it's just going to have one or two jumpscares and won't actually be scary in any way whatsoever, will it?
It's just going to have one or two jumpscares and won't actually be scary in any way whatsoever, will it?
madness doesn´t mean scary dude.
except they said it would be first mcu horror film, you faggot
It's just going to be a little bit darker with twice the quips
That's absolutely it. Can't wait for the media to meme the 'atmosphere' and 'tension'.
Of course. Never forget that they will never make a big budget film that families and the Chinese market can't see.
They've already started putting out articles about bringing down Deadpools rating proper.
It'll have a few slow burns.
starring that fucking goober as Dr. Strange
bone shitting capeburn
It'll be a bunch of random, never explained shit happening that's only there because it feels creepy and spooky, like every American made "horror" film released this decade. And audiences will eat it up, like they eat up all the terrible ghost and demon movies that get released like Hereditary and Insidious.
> Mordo attacks Wanda
> Tries to take her power
> Feels Chthon crushing his soul and mind
> Causes Mordo to summon Nightmare
That could be a Kino scene.
so expect a bone chilling atmosphere that slowly creeps in, but here's the twist, instead of a jumpscare, you get a jumpquip
>MCU's first horror film is just Scary Movie
Putting Hereditary and Insidious in the same category makes you seem like a huge retard.
Ehhh more psychological horror since its the dude who did Sinister as director.
>more psychological horror since its the dude who did Sinister as director
No Scary Movie was actually funny and had humor that would offend and please.
Also actual writers and directors on set.
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it's going to be a more cosmic kind of horror. Think the psychedelic scenes of the first one applied to a logic of nightmare.