Starlight is my wife
Starlight is my wife
Other urls found in this thread:
Your wife sells her body
She sucked fish dick. You can have her.
You know, fuck it, the blowie would have been worth getting kicked out of the 7
She looks like Alison Lohman
i think she looks like anna paquin
Hughie pls
>the boys
>innocent, conservative girl
>sucks off deep
>fucks hughie just because
>admits to pre-marital sex with at least one other
>casually mentions how her eyes glow when she orgasms to some navy man she's wet for
Is there a bigger fraud in the seven than this harlot?
her posture is terrible. nobody noticed this?
>admits to pre-martial sex with at least one other.
I’m pretty sure she sucked the deep first. And lost her virginity to Based Hughie
kripke self-inserts with his irl twitter handle as SJW in the show and agrees
Your wife is a whore.
she looks like porn actress alisha king
I respect what Ennis says with this character. Christians are not evil, just deceived like anyone else.
Her face is weird. Still hot and would bang, but her jaw is a bit big and her eyes are too close together. Also her nose is too skinny at the top and too wide at the bottom.
you weren't her first
>>casually mentions how her eyes glow when she orgasms to some navy man she's wet for
I think she was just playing into the bullshit
Actually this scene canonically takes place after I took her virginity and she left me after finding out I slept with the cute Asian girl
She looks like Salena Gomez
This is my ideal female face. Is there something wrong with me?
wtf this show is actually pretty good
No it's cute
Welcome to every christian girl in every small town in the midwest
>the soys
Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
>Starlight is my wife
so is she going to blind someone with that someday like the ice dick dude?
Why isn’t there many fan art of hughie and Annie? Smh
based facial aesthetic autist
look at how pointy her elbows are
Isnt she dying or something?
Starlight pre-roastification might have been alright.
I am pretty sure her first is black dude
yeah she's probably the least sympathetic character in the show
I love her.
Never used my amazon prime trial yet. Gonna use it for this and American God's s02. Kino time boys
Starlight is for Butcher
Careful. Jannies are handing out bans for naming the jew now.
Starlight if for fish sticks
That's why OP likes her.
>Deep could have had her willingly riding his cock if he'd just played nice with her and into her fangirl crush
are pure girls just a meme?
What do her power levels put her at? Can you give me an equivalent DC/Marvel superhero that powerlevel she is around?
Op here. I'm black
Sophia Lillis is my wife.
My nigga take a chill pill
I think she looks like Irene Ryan
Stargirl, except her powers are innate to her and not to the rod/converter belt.
no one cares
she looks like an ape
You cared enough to reply.
>Thread theme
Have sex.
No she's cute.
The onions is strong in this one, lads. Absolutely glowing.
My wife is legitimately beautiful and perfect
Mine too.
Does this post come in mens?
that bitch looks like a marmoset
Great fucking song
>her eyes glowing when she orgasmed
that was the cutest and hottest fucking thing
Selena is hotter.
I'm all about the blonde hair, dark eyes combo. She's gorgeous
Kimiko is mine.
she's ugly as fuck.
They were where I grew up. Catholic school girls were far and away the worst though, rather than whatever evangelical brand Starlight is.
kys (that stands for kill yourself)
In the comic when she was forced to give 3 blowjobs, how did she do it?
I mean from a logistical standpoint, does she do one to completion, then the next one, then the last guy? Or does she go like a minute on one while keeping the other two ready with her hands, then a minute to the next guy, etc. until she gets all three?
the tribune of the plebs has spoken
>having a slut wife
Be nice.
Just telling the truth.
Pure girls are just chicks that have already gone through their slutty depraved stage and regret it
Based and have sex pilled.
My wife Sophia Lillis probably won't have one.
Ask your mom
Old hag
>My taste in women is more refined than yours
How's that virginity working out for you, fag?
The women you go for are runners. They get trains ran on them.
Is this shit worth watching? I hate most capeshit but this seems sorta different
Nope, he's right.
The future of Western Civilization, gents.
you n'wah
I bet she Fucking sucks dick, don't she?
No she's pure.
Did she get fucked in a threesome in True Detective?
i like this pasta a lot actually
why does that herpes on her lip never go away
Starfire maybe, super strength, high durability, flight, energy manipulation
No, but you have to find Jehovas Witness or Mormon girls. Catholic and Protestant girls are massive sluts.
its a deconstruction of capeshit, which means its still capeshit but everyone is an asshole. I'd recommend to watch it at least, good stuff
ok nigger
She cute
For me, it's Popclaw
For me, it’s queen mauve
more like Poopclaw
>She sucked fish dick.
>2/10 would not bang
>IF a girl has a threesome in a movie it really happened.
Really bro?
surprised no one had thought of this yet
this pic perfectly encapsulates the comic thanks
Why didn't Amazon show her getting BLACKED too?
This! Didn't even read the rest of the post.
If you hate capeshit you will probably love it
why didn't she just not do it lol dumb roastie
I really find it hard to believe a faggot activist like him can please a woman. It's more unbelievable than all of the sup shit.
because m-muh blackmail
I'm confused if Starlight is a big corp wagecuck, why is her costume homemade instead company provided?
They want to give her the local girl next door appeal.
She has a sexy costume too, she switches back and forth.
What I wonder about is how enthusiastic is she going to be during it? Like is she half hearted and sobbing or is she full blown turbo slut just wanting to get it over with?
That's because porn has rotted your brain, cumbrain.
If you guys actually think religious girls are pure, look up soaking. I know of a mormon girl who said she was a virgin and "soaked" with three different guys before.
I love these boys
Is that who she reminds me of?
I think she's the budget Kate Mara myself.
this s how is AWFUL
can't even make it through the first episode
All I want to do is see the god damn plane scene and see Homelander destroying things but no
I have to watch these evil faggots be meanies to the good guys in conference rooms and shit
she started with her own costume, and then she kept it for brand recognition but then they gave her a new one because everyone loves remakes
wow he's just like me!
Heh, I thought soaked was slang for those retarded water rituals where Prot girls pretend they're virgins again. The reality was equally as bad.
His hair is too fucking perfect not to be a wig right?
>incels will self insert with CHADnoir
You can have them. My boy Dopp can turn into anyone.
That's fucking retarded kek
I know he was a gag character but I'm surprised that a shapeshifter running around wasn't cause for concern/suspicion for any of the other supes.
starlight is the most annoying fucking character in the show, pretty much every scene revolving around her slows to a painful crawl
>my expectations of superhero content was entirely subverted
I thought bnb it would come up at least bnb once during the Homlander rape video discussion.
is it just being big that turns autistic behavior into chad? also
>sucks dick on command
>spends the rest of the series pretending to be a good innocent girl
so this is what the #metoo cunts think "rape" means?
So I finally got to this part in the books and it's interesting how different it was and really shows the difference between the show and the books more than anything
>It's present day
>Homelander and Maeve show up alone
>Homelander accidentally fries the controls
>"Fuck it, I'll spin this to our advantage as a national tragedy."
>actively prevents Maeve from saving anybody
>they both leave and let the plane crash into the ocean
>it's September 11, 2001, five years before Hughie joins the Boys
>the entire Seven try to stop them
>they're all fucking stupid and end up either dying, injured, or otherwise fucked up
>Homelander figures "fuck it, we tried"
>flies off, doesn't care if the others try to save anybody
>Flash guy before A-Train holds onto Homelander for dear life, and Homelander begrudgingly lets him
>Homelander changes his mind and tries to save the plane
>flies right the fuck through it, killing everyone who doesn't have super durability, including flash guy
>plane crashes into the Brooklyn Bridge
>9/11 and the War on Terror still happens, but the tragedy is on a smaller scale
Gotta say I liked the show's version of the plane scene better. Where Ennis was just showing that the antagonists are a bunch of OP retards, the show decided to make Homelander a sociopathic mastermind.
shendidn’t just suckfish dick. She swallowed fish cum.
It would have been great if the next scene opened with a shot like this.
actually i think this is a little better
She willingly sucked off 3 guys. 1 of them was black. Regrets doesn't make it rape.
Only The Deep
This show isn't even making the same arguments as the comic.
She sucked off the Deep, who's white now.
Yo, editors out there in the thread. Photoshop this pic to make it look like the deep.
why did homelander get so mad that there was a blanket on his bed
because the blanket is the only thing he had in his isolation chamber in which he was raised it literally shows this in the scene immediately after showing his anger at the blanket
It was the only thing on the property that was from his actual childhood.
oh damn i thought he just thought it made his bed look gay or something
haha its ok i thought that too
Who here /sickkdave/?
Obviously you weren't paying attention to her speech at the Church Fest. She slept with her boyfriend of over a year, but the PR guy was shaking his head saying don't tell them you slept with someone.
Hughie was her second or third....most likely under her 60th at least.
Man the Deep is so nasty and she swallowed his cum and puked it up. She tasted that shit twice.
You drew this user? It’s actually cute
I did reminds me of Brie Larsons shit body
Was it three in the comics?
they should've given the deep a dolphin dick like i thought was happening before he got raped
would've made the blowjob even more humiliating
I think that is the point. She is the naive hero in a comic/show that takes apart heroes. She's there to be the contrast so you can see how a comic hero would seem in this world.
Is Homelander really a villain or do you guys consider him a manchild that grew up with no real parents and has God like abilities? I don't see him as a straight up villain more of a tragic villain if anything. He never stood a fucking chance.
>Raised with no love,
>given incredible God like abilities
>and told to pretend you grew up in a loving family and are perfect.
Need to find hardcore believer girls. Not just girls from "hardcore" society, but real ones. You can usually find those at Latin rite mass of their own volition.
I'm honestly glad the show is dialing it back a bit. From what I've heard of the comics the 7 mostly seem like irredeemable monsters. While Homelander and to a lesser extent A Train are most definitely evil still, they all seem more nuanced in the show.
It's not like I don't have sympathy for him, but he is most definitely evil. Everyone is a product of their circumstances in some way, it's not like there's anyone who is evil for literally no reason. That doesn't absolve people of guilt though.
I mean, he's a villain but one who is a product of his circumstance.
He's irredeemable, but certainly a tragic character.
I really hoped they'd dial back hard on Homelander and make him at least somewhat sympathetic up until Noir starts fucking with him then lead up to the big reveal. You can't really go anywhere with the characters as far as development for the coming seasons imo, everyone's pretty much static from here on out.
You really think they'll still go with the Noir twist? Even though Kimiko was actually able to injure him in the alley in the show?
>You really think they'll still go with the Noir twist?
it's a great season closer for the second season
you could build a whole season around the idea of homelander and his apparent split personality causing all sorts of fucked up shit
I can see it being pretty boring if they just follow up with another slog through the terrorist/congress plot and Kimiko is a really weak actress who can't carry it imo but a self contained plot like that would be a sure way to guarantee a third (and probably final) season
Is there a pornstar look alike. I want to see her with a dick in her mouth
I mean I don't know if evil is the right word. Psychotic maybe, but in his head he means well. All the fucked up shit in the early season was him protecting his Mother figure/Love. Then when he finds out she is manipulating him he has a tantrum and kills her. But deep down the show is trying to show him as a immature kid with mother issues, rather than some diabolic evil guy. Hell in the end he saved Butcher albeit probably to torment him or rub his nose in the fact that he never raped and killed his wife but she willingly slept with him. He just wants a son to raise since he never had a family. It's fucked up but surprisingly complicated. In the comic Homelander had pretty much no depth so it's a nice change of pace.
Putting this much thought into a TV show based on cartoon characters. Kill yourself
The thing though is they haven't really had Homelander do fucked up shit like in the comic. I mean they had him be a cannibal and rape children and other fucked up shit. It would ring hollow. They decided to go more nuanced with Homelander's character which most people I think like, but it comes at the cost of the twist.
I am thinking it will something lame like an anti joke reveal nodding at the expectation, or just as bad something predictable like Noir being Female's brother.
No thought at all it is pretty heavy handed and obvious. Also this is a forum for tv shows. What in the hell do you expect? Should we just post feet like every other thread and then I would fit in?
*raises a celestial shield against your post, reflecting it back towards you*
now you must kill yourself
13% 50% nigger
>something predictable like Noir being Female's brother.
that would be so shit and such wasted potential
also I think they'll tone it down and not have homelander facefucking the president but I could see a few viral videos popping up of homelander eating terrorists with a big goofy smile on his face
also anyone else find the few topical political things sprinkled throughout the first season a bit too jarring? almost like they step out of character for a moment to deliver something "meaningful"
It's much much better than the one dimensional villain he used to be.
>it's a great season closer for the second season
And what's the twist, retard? """Homelander""" hasn't done anything in the show, only Homelander has.
You ever read the comic? Homelander is super basic. He just does fucked up shit. Though later we find out why they make him so one dimensional but it doesn't change the facts that Homelander in the comic is a boring anti Superman.
That's not what he was at all.
In muttland, that is considered to be 'Nudity' and 'Strong Sexual Content'.
Of all the things to "do americans really...??" about, this might take the cake
Yep. Comic Homelander is pretty much just a dick. TV Homelander is way more interesting and easily the best character on that show.
the beta superman and the Chadlander Homelander
Wow she is a person. Say "Chad" have you had premarital intercourse?
if you're looking for hughie/starlight why not go straight to the source
Why the fuck did he never show up again? If Vought got him to spy on the Boys or blackmail the 7, they'd be unstoppable.
I'm not sure why HL hasn't already killed him, unless he's got an easy way to know if people are Dopp or not.
I want Starlight to rape Butcher
he can, he can figure out if someone is terrified or awed or angry, he can tell if someones not who they pretend to be, probably,and inb4 huey, he was terrified but was smart enough to say it was because he had a water phobia
is anyone moreboring than Hughie?
and I want butcher to consensually rape starlight, so what now?
you need a center, without the center it will not hold
What now is I'd be fine with either because I want them to hatefuck each other in some capacity regardless. So you're still based.
Unless you get someone super deep into religion, yes.
>Inb4 this is new
If this were the old days they'd be married by 20 latest, sex at 15. Bit of an issue now that the marriage to first sex gap is so large now.
He fucked the centre when he didn't kill A train. And Butcher is the centre
Because, like almost every other character design, they both look better in the show.
She didn't just suck a dick to get on the team. She took 3 superdicks. Your dick wouldn't even touch the sides of her pussy after you stuck it in.
Drummer Boy was her first bf in comics and in TV series
no butcher is the leader, you need the chracter who knows nothing and is introduced to the world, otherwise your just asking for lazy exposition dumps, Butcher is the guide for huey and the viewer into this world, this is very basic fucking story telling
Maybe it's because the comic art is ugly as fucking sin
homelanders gold chain in the comic is aesthetic af, they should've kept it
yes they should hatefuck in a glorious 1hr long ep
I loved how he drew The Female.
On issue 57 now, after comics gonna watch series
Homelander really doesn't like planes
>9/11 fiasco
>lasered another one for laughs during Herogasm while being naked
>several private jets
Well, I hope Amazon won't disappoint me
That part of him is alright, but I think comic homelander is way too titanic looking, it's almost inhuman. That's just Darick Robertson's artstyle though of course. I much prefer the down to earth deigns of the 7 in the show, where they all just look like goofballs in suits. Homelander's outfit is legitimately cool looking though, looks even better than superman and captain america's outfits even though it's a parody of both.
I'm doing the opposite. Gonna see what the comic is like after the show concludes.
I heard that apparently The Boys are all injected with Compound V really early on. I find that interesting
Why doesn't Butcher just put on The Mask to kill Homelander?
Still not really much helpings them, especially with nazi hero who jerking off to holocaust documentaries
Man I cant imagine being such a pathetic sniveling, weak little bitch, very american of you son.
He is weaker then him in comics and especially in series
I'm already imagining the shitty hentai dialogue
>I can't believe I'm thrusting my COCK into this DIRTY fuckin' supe's CUNT
Yeah...that's why he'd put on the Mask.
would it be correct to call sophia lillis homely?
In comics there are several animorphs characters and shapeshift characters who still can't beat HL
when Roberson wasn't outright tracing photos (e.g. Butcher being traced off of photos of Robert Shaw)
Is this worth watching other than your retarded waifu obsessions?
rule 34 is well underway already, give it a month and you'll have full comics
Men are different from women.
haha that was epic dude
I want Super Dupers as cameo
watch it or don't who fucking cares
>lasered another one for laughs during Herogasm while being naked
holy shit are you fucking dense
do I need to tell you what you saw or should you reread the white house battle until it clicks
That’s what really bothered me. He ruined his chances of impregnating her because he couldn’t hold in his nut. She was wet for him before he pulled that rapey shit
No, he'd put on the Son of the Mask
>I want Super Dupers as spinoff, esp the one that bleeds like a stuck pig all the time
Well for "laughs" is the wrong word, but still he just did it because he can. And right after it he tried and failed to share his point of view with others during award ceremony.
why do you even post?
Yeah its solid
>please tell if I should watch this show random anons, I can't make decisions for myself
why do you post? wait nvm I answered my own question
Amish girls are real.
But you have to convert and loose all magic of this new era world and live like shit.
It's a real life monkey paw wish bro.
>not just banging amish girls while they're on their "year off"
low test
>he just did it
OK let's take this from another angle
Did the plane thing happen at the same time Hughie got his butthole ravaged
After Vic the Veep arrived and after Soldier Boy and Homelander sex.
So on 2nd day, because company started to cover it up immediately
>>please tell if I should watch this show random anons
See here's the core of the issue. If you don't think there's anything to be gained by reading these threads because it's all just random anons saying stuff of no value then why are you here? Why bother replying to my question?
Does anyone else think she looks like Vicki from Freaks and Geeks?
I guess I've just been spoiled.
so don't read these threads or reply, I didn't until I watched the fucking show and decided for myself, or don't watch it and move the fuck along, either way fuck off
these threads aren't premotions for the show you dumbfuck, we are just talking about it, and if you watched the show you'd get it, but you don't cause you haven't and now your complaining you don't know what people are talking about, in a thread about a show you haven't seen, please consider self murder
>Starlight is my wife
Well, now you get me all intrigued
I hope your "wife" it's the show version, not the comic version.
It aint sucking itself.
>can't stop the a-train--!
ennis really can't write for shit
>characterization through dialogue is bad
no, ennis can write he just can't help himself when it comes to his "dumb jocks" characters
>A-train is black
>notAquaman is brownwashed
Did they just swap them unintentionally during screening or what?
Well it's more racist now
nigga, that fucking line is completely out of place and doesn't even remotely fit the scene. Literally retarded. If they were going to rape her and she was struggling and it was his turn to insert, then it'd be more fitting
Ennis is too edgy for his own good sometimes, and he generally sucks at character dialogue. If it wasn't for the kino that is Punisher Max and Fury Max I'd call him a hack. Haven't read Preacher, but I hear it's also really good.
>a, that fucking line is completely out of place
You've never actually hung out with dumb jocks have you?
>Fury Max
Common mate
they aren't raping her, you haven't read it and don't get the scene at all, a-train as a meat head sports parodie is playing it like, its all suppose to be some casual party "lets all just have some fun" to celebrate you joining the team
What didn't you like about it?
read peacher
Why did they changed the plane scene? It was pretty great in the comic book
Yes, "pure" girls don't turn out that way without controlling parents and more often then not a father that molests them.
Im like 30 issues in and yeah this was the best thing so far, but they changed it from incompetent untrained idiots to just evil assholes for some reason
Because it wouldn't have worked with their version of the Homelander, since he's not a complete manchild retard like in the comic. They should have kept some of it, like the FUCKING NIGGER part.
Sarah Vandella
HL lasering the controls was incompetent, he played it off well, but it was a big fuck up its just he saved it from being a complete PR nightmare, he turned it around, but he did completely fuck up
Yeap, 9/11 was the best thing in comics.
Shame they decided to drop it completely in series
Well, he is not nigger and can't fly in the series
Now that I think about it, the show's Homelander was an even bigger fuckup. In the comic he just killed the terrorists, leaving the control panel intact, and thought that someone else in the Seven could land the ship. In the show he lasers the shit out of the cockpit and they were fucked no matter what, even if they had a pilot. But I guess comic Homelander does eventually destroy the cockpit by punching Maeve into it and sending the plane spiraling. Show's Homelander is definitely a lot smarter overall for spinning the whole thing into positive PR though rather than just saying "Fuck this" and flying away.
He is more edgier in comics. Those pics for example that VA and The Boys have
>the goys
They changed already so much, so I hope she and Frenchie will survive
Shame we won't have scene there she's peeing on kid's icecream
It's not him though. He might've even not end up like that if BN wasn't fucking with his head from the start.
For fuck sake. I need to finish comics
But I wanted Translucent
You think we will get G-man ark?
By the way, wtf is up with Deep near the end of the season? Why the fuck didn’t he slap the shit out of that bitch who was fingering his gills? Made no sense to me
He didn't want to get #meetoo'd
what do you mean? he obviously wanted it
don't you have to be a JW or morman too though? I don't want to trick my future waifu by pretending
Popclaw was hot until she started sucking that nigga’s big toe.
looks like a less inbred & younger anna paquin
I want to pinch her cheek
it's fine dude. a few more years of black people getting token roles in media and everything should balance out
Wasn't she lesbian who loved to watch sex between other girls in comics?
Yes, and a cutter
>Not going for the obvious choice
Absolute pleb taste
Dude, have you seen the deep? I'd suck his dick pro bono
I want Deep to be put on the team and save them from that one rapist Super instead of Butcher and hughie
And legitimately reform and stay with the team instead of crawling back to the seven
You would loved his comic version even more
I have, he's actually a cool guy in the comic
>actual good superheroes
>Ennis portrays them as retards
What did he meant by this?
I feel bad for Stoolshadow
jesus christ I'm glad they changed Hughie's
appearance for the show
I feel bad for walls more
I'm glad butcher didn't murder them all, I'm glad they made it through the series
You're glad they turned him into a faggot?
Father should be on his place
a plain whitebread is better than soiboy incarnate
did kimiko's actress have any dialogue in suicide squad? what's with her getting cast as mute characters?
>Ellen Page ginger edition