Will it be kino?
Will it be kino?
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Of course. It's going to be Casino Pesci
hot take: ray romano will actually deliver the most kino performance in this
This looks like one of Scorsese's worst films.
>4 70 year old "Italian"-Americans playing Irishman 30 years younger
Why couldn’t they hire an Irish actor to play the Irishman?
>ray "the mother fucking beast" romano
it will be the purest of kino
de niro is literally 80% irish
lol this nigger doesn't know how to use quotes
>Dude ethnic white gangsters lmao
It promises to be a caricature fest, I predict it will be so bad that it will be good again.
trailer looks boring
Jim Norton will make it kino
Who's Jim Norton and why is he supposed to be known?
seriously. how many fucking times can scorsese make this exact same film?
Same thing can be said about Marvel
It'll hinge on Pacino's performance, which may prove to be too brief.
Marvel is fast food cinema for retards. Scorcese should be held to atleast a bit higher standards
White people in a movie in current year. Fuck no!
Yes, what Scorsese needs to make is another film about the intersection of white ethnics and the American dream.
In the script, Hoffa is removed from the Teamsters too early on, letting Sheeran run things while he's away -- as a result, there isn't enough rapport established between them.
Why not just cast young actors?
because it was designed as a videogame user. it's the GTA killer.
It's a Scorsese mob movie, worst-case scenario it's decent. I feel like it'll be weaker than most every thing else though, if for no other reason than the main cast is all a fucking million years old.
I wonder if Damon could've played Hoffa.
they wanted the CG Kabuki Mask aesthetic
>Jim Norton as Don Rickles (scenes deleted)
I'm sure it will be good but I'm so excited to see Pesci act again
It fucking better be.
De Niro has been an embarrassment for 20 years and Pacino has made some bad choices too.
Give him a few more years and he'd probably do a good job.
I'd to see that sell-out basedboy faggot Norden (sic) get the Pesci treatment.
this guy could pull off a good hoffa
Nobody plays angry manlet like Joe Pesci
You fucking mutt you
you mudda fuck you