What the fuck even is this? Who is the audience for this? What is the rationale?

What the fuck even is this? Who is the audience for this? What is the rationale?

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Brown people


>The movie is named for a Bruce Springsteen song that was made famous by another bands cover

do brown people like springsteen?

I don't think so. Black people use Springsteen as a codeword for "white people music."

should have been about Steely Dan

i'm seeing it desu

brown people like movies about other brown people. especially when said movies are bottom of the barrel, feel good, corporate approved garbage

Attached: 018CD3AA-56BC-4CEB-84B7-64C57A67C15B.jpg (2400x3600, 885K)

Nice bait fuckwad

Fans of music and immigrant families?

>when the title of your movie is a song that is more well known for the cover version than your own version

let's not pretend we are any better, pretty much every big movie these days is bottom of the barrel, feel good, corporate approved garbage

that’s a solid point

another british indian movie. Just move along

>Dood the Beatles and Bruce Springsteen were pakis!

first that shit beatles movie now this,i was surprised they didnt have the same writers.

First gens do and by proxy their kids do. This is meant to appeal to the Indian (India the country, not Native American) diaspora in the US. It will also probably go down well in Bollywood.


what a sheltered white person thing to say

not sure that tracks

>What the fuck even is this? Who is the audience for this? What is the rationale?
It's for the new british population, you know, those who are replacing all the white people there.