Other urls found in this thread:
its over bros im selling my weights...
imagine the smell
you working fast bro
*enters thread*
>got a gf with dick sucking lips and can deep throat like a mother fucker
I just wish she was this hot honestly.
Looks like she forgot to turn off whatever filter she uses lol
so what's the plan now? onlyfans?
why wouldn't they be? What's the incentive to not being a whore in current times?
What are the implications of K night getting heemed by a Mulatto?
What happened with Barnett? I missed that fight
>Reminder that power comes from the legs and core
Sorry leaf I saw you conceded but this was super necessary
>ywn feel that nose poke your asshole as you teabag her
Why live?
*enters the thread*
nose shrinker filter
Why wouldnt you get nude with a sauna all to yourself?
Bros... I thought bench press correlated to raw punching power... What happened...
It's all over fatbros
keep posting it
is she wearing a cage?
I fear that we might have gotten a tad bit too cocky buckbros...
can't post that on tiktok b
forgot to punch
>Go to new barber
>Its a black guy
>Gives me a good haircut, cheap as fuck
>He made a booty call during it and still didn't mess up
Because of this based performance of the night I, the CEO of racism, will give my employees the rest of the night off
tbf Clark getting a KO over a tank at LHW is hilariously unexpected
Who's he?
Imagine weighing over 200 lbs lol
I like her schnoz
I dont even care. I out bench DC. I won the story big time.
UFC is still using the covid arena
Guys Im going on a beer run, either Heineken or Modelo.
I don't care what anyone says they're good beers.
*enters thread*
She's got a weird looking vagina
My short wife is 199lbs, I'm a lucky guy ;)
Mass=fighting ability, knight clearly must have thrown the fight
>ufc shirt
Silent assassin bros we're gonna get it done tonight, that ugly chicago amerimutt arab wannabe belal remember the cuck is gonna get broken inshallah.
God I fucking wish. I'd unironically pay the $50 or whatever astronomical price she'd charge.
Me and me just vibing with myself
did we get to cocky, roidbros?
She gives off such raw succubus energy, it's unreal
this is the UFC's arena now they don't have to sell tickets or anything easiest money they ever saved
Modelo, Heineken sucks
Whats it like fucking a girl in this position
Manlet detected.
Yeah to be honest I wouldn't have guessed he'd get a knockout. A wrestlefuck decision was more likely, I admit.
she's so fucking ugly lmao
Qualitybros... We won...
They were building it before COVID. They're gonna use it
Why are Muslims pathetic roidfrauds?
>6 fight main card
Oh just cool it with the VPN. Palestinians have enough to deal with
She looks like she sniffs your soul out with her nose.
Then don't. If she isnt at least gonna post some thong shots, its a waste now that she's cut. Her telegram is just her ig copy and pasted. This whore is wearing my patience thin.
I see why they use Jon Anik and Joe Rogan when Fitzgerald absolutely mogs DC and Cruz kek
You just have a khazar fetish.
make this the OP pic for the next thread please
Dana is so fucking lazy he can't be bothered booking venues for fight nights across the country/world anymore, Just drive an hour from his house to the Apex
>Ok I pull up
stream link:
it's ok b they'll all be heems haha heem day
thanks, boss
is belal muhammad the really boring wrestlefucker ?
heineken, modelo is for mexicans
People respect a man with a fresh set of sneakers and 4 podcasts. Simple as
The prone bone is fun but can get annoying in your hips and lower back if you are a heavyweight Chad like me
Not enough mass to shit himself :(
im bored and lonely
I love heineken. Modelo has a weird extra bitter taste to it imo.
mexican beer is good. have you tried pacifico
you mean a fat and weak chad
But people of the book are the lowest of Allah's creatures?
i hate canadians
Islam is number one
more tummy
>Observing ramadan
what a retard
fer sher b
Big noses in women seem to correlate with big milkers
megan's arms are really showing her age, reminds me of my mum's
peachlivi lookin like an olive
>muh ramadan
>turn on espn
megan has bad boobs
It's the only good position
Lmao that stupid video of Belal I'm the corner
we all do
Built in excuse. Luque 2nd round KO confirmed.
brazza I fast
lmao why is his graphic animated it's blinking at me
they look like sad tits b
Belel is getting murdered by Luque again
back to /pol/ chud
Am I too late to submit picks?
Ramadan? No thanks I'm not gay.
>muh ramadan
>Kyrie observes ramadan
>sleep during the day, stay up at night
Suck it pbuh
>just eat and drink when the sun goes down
How is this a big deal
oh fr? who you cornering b
If you're going to keep posting at least post someone better ffs.
Muslims literally starve themselves and pretend it's for a reason because they can't afford food.
they're good when in my mouth b
imagine being a westerner and observing pislam.
Muslims fighters will go on nonstop about how they're observing Ramadan in the lead up to a fight. The Irony that MMA is basically Haram since it's forbidden to hit people in the face is lost on them
He couldn’t throw the weight of his massive arms
Is Megan the only sideline reporter for the UFC? She's in every show but the commentators rotate every event
Fuck Dana
have you seen what kind of gluttons most humans are?
Spiritu Libertas
You guys talk about sexual relations to much. You know those women are someone’s daughter?
amerifats cant comprehend going 1 hour without food
Brett Okamoto
better hurry up b
I was just thinking the same. People have claimed wall'd for years, but I'm starting to finally see it.
i eat at night brazza
papi gringos in the house yo
Stop making fun of ramadan chuds i thought /heem/ was inclusive and not bigoted, as a muslim /heem/poster i command you to stop and have some respect for schaubs sake.
why is schaub wearing fake ray bans. i thought he had dimes
Joey B ain't paying the bills b
>work out for 4 hours
>can't drink water until hours later
post quicly
The not eating is pretty easy. The not drinking anything is a pain in the ass especially if you have a workout.
Sura 98:6
Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.
I sleep all day it literally wouldn't affect me b
they don't starve themselves they just don't eat during the day, it's a huge meme
another buck...
Just work out at night ez
plenty of fighters do OMAD/intermitten fasting
ariel pays me 25 cents for every post making fun of it
Based Muslim, try not to blow things out of proportion
Both are bad for you.
i actually respect muslims for ramadan it takes real discipline, that being said every muslim should be executed and the middle east glassed b, no disrespct
My wife's dad makes beef jerky and weed gummy bears and gives me them all the time. He knows I destroy that puss on the reg
>Silent assassin
A good nickname for a guy with quiet but extraordinary smelly farts
left side pick ems bros the run starts now
let the picks heeming begin
Reminder that Muslims on average actually gain weight during Ramadan because they gorge themselves in the early morning/night time. There's no actual fasting involved, it just fucks up your body clock
The Last Nigga
If you think I believe for a single second these faggots are actually fasting you're fucking retarded.
Vicente Luque
Caio Borralh
Andre Fialho
Mayra Bueno Silva
I hope you guys are fasting for Ramadan, Allah is watching
>The Last Ni-
Muslims literally put on more weight during Ramadan during any time of the year because they gorge themselves and sleep all day. It should be called the feast of Ramadan not the fast lol
>Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.
صدق الله العظيم
if only
>tfw your picks got heemed before they got a chance to get heemed
shut up retard
fuck mudslimes and fuck dana
I'm illegally streaming this event
tfw people say Olivi isn't still looking prime
What a terrible cock
Vicente Luque
Гaджи Oмapгaджиeв
Andre Fialho
Mayra Bueno Silva
Pat Sabatini
Mounir Lazzez
Coral.:.when does it get better?
If I see one more BLACK commercial from espn imma lose my shit
>no disrespct
none taken b appreciade it, walgg me to my trugg?
You're a real sick fuck starscream you know that right? fucking pedo rat
Chris Crocker?
fucking cheaters
I saw what Spaniards look like during the prelims. Not surprised
Why he ears
can't have a more cliché song for an arab
I don't know my friend, hopefully it will be too late by the time we realize it doesn't.
Lads, just realised this card was on so tuning in late. How good has the prelims been? I’m only interested in the WMMA fights tho, the guy stuff bores me.
I thought the Chinese hated mudslimes?
Gracias, señor
Any trashier women in the sports world than wmma fighters?
where the fuck are these 2 even from?
yeah, just like pvz posting bamhole or megan anderson starting of
what is this ooga booga garbage
theyve been alright
>G-guys please be respectful o-o-of Muslims
>His moon god calls us lowest of the low
There are literally 0 reasons not to have fight pass
Boxing, wnba
Your shit gonna be lost real soon b. Putin btfo'd buck history month with his invasion so they're laying it on thick to recover.
olympic lifters
I hope my future wife is at least half as pretty as Megan.
>tfw no catholic latina gf
but i can watch it for free?
Cheers, Dana is crying
seriously though this fucking song is so kino
Currently rooting for the tunisian
track and field sheboons
top kek
Yeah the United States women's national American football team
>Literal Arab
just watched pereira vs adesanya, both fights
adesanya was definitely robbed in the 1st one
he was also winning the 2nd fight (pereira was counted) until he got knocked out
Adesanya is the better kickboxer, has speed advantage but if poatan hits him clean he's going out
pereira while being an accomplished kickboxer, he does tend to swing looping hooks like a complete retard and he gets hit often .
music is haram delete this
you just know he's like 5'8" tops and felt so smug
For me it's Paraguay
>another thick buck
this time we win
WNBA has the most disgusting, ratchet bitches bar absolutely none. I guarantee they have an average dyke rate that blows wmma out of the water.
Why not 5 flags? Why not 8 flags?
jesus bros
just had a quick coom to anime girls getting fucked in the butt and knotted by dogs ama