Last Christmas

Trailer soon

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Other urls found in this thread:


We've been saying that for a week, now. Fucking when, Universal?


It's today. I have a strong feeling.
Also singing kino in the trailer.

They're awake. Hide. And stop spreading false hope, I can't take anymore

Attached: When they prune the thread.webm (650x720, 2.99M)


One more hour of this and you're going to be mad all week. Just give up.

The page is up, but the only thing on it is the release date.


at least we know that it will be released and is not stuck in production

Is this new?

How many George Michael songs Will she sing tho, i know Last Christmas is confirmed

>GROGNAK, destroy those j*nnies!

probably none

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Gib Emilia gf

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Delay it

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Feig, release it

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Attached: Me Before You Lou is so cute when she's angry.webm (1000x800, 2.97M)

George Michael has some kino songs but some are degenerate. i hope emilia doesnt touch those

I've seen this movie so many times, I can actually hear her voice in this clip.

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My vote would be Careless Whisper and Freedom '90.

I read somewhere that Kate has aspirations to die at 27 yo, maybe we will get a mid term.

>Kate has aspirations to die at 27 yo
>controversial ending
>Spoiler alert. #lastchristmasmovie is NO fun AT ALL.

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Please be sarcasm

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>not detecting sarcasm

You wouldn't last a day in her presence.

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I-it's just a joke right

confirmed to degenerate character. Lou and Verena would be ashamed

>implying It isnt sarcasm of the sarcasm

That's what she wants you to believe then her character gets stabbed to death by a pack of "asians"

>From director Paul Feig
Oh no no no
>his last """comedy""" movie isnt credited on the front

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>not degenerate
You are forgetting about little miss masturbater

he learned from his errors

Ghostbusters? They put his only good movie on the poster instead

She doesn't look like a degenerate judging by the info we got desu just depressed and disappointed
She was getting posessed


Don't blame her, she was possessed by the dead roastie, m8.

and Lou is less pure in the books

>From director Paul Feig

Attached: the-things-i-do-for-love1.jpg (701x447, 60K)

>and Lou is less pure in the books
nigga what

>Inspired by the music of George Michael
What the fuck does that even mean?

There's a song called Last Christmas and that's it

She is. she drinks a lot more and she sleeps around... of course this is around the time she slips into depression following Will's death.

>and she sleeps around.
I thought she only got with the ambulance guy
also that one wasnt written with Emilia in mind

She only gets with Sam after a while. After Will dies, she spends almost two years traveling Europe with his money, then uses the rest of it to buy a flat in London and work at an airport bar. Yeah, the 2nd book isn't that great.

>she spends almost two years traveling Europe with his money
oh shit

Anime eyes

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She was totally and anime character in the last two seasons. And she's about the only reason I can even watch season 8 now.

She deserved better than this shit series

This 'shit series' made her a star, but I agree that she deserved better writing. She still acted the fuck out of it, though.

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>carries the worst season of TV ever and collects an Emmy for it

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Gn bros

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Night m8

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*dabs on Yea Forums

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is that a yatch?

You scared me thinking she was a degenerate in the first book since Clarke said she was Clark. She only said that with the first book in mind though i believe

>Asking people to give her their favorite books

I'm going to send her copies of Sirens of Titan and Fierce Invalids Homes From Hot Climates.

Well, she does sleep with Patrick on the first book, but only Patrick.

One if the funniest scenes from the book happens on her birthday: Patrick is still pissed from getting cucked by Will at her birthday party, so he tries to give a 'manly' fuck that lasts all night, but she's bored because she knows he's only doing it to get back at Will. Poor Patrick, even cucked in his own bed

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They did a great job cutting scenes from the book lmao

I wonder what kind of books she reads?

Well once Emilia was cast they wanted to remove all lewd and degenercy

Thank you based Thea

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Jojo does have her doing a few lewd things in the third book, but it's mostly for comedic effect. She does a drunken striptease in one scene (which she can't remember the next day), and there's an instance where she flashes Sam over Skype and the housekeeper walks in on her.

Patrick treated her like shit in the movie so how much worse did she get it in the book?


He's even worse in the book. He'll outright insult her and drag her to hang out with his shitty /fit/ pals, and then ignore her for the rest of the night.

built for cuddling

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Cutest Venus

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This webm is almost as enthralling as cute_noises.mp4

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>she spends almost two years traveling Europe
Fucking cock carousel. Love for Lou over, now Daenerys is my favorite Emilia

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Jojo has some weird fantasies she pushes on Lou

Movie Lou will remain pure

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Book Dany is 100 times worse than Show Dany and a billion times worse than book Lou

>Paul Feig
And I was almost interested.

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>Jojo has some weird fantasies she pushes on Lou
Just like George for book Dany, but at least she's only been with three men. Lou is dead to me for now

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See I'd rather be with a girl who's a freak in bed but only been with a few guys, two of whom she had no choice in, than a girl who's ridden the cock carousel around Europe for literal years

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Movie lou is my canon not book

cutest sperg

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i told you guys, i knew since the beginning. Susan is the best girl. Loufags absolutely BTFO

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Lou is still cuter

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Susan is a drug user and has probably fucked guys for coke though

Attached: Above Suspicion angry and in need of loving.webm (700x488, 2.99M)

Emilia has the freedom to choose her roles, she must like the suffering

is that plumber history real? or was the schizo?

>inspired by the music of

is this becoming its own genre now

Daily reminder to ask nicely for an autograph first and use Miss Clarke if you ever encounter her

>Emilia has the freedom to choose her roles,
>admits Lou is 90% her
>castmates joke 99%
>Lou rode the cock carousel for two years, stays with shit boyfriend, gets bullied by everyone and is okay with cheaters
Oh God, did I choose the wrong waifu?

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>implying she wasnt referring to MBY lou
>implying she didnt ask her agent to get her the role when she was 3 pages into the book

First page actually, that's when she fell in love with Lou

when she gains weight it all goes to her legs and her face only looks cuter with a little chubby. No wonder roasties hate her

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This is very true

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She read all the books and enjoyed them though, including the third one when it came out where I believe she left an afterword. Oh God, plus Lou loves to drink too. I'm having a full on crisis of faith

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>it's still only August and there's already promotions for Christmas
Jesus fuck just let me enjoy summer and fall a little before you remind me of the upcoming winter blues you fucking faggots.

you're making me sad

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Feig/Universal in their infinite wisdom are releasing this Christmas movie on the 8th of November for some reason

You're being baited by people who want Emilia for themselves

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imagine if it flops hahaa this would bury Emilia's career forever

What, no I definitely would not do something like that haha

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Her career survived Genisys and Solo so I don't think a shit christmas movie could do any damage

yes go-I mean guys, Emilia was definitely a slut

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>Emilia goes on frequent holidays, jokes the part of her brain that died had her taste in men, was bullied frequently in her youth, and refollowed methhead after they broke up
It's like poetry, it rhymes. I'm so scared

Bookanon wouldn't lie about something so easily disproven

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but she had got, now she has nothing to support her career

Then she has no excuse to not settle down and fall in love with a regular guy she met by chance walking his dog at the park near her house

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She should go be host of Location Location Location and Grand Designs

It's pretty crazy how similar her face looks ~10 years later

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>MBY's sequel book came out after MBY was finished filming
yeah shes such a slut because she wrote a blurb for an author that inspired and worked on her most successful film

That was 12 year old Emilia's master plan when she decided she wanted to be an actress

based af

After You came out just before they started filming the movie so it was mostly written well before then but Still Me only came out last year

>Emilia Clarke

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very false

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>The trailer exists on a hard drive somewhere but I haven't seen it yet


>~30 years old



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getting rather tied waiting for this trailer

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shhhh she's sleeping

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cutest and one of the last pre aneurysm Emilia's

Attached: 1565119349739.webm (450x600, 2.99M)

This was 2013 right, so not pre-aneurysm but pre-brain damage

yeah I mean pre cracking her skull open

at least it confirms she didn't gain the cute personality from brain damage

Is she possessed in this film too?

no but her indian uncle did get for a while

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how about some actual last christmas drama

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looks like the same guy

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calm down Emmy

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Why are you faggots so excited for this dreck?

the cute girl

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you know why

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nearly 7 years until she hits 40

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I want to eat lunch with her!!


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Her facial expressions are a gift from the gods

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I can see her undies tag

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I don't think that's a tag, just bits of fabric from the skirt but you can definitely see the outline of her underwear

Yeah bro, i think you all should give up on Emilia after all those revelations

Agreed, you all should move one other your lives. I will bear this mighty burden, it is bound to me and me alone, I will marry her and raise beautiful Emilia spawned children.

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Nah man, can't let a fellow bro fall into her claws. I can do it tho, lots of experience in the area

I'll take the burden of this succubus alone

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The pic where shes fishing shows its normal boat, why?

(((rumors))) say she was on yachts riding the casting couch

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lmao casting couching for what, Me Before You?

Lou vs Susan

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Lou is still the cutest

Ah yes she was casting couching with Lola fears and Johnny Knoxville cause all 3 were on that boat

It's a christmas movie, you porn addicts. they're not gonna post the trailer until early-to-mid-november.

Where are the porn addicts?

Also if you weren't a retard you would have seen it releases on the 8th of November

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>porn addicts

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slow thread, post cute webms

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Aaaaaaanytime now...

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Attached: binoculars.webm (700x500, 2.83M)

Contemplate the smooches

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I'm envisioning

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Attached: bunny.webm (1440x1080, 683K)

Attached: emilia_brunette.webm (550x500, 2.96M)

Attached: Emilia_Clarke_.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

What about yesterday webms

Attached: cutest_32year_old.webm (254x480, 2.83M)

Comprehend the sexual intercourse leading to your children.

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Comprehend your fierce but heavenly domination by Emilia

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I miss the old threads

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shes looking right at me!

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Those eyes pierce your soul

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Watch this. Trips and I marry Emilia

poor devil was not even close

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wish she would pierce my asshole with a thick as fuck strap on

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mommy dom queen emilia is perfectly acceptable

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Watch tomorrow’s thread

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>no giggling short hair Emilia while she watches me gag on her toes

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Bedtime buddy

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What became of the russian hair colour poll?

Attached: long_hair_kino.webm (800x720, 2.99M)

Albino here

Only if Emilia straps me to the bed and rides my face to force me to eat her asshole relentlessly

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>Strap on
nigga thats gay

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The makeup didn't do her justice here

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>moved back to England because she couldn't get a decent cup of tea in America.
>American's don't really get her sarcasm.

It's over for you Ameribros.

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dont knock it until youve tried it user, and trying it with Emilia would be even better, you should be begging her for it

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Probably because her only real exposure to the US is LA/Hollywood, ie the biggest hive of degeneracy in the country sans San Francisco

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Nah pegging is gay yeah i tried It
Other stuff is alright tho, as long i have a face Emilia will always have a place to sit

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lets be honest, if she wanted to peg you, youd say yes, regardless of how gay you might think it is.

That being said, her smothering my face with her lovely ass and pussy would be great. as for the CBT, she can go to town as long as she giggles and laughs

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Eh, idk
Emma Roberts tier is enough femdom for me i think, CBT and pegging is too much

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man up and become the boy toy

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She hated that shit so much to the point she sold her house there lmao

Im up for everything specially if its Emilia my dude, i just don't want to get pegged again kek

when queen emilia is standing over you, you say yes please and thank you to everything

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>standing over you
I mean, she's pretty small

last christmas I gave you my ARSE
but the very next day you have it away

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she isnt so small when shes standing over you pressing her heels into your chest demanding you treat her like a queen

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I go to sleep and this is what happens? I'm over Lou riding the cock carousel now, Dany is still my favorite Emilia though

Attached: Above Suspicion broken and in need of protecting.webm (800x488, 613K)

>Lou riding the cock carousel now,
stop having such a lewd mind


It's book canon

Attached: Me Before You Lou checks on Will.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

>believing the albino’s ramblings

user, pls...

Its specified? Or you're just guessing

>I'm over Lou riding the cock carousel now,
yes because thats what rape victims do obvs

Attached: 58_research.webm (800x640, 3M)

See and . No woman travels through Europe for years, sad and lonely and doesn't ride random foreign cock

Attached: Me Before You jiggly3.webm (900x800, 3M)

Bookfag only said she travelled around the Europe you degens, Emilia would be ashamed

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kino cinematography

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>No woman travels through Europe for years, sad and lonely and doesn't ride random foreign cock
O ye, of little faith

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>No woman travels through Europe for years, sad and lonely and doesn't ride random foreign cock
could you stop projecting your angry incel thoughts in here

She did live in New Orleans for a time while she was filming Terminator. She said she couldn’t stand the heat.

>from the 2 americans she dated, one turned gay and the other one cucked her
>doesn't like living there
I think it's over for burguers

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Seth was always gay

Yeah she totally saved herself for two years to hook up with Ambulance Sam, /s

It's fact. Stop being a naive shut-in

Bookfag here. Let’s clarify: though she does have a few one-night stands, Lou spends most of her time abroad in a depression, unsure of what to do with the life Will gave her. Throughout the course of the sequels, she’s only with two men, Sam in England and Josh in NY. She’s not a degenerate, but neither is she virgin pure.

>It's fact.
that you can't support

>said she travelled around the Europe you degens
With Will's money, no excuses here. She's a degenerate.

but book Lou isn't canon

Oh shit, i even forgot about Seth, the 3 americans she dated were shitty experiences lmao

>not a degenerate
>a few one night stands

You have never had one night stands?

>paul feig

I haven’t heard any bad experiences with Jai Courtney, unless he unceremoniously dumped her ass to wallow in young Hollywood pussy.

See and those are just the one night stands we know about. Two years is plenty of time to be somewhere long enough to hook up with someone and Lou was never asexual or aromantic in the first place

Jai Courtney is australian

yes, that’s how I know it’s degenerate

>he thinks webm related is possible to be a degenerate

Attached: eyebrows.webm (1018x720, 2.64M)

Spy was very good

Oh shit, I forgot. Nevermind.

what expression she's trying to convey

>offended at a fictional character’s sexual history

Seriously dude, move on.

Cuteness mostly

To be fair if they were together it was when they were both in the US

That doesn't make him a american dude

I dont think she ever actually dated Cory. They were probably just seen going to a few places in the city together so people put 2 and 2 together and claimed they were dating even though he was always gay and it wasnt romantic

Still seen no proof they ever dated

Probably happened the same thing said

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Was she eating peanut butter?

Yeah, people are weird about hollywood people hanging out. There used to be someone in GoT threads swearing that Emilia was dating some director (not aidsfaggot) and how he met her mother (at an event) and was gonna be her date to something (and he wasn't) all because of a picture of them at some pier hugging or standing next to each other or something

Attached: Me Before You kino tracking shot for kino legs.webm (1120x640, 2.99M)


Just the life of a public person, niggas will try to gossip every thing you do for clicks. That's why i think none of you are ready to date her. I don't mind that shit tho

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50% chance

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Digits say the trailer drops today

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You bring shame on Emilia but these digits wont

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is this a midget meetup
emilia is 1.57 and these girls are shorter than her

It's August, would be a weird time to release a Christmas movie trailer.

The movie releases in Novemeber so they're going to have to release the trailer soon

When are the Emmys? I feel they're waiting to see if they can add Emmy Winner Emilia Clarke in the trailer

Which begs another question. Why release a Christmas movie in November?

Also weird that It Chapter 2 is releasing in September instead of spooky month.

Emmy is 29 september. idk what Universal is thinking releasing a christmas movie in early november

>Why release a Christmas movie in November?
so not to fight the competition

I'm not phased by it, just like emilia I'd just smile or ignore when confronted in public and avoid gossip sites and social media comments

>I'd just smile or ignore when confronted in public and avoid gossip sites and social media comments
or you could ....
lie to them

>entering in contact with them in first place
I would just chill with her in some mansion on the english countryside tbqhwy familia
And in case of paparazzis, just put her on my shoulder and do a touchdown run

Well lying isn't very nice even if others lie about you

Attached: Me Before You Lou is really happy for you, honest.webm (1000x800, 2.99M)

>isn't very nice
A war needs to be waged on the Lugenpresse

>Will is going to be Oswald Mosley in Peaky Blinders
Emilia redpilled him?

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maybe the opposite. also based


>maybe the opposite
The X is for Xenophobic thing was from 2016

>xylophone is the go to x word for any childrens book
>she chooses xenophobic
What did she mean by this

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Emilia is not a child and as a book reader is more learnt so she uses a grown up word

So you're saying of all X words, xenophobic is her favorite?

Oh no, the descend into the family comedy pit.
Her agent better find her something serious in between of these.

there are not many words starting with x

1 day after Sneed Day.

>family comedy pit
>he doesn't know

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It's just interesting she picked xenophobic of all X words

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I thought it was going to be a random christmas romcom too but looks like people are saying it has a "controversial ending" and shit so idk

It will be the best Emilia movie. Mark my words.

Yeah we'll see about that, the hapa nigger may ruin it

better not be dead

Attached: Emilia.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

This video was pretty cringe but Emilia still carries it with her cuteness

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>but Emilia still carries it with her cuteness
is there anything she can't

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>This video was pretty cringe
The interview or the Leading Lady Parts one?

Leading Lady Parts

The only cringe Emilia "interviews" are the ones where paparazzi are shouting dumb shit at her in public

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Paps should be made illegal

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>4 people to film a woman laying on a bed


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A normie became woke to the Emilia Question?

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But with out it, no kino

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>so smol she can't even properly reach the floor

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Why do they hate her again?

*changes race when smiling

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I don't doubt these niggas are the same people who seeth in these threads too kek

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I thought she might have been ~19 when she filmed this but I looked it up and she would have been 23 so she's definitely fully grown here

>tries too hard to be cool and hip
does he not understand she is pretending

What video?

>I waited for you user

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>she would have been 23
Didn't she was 22 in S1?
Autists can't comprehend emotions easily

Season 1 was filmed in 2010 so she would have been 23-24

I'm impressed of how much stuff they need to shoot a 30 second commercial

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Cute eyes

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I thought the Samaritans video and pictures were supposed to be Emilia with no makeup? You all lied to me

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That picture was before the makeup

if she didn't have makeup then the lighting and cameras would make her look really bad

But how do we know?

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Women are almost always wearing at least a little makeup, especially if they're appearing on camera

>When she sees your dick


>that feel when you finally have an Emilia dream where you get to interact with her

There's no going back now

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>wonderful crossed out


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Here's her 100% without makeup, too bad she hided the eyebrows

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also here but it's not very recent

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>airing on Jimmy Fallon

Fuck that shit, I’ll wait until tomorrow.


Emilia's head and legs look photoshopped to hell

Movie posters are always mess

>pussy on a pedestal: the movie

Imagine crushing on a fake person and planning your life around someone you will never meet

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what movie