be taken from you. Now shut the fuck up, bigot.
You're a fucking idiot.
Explain. I'm too paranoid to google "pedo symbols".
Is the woke fad over yet?
I liked Invader Zim, but I don’t feel it’s type of humor works today. I fear they will soften it up too much.
>entire episode is preaching about change
>spend third of the episode shitting and whining about modern animation
what did he mean by this?
The problem is that it's a short movie. If it was a season where this was just one part of it people wouldn't complain as much. It's sort of like if instead of Rosanne being a full fledged show again it was 45 minutes with a lot of it revolving around Darlene's "gender-creative" son.
Can you imagine bringing back a show 23 years after it ended. Just to make a character into a tranny.
>decent looking chick around here would fucking do a MtF tranny, much less date one
Wait, are you implying sex comes before dating? I thought it was the other way around.
cute feminine dick
>My invincible son
I wonder what Joe’s motivation for the Rachel plot was. It’s his project, and he can do what he wants, but it seems like a weird topic to focus so much of the episode on.
He probably believes in the cause and thought it worked in the context of the episode's theme of people having an initial negative reaction to change even if the change itself isn't bad.
Cancelling my subscription. Hardly a single conservative thing on Netflix
What's an MH disability?
>a ton of girls like feminine men
Every where trannys. I blame the chosen people.
is there cute bulge?
this but unironically
The hippo that always say's "How dare you" has always been my favorite
James bond was literally the last straw and I'm not even mad. At this point who cares. It's all shit, now.
Nah, it was there already twenty years ago
> The suicide rate is higher in most of the population.
>There are more non tranny males
>Was Ralph molested as a child?
Well he is wearing a dress with the little boy lover logo all over it. Either he was molested and/or is a pedo himself. I believe many of those fruitcakes are.
Dumb young faggot
my son, big hoss
>ancestral bloodline
Everyone has the same ancestors. I mean you don't even have to go that far back to start getting tons of shared ancestors with complete strangers.
>shits on the soullessness and cultureless media (entertainment, social, news) that runs the western world today
>uses a -Modern- issue (tranny) to highlight the message that we should stop giving a shit about dumb personal change faggots and retards are gonna do and instead focus on bringing soul and culture back
>because the tranny is level-headed in order to get that Netflix money, Yea Forums flips out for a year about it
You're all actual garbage.