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Sarge you know it's the distant future we can stop the bleeding and get you fully functional robot legs once we're off planet?
Two and a half men
lol, fuck that guy
Can't tell if retarded or trolling. I'll go with the former.
He's Argentinean you fucking faggot
>MIs barely have a handful of magazines each for assault rifles that are basically useless against any kind of sizeable swarm
>expecting them to have equipment on hand that can stem the bleeding from two entirely severed legs when a knick in your femoral can bleed you out in a minute
Also he shoots him in the heart, not the head
Literally soul > soulless
>Both femoral arteries severed
Nigga nothing is saving you after that. IRL you'd bleed out in 30 seconds or less. Blood would literally pour out of you.
Why is he white then?
N-no! Call a medevac Rico ple-
He just lost his legs? Why did he give up? What a coward.
nooooooo, not Lt. Dan
I loved how unnecessarily gory this movie was.
Why do they keep charging at the bugs like a Khornate bereserker when they have actual firearms?
Did you even see what happened after that? The whole outpost was completely overrun by bugs. Dizzy fucking died. The rest of them barely made it out alive on a tiny little dropship.
Walk it off.
'Tis but a flesh wound.
What was the worst death in this flick?
guns are stronger when you're moving forward
>behind enemy lines
>surrounded on all sides against a numerically superior force
>low on ammunition
he would have been a burden to carry in a situation like that. above the knee amputations like that bleed a lot especially if the pelvis is compromised. any Roughneck would do the same thing.
user, 80% of Argentinas' population is white.
The dude who rescued Rico and his platoon but then got his brains sucked out by the brain bug.
A real hero and a real human bean.
Why, its not like he would have felt it, he got his brain pierced by its penis
>the guy that literally runs forward away from his platoon for zero reason only to get torn apart like 2 seconds later
Book Rico is philippino.
He certainly acted like he felt it. Although I don't think the brain has any pain nerves actually
technically correct.
Yeah he wouldnt have felt it. No nerves in the brain. That one manlet guy that mentioned or the 2 who got melted seemed worse. Or the hundreds who go spaced in the fleet.
I agree about the brain eating penis but personally the worst death was the private who got his head blown off during drills. I didn't see that coming.
real based!
Movie Rico is white. Shit, Verhoven didn't even read the book yet still managed to make an absolute kino out of it.
If that isn't based I don't know what is.
He probably got saved from a death a hundred times worth. That retard wasn't making it past the first battle of Klendathu.
who cares? nobody wants to look at a squat globin SEA monkey on screen
>saying based
He’s a Filipino living in Argentina, blockhead
>Dizzy fucking died
Exactly, but pussy Rico still brought her aboard the dropship. Her wounds were fatal regardless, he should have saved the captain, he's still a resource to the cause without legs.
>Saying cringe
Absolutely based.
>tries to make a movie with an anti fascist message
>unironically makes a fascist society look awesome
Space flight, clean, prosperous cities, well fed, healthy people with a good education system. Everyone has the choice in how much participation they take in society and even though citizenship grants certain privileges that you have to earn through sacrifice and investment ordinary civvies are not denied opportunities to live prosperous, comfortable lives
Yeah, like I said, he made a kino out of it.
Not to mention no one is denied citizenship. If you are a fucking cripple or a room temperature IQ person who tries to join they will find any job, even a bullshit job like underwater basket weaver for you
Brainbug was a bro, that smug shit pilot was this close to cucking Johnny.
Poor BB didn’t deserve to get probed like that.
The asphyxiation reaction in mammals is triggered by high levels of carbon dioxide. One would not feel anything, and unconsciousness would kick in in less than one minute.
You don't instantly explode in space; 2001 did this right, with the astronaut hyperventilating before going out of the capsule without his helmet.
Well wouldnt the moisture on your eyes and in your mouth literally boil in a vaccuum? Not to mention the freezing temperatures in space?
Shujimi was high on Space Cocaine. Why do you think he was hooting and hollering? Why he kept moving his jaw when they first go onboard.
I never noticed it until a million watches in, but Shujimi is fucking pure high on cocaine. Meaning he probably felt getting ripped apart a bit longer than your average person.
Does dying in a Live Fire Exercise sound coool to you?!
Eventually, but the lack of oxygen would kill you first.
Coke highs only last like 15 minutes. That drop to the surface probably took 20 minutes of flight time plus probably another 40 of sitting in its cradle in orbit before it got the go signal. Dont @ me
>Moisture boiling in a vacuum
Fucking hell what bullshit Youtube video did you watch? Why could it boil? Freeze (Gradually)? Sure. But boil? What the fuck gave you that idea? Hell, you can survive in space completely unprotected for a good minute and still be completely fine.
t.Brian Cox for the DVD commentary of Sunshine.
I said Space Cocaine didn't I? You seriously think they didn't have some form of Laser Cocaine in that movie?
Liquids would evaporate quickly; perhaps the sensation would be of dry eyes.
But because there is no air to conduct heat, heat loss would be very slow.
Pretty much. The book itself was a borderline endorsement of fascism, so you’d have to really be trying hard to make an anti-fascist statement in the kino adaptation
>But because there is no air to conduct heat, heat loss would be very slow.
>In a vacuum, there is no pressure. This is critical for most liquids to remain in a liquid state because with no pressure, the temperature at which they start to boil drops. Water boils when there is no pressure (and as morbid as it sounds, so does blood).
This means that in the vacuum of space, a cup of water would boil into a vapor before it can freeze. It would eventually freeze, but it would – desublimate – or vaporize into a gas first, then turn directly into a solid.
But it ignored like, the entire book.
This is a really great movie, never saw it before a few weeks ago. Cast is memorable as well, even has the son of President Ford in it that gets ripped apart.
That's bullshit. It's straight up not true.
Heat would be lost only by irradiation.
Ok Rommy Wisseau
It would sublimate, but because it would be disperse, it would not become solid again.
Never understood where people get the fascist undertones from the book, it was about people taking responsibility for themselves and ensuring those who actually had a stake in society dictated its course. If I recall correctly it was even stayed in the book that this from if government was transitory and would be phased out once it was no longer useful.
Book Ricos name is Juan.
>it was about people taking responsibility for themselves and ensuring those who actually had a stake in society dictated its course
Thats fucking racist and sexist
Yeah, sure, cool story bro
He clearly meant "Radjack", who is eastern European or American. It's a polish spelling in the books and I have to be honest I don't remember it right now.
No that's his teacher. RatCzech
He's playing a chink mutt.
>"military meritocracy bad"
>"soldiers don't know what they're doing and are just a bunch of fratboys running around with guns"
>"A bunch of stupid hippies in a civilian government that have no idea how firearms even works how to coordinate logistics or manage the insanely complex beast that is the military machine could run it a lot better and you're unironically a facist if you think otherwise."
Military is pretty baked into the hard science, teaching soldiers everything from chemistry to measuring parallax to line up shots. Despite this a bunch of faggots with liberal arts degrees depict them like dumb jocks running around with guns and claim a military government would consist solely of that. It's funny because knowing what we know now of Iraq and Afghanistan it's entirely the other way around. Unqualified civilian politicians keep fucking up the military. Having that power purely because "mob rule good".
Everyone knew that after 'nam you dumb zoomer. Go choke on a tide pod.
Or maybe 90s audiences just wanted to see an army vs an army.
Before that it was a rare occassion to see so many people on screen, it was a logistical nightmare and special FX nightmare but with the FX revolution in 80s and 90s, suddenly we could get the spectacle we wanted.
I really don't see how you can say the same Era that gave us Heat and it's realistic weapons handling, and Michael Mann's liberal arts degree is why he loves his gun porn, he likes technical realism. Hell back when he was making Miami Vice, which was anti-right wing and anti-government in it's sentiment, but he still wanted to keep the realism up.
In fact as he was making Thief, some Right-Wing faggot thought he shouldn't go with realism because he thought "they wouldn't do that in a movie" so goes to show sometimes liberals make better creative choices.
Imagine being so fucking retarded that you completely miss the point and mood of this movie.
Imagine thinking this movie was trying to be realistic and serious in the slightest. Fuck this thread and fuck this board.
I hate how people say this movie was satire of America war, yet at the release of the movie America wasn't in a war for 30 years at that point. I jus think people make shit up honestly and this movie had no double meaning and it was just a over the top action movie.
>Imagining not reading the replies that are in agreement with you, being so emotionally unstable you just brush off the people on your side as against you
I can see the psyops is really working well around here.
The director has said explicitly that the Federation is his version of if America took over the entire planet. Also "War" is relative, they use the term "conflict" and "security unrest" to refer to wars now.
World War 3 started like 60 years ago, it's just been broken up into little Telenovellas all over the world through proxy wars.
Kys Old Gay.
Anyway, the guy who got his testicles impaled then his brains sucked out. Shitty way to go. Although the two soldiers melting from the big fire spitting bug would've sucked too.
The more I think about it. Getting stabbed over and over in the ass by a Hopper bug sounded pretty miserable.
I mean I know he wasn't actually raping him, but still getting stabbed in the non-vital areas with a stinger designer to cause pain instead of kill? Very awful indeed.
Space has extreme temperatures, but since it's basically a vacuum, there are very few particles bouncing off of you to exchange any menaingful amount of kinetic energy, so the temperature doesn't really matter. You will absorb and in turn, emit radiation, and depending upon how quickly you absorb vs. how quickly you emit radiation will determine your net enthalpy. You would probably asphyxiate before anything else could kill you, thought I have no idea what would really happen, desu.
Kek. You’re OK, user.
>people taking responsibility for themselves and ensuring those who actually had a stake in society dictated its course.
that's fascism