Was it autism?

was it autism?

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Yeah, dude could barely look people in the eye

Don’t they literally say this in the doc?

at least he found out what his life is for.

high grade autism

it is, and hes based. Not like the autists in here

I dont get it. I literally act the same as him socially, so where is my loyal qt blonde gf that cries for me?

maybe try climbing a mountain first you pathetic virgin

Acting like him socially doesn’t mean jack shit. He’s hyperathletic and borderline-irrationally courageous. That’s what make him attractive.

get famous and get orbited by social climbing roasties

He fell last year and died, lol haha.

How utterly fucked in the head do you have to be to do something like this

have you seen the size of his hands bro? she's not with him because he's autistic

Is he really courageous or just not afraid of heights and danger at all?

what difference does it make

I would sacrifice my life for a females because im a gentleman and protector of women , but im terrified of heights. Thats the difference.

>honestly, the van is kind of nice. I like having everything within arm's reach. When I stay in a hotel room—like, sometimes you get put up in a really classy hotel room, and it's really big, and you have to walk quite a ways to the bathroom, and you're like, 'Man, I wish I had my [pee] bottle.' Who wants to walk all the ways to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you could just lean over and grab your bottle and go?

I don't think courageous means doing dangerous shit just for the rush

i know youre meming, but in case youre not: youll never get laid if you idolize women and put pussy on a pedestal

The terror of heights comes from the psychological need to jump. It's like a weird survival mechanism that kicks in because you're getting this impulse to naturally dive off the end and it's making you think you're gonna fall because you actually learned your whole life to jump off things but this time the logical part of your brain is having an argument with the part of your brain that likes to pop bubble wrap about what to do with this thousands of feet up in the air.

The more I read about the weird ass paradox that runs the fear of heights, the more I actually kinda became okay with heights. Basically there's a psycho inside of you who wants to find out, and there's the normal part of you that's like "yeah no we only got one quarter"

I guess that makes sense for some people. My job has me up tens of feet in the air at times, climbing up ladders and scaffolding that's wobbly. My hands don't get sweaty because I want to jump. It's because I'm thinking of how fucked I am if I were to lose my grip or balance and fall and it's not exactly a job that's worth becoming a cripple for.

That explains how I always visualize myself jumping off when standing close to a balcony or whatever.

it happens to literally every single idiot that does these free climbing runs. eventually your luck, skill, and physical fitness mean jack shit when you fucking slip and fall to your death.

The trick is to make both parts of your brain into psychos

You know, the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't the fear of falling? It's the fear that they might jump.

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L’appel du Vide

No, he's hilarious, autists aren't funny.


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>"The call of the void"
Nice, the french always got some awesome term for everything.

Can I get the source please?

Unironically, yes.

How do I get over this? I don't fap. I can't stand extended eye contact but I do it. Seems everyone tries to work it in with their body language somehow.
Just benzo yourself out and stare into their soul until they are uncomfortable?

It's just anxiety and what not. I tend to overthink or lack eye contact when I'm not into the situation. But I remember the times when I joke around with my friends and the receptiveness, the feeling has to be that relaxed for the eye contact to be unconscious. I remember some of the funniest moments usually follow eye contact. It's like a body language synchronicity thing.

Same way if a chick licks her lips or looks at yours she's thinking about how fire it is to kiss you.

Just find something you're good at, like Camping, and Camp in front of a chick. I always pull out the camping gear when the chicks come by, let em know I hang.

only an autist could appreciate such a pure experience

It's fine cause pretty soon extended periods of eye contact will be sexual harassment

oof, you must be really ugly

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