After filming wrapped for A Nightmare on Elm Street...

>After filming wrapped for A Nightmare on Elm Street, Heather Langenkamp reportedly asked if she could take the prop phone home as a souvenir. When asked where she would display it, she responded "Oh, it won't be on display. I'll get plenty of use out of it..."

Attached: I'm your boyfriend now Nancy.jpg (474x712, 61K)


use for pusy licking!

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I've heard this before on IMDb and the elmstreetfilm forums, OP's not just shitposting.

Heather also does not have a gentle heart.

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This is movie that made me wish I was phone.

That's lewd

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What a beauty. She always looks so wholesome and pure.

Nightmare on Elm street almost had a different ending
If Wes Craven had his way after killing Freddy Heather was suppose to pick up his glove and put it on and say "at last I have finally become Freddy Krueger" and slowly morph into him

>Not “At last, I have become Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street™ on VHS, Betamax, DVD, and Bluray.”

You had one job.

>DVD and Bluray

Man, Wes Craven really was ahead of his time.

do you think they...

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> 66d27fb0f62830647786a356ce325c60.jpg
>grace randolph: the teenage years

I think Englund’s gay, but by God, I wouldn’t have let that stop ME. Look at her.

Without a doubt, whether she wanted to or not...

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What kind of person asks where someone displays something?
Obviously fake anecdote

Haven't seen this meme in years

autistic user doesn't understand conversation

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He's married to Nancy booth. It could be a beard, but I doubt it. He is borderline autistic.

>ywn be that bathwater

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I bet this guy worked for free.

Catholic Heather is best Heather.

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Is the joke that women like to talk on the phone a lot?

>I have legit masturbated to the thought of that phone molesting her in this scene and I have felt guilty about it
At last, I am vindicated

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how do i get a qt 80's gf?

invent time travel or maybe find a cosplayer willing to satisfy your fetishes

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>He is borderline autistic.
I never heard about this. Most people who met him say he's quite nice.

angry nancy is best nancy

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I enjoy disheveled Nancy, followed closely by sleepy in class Nancy. Nice trips btw

Attached: Nancy.jpg (1200x800, 701K)

all nancys are best nancys

Stupid meme but it always gives me a chuckle

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>Most people who met him say he's quite nice
Can confirm. I met him at a convention years ago and was impressed how he treated everyone. There was some kind of high functioning retarded kid that had a drawing he did of Freddy that he gave to Englund. He was super cool about it. Came out from behind the autograph table, asked to get a picture with the kid holding the drawing, and was all around supportive of him without coming off as if he was just humoring him.

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Why wasn't she in more movies?

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They don't make white girls like they use to.

fucking based slut, wanna cum on her face so badly

Why did they cut out the incest subplot?

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She was cute in the 3rd movie also


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She traded it for a hot meal.

She was always trying to hide her big titties

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Attached: Nancy.webm (720x384, 2.94M)



no dumbass

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That’s some nice sideboob

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>I think Englund’s gay

there goes my crush watch it as it goes

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Post her hairy arms faggots.


Dubs of truth

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I always feel bad when she dies.

why was this so good desu?

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fucking based

Based and redpilled

I only watch the ones with Heather in them desu

Isn't that the plot of Nightmare 2?

I like it, but it's a little too slow paced. Robert Englund is great in it as himself, Freddy, and the demon version of Freddy.

Attached: NewNightmare2.gif (600x314, 4.09M)

She's beautiful AND bad!

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its Nancy's beautiful dream

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based pusyposter

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that aint no chlorinated pool u feel me senpai

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So he got butt juice in his mouth? Yuck

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>Do you like my body, Joey?

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Very based

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Well done user

Attached: Alice goes to the movies.webm (720x384, 2.89M)

>americans start clappings
Every time

Generality/rul of thumb:
Actors that play leading men/heroes/wise guy comedians are invariably Cunts irl.
Actors thst play villains are generally pleasant or nice guys irl.

Attached: Alice.jpg (588x492, 44K)

Kirsty Cotton > Nancy Thompson

this fucking filename always gets me, i love you user

>minimum wage natalie portman/kiera knightley
pick one

It was too sexy for the younger me

Hello, boys!

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tfw no grannyfu

Liked and subscribed

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fucking fraud fuck off

she definitely stuck that tongue in her pussy

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Was this from a deleted scene? She looks really cute in this pic