Starts soon.
Nuggets/Warriors Game One Gamthread
what if the warriors lose
4-2 warriors even though jokic averages 37/15/7
What happens in Serbia?
Want Jokic and the Warriors to both win somehow
who are the good guys?
Denver wins
>american idol is still a thing
curry playing?
All I want is for Curry to continue making Lebron fags seethe and for him to win a finals MVP.
they really got will barton in the nuggets graphic
its so over
denver obviously, when have the warriors ever been the good guys
>scott foster
so sad
>klay airball
>doris burke
praying for the nuggests to take at least one game
is curry considered white in america?
klay sucks
but they have a serbian
im gonna jerk off to her during half time
what kind of superstar beta comes off the bench?
he's actually the whitest nba star
>Klay turning the ball over to build up Curry's return
Like poetry
in this game i will be supporting my anglo blood brothers klay thompson and stephen curry.
anyone who supports the eastern orc jokic is a traitorous sucm
having jokic on looney is nice for denver let's the big boy rest
fucking hag. she should just shut the fuck up
the golden state warriors just arent cool anymore
>Doris on commentary
god fucking damnit
aaron "superstar" gordon
The dynasty is over
>more memechucking
>2 for 2 bros
bbq chicken all day ernie
She's hot tho
2 for 2 with 1 miss
hey if it works dont fix it
>memechucking vs post-up
Literally the perfect match
these fucking lightskin niggas are at it again. FUCK
oh my heckin god did klay hit 2 of 3 3s?!
soul vs soulless
worse than waves
>woman commentator on the primetime game
Nuggets got the better serb tho
unfortunately for my nuggies, 3>2
will barton has been suspiciously good so far
i forgot how much the warriors make /nba/ seethe kek
This, it's gonna be so beautiful.
if only Joker had some more help to feed from the post
>he doesnt know the refs hate jokic
oh boy, arent you in for a night
looks like an old busted ass mop head that needs to be thrown out
holy fuck curry in cummin
damn he sure loves popcorn
bros... we're back.
it's funny how warriors fans think they're going to win with andrew wiggins
i think denver should change their nickname
denver in 6
Denver Mountain Lions
Why the fuck is Golden State wearing fucking black and yellow uniforms?
It's not a random game in December. Use your fucking actual team colors
why are they walking on the beach in basketball shoes. who makes this gay shit
and fucking one
who is blacker draymond or jokic?
Celtics fan here, I hate the Warriors more than the Lakers
The Denver Nick Kerrs
>jokic misses easiest shot of the night
>barton textbook TO
nevermind its over
Warriors takin this series, fuck the haters
The Denver Literally just Jokic
Kerr is selling with the switch outs, calling it
danny tanner is fucking dead
bones and boogie will unironically score 60
So is the Nuggets season after this round
fuck curry, hope he breaks his back
who cares neither of these teams have a chance to win it all. this series is pointless
Why does he cause so much seethe?
Also nice block for GPII
larriors have narrowly avoided a TO like 4 possessions in a row
because he's a good shooter
>being a floor facilitator
play your game curry, make them seethe.
thats how they've always played, fast and loose
Hello frens, can somebody link me a good stream, hopefully your team wins thank you in advance
anyone know the score gaps in the raptors game?
whats james wiseman up to these days?
this just chuck it
hes jusr back from injury
Warriors can beat the wolves/grizzlies
goddam that stream is far behind
why are you running plays for boogie
All of them are.
this 3 for 3 shit needs to end. Why arent the nuggies posting up
Nemjna is killing jokic