You may not like him, but he's the only significant force driving the true counterculture movement in the United States.
You may not like him, but he's the only significant force driving the true counterculture movement in the United States
Other urls found in this thread:
Define counterculture for me.
Far as I know Joe-Rogan is right of center mostly, and isn't really a fan of the 'build the wall' guys.
Rogan is pretty left-wing but he's tricked a bunch of far-right retards into liking him. This is how we on the left will win them over, with people like Rogan or Andrew Yang who have highly progressive values but somehow make conservatives like them.
>Joe Rogan
You don't have a clue sister.
>a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.
>still an independent podcast
>completely free from being overly politically correct, despite still being politically significant
>Would have anybody on, and accepts their viewpoints regardless of media backlash
>advocates for psychedelic drugs and marijuana
This is punk
Dude weed lmao isnt counter culture. Shits been dead since the 70s.
It's because he isn't a crazy progressive zealot and actually likes fun. Most people hate both radical leftists and /pol/tards.
Dropped him after he started shilling cultural marxism
I wouldn't phrase it like that, but yeah.
I think the problem is that there is a reactionary right, but they are being reactionary to the establishment, which is centrist-to-center-right. Anyone who runs to the center will be seen as part of the establishment- hence even criticisms of trump by Republicans is completely discounted. Meanwhile you look at the town-halls Bernie sanders does in deep red states, he gets people ready to tear him a new one crying into his arms just by talking about his policies.
I really hope we get a progressive nominee for the democrats, because I think a Joe-Biden, certainly a Hickenlooper could lose to Donald Trump.
>driving the true counterculture movement
if this is what you mean then sure
never watched him, what are the best episodes of his show to try out?
also i'm not an american so preferably with some guests i should know.
>Muh cultural marxism
Let me guess
You think homosexuality and race mixing never happened before Karl Marx?
>psychedelic drugs and marijuana
This is normie-tier nowadays
Sam Hyde was supposed to be the chosen one. But he fucked up. He fucked up and he fucked all of us up. Sam Hyde fucking up singlehandedly caused the devolvement of the information age from creativity and innovation to clickbait and instant gratification.
That's not really countercultural. Most americans are for legalized recreational drugs, him being politically incorrect far as I know hasn't upset anyone, since far as I know he hasn't gone on an alt-right screed, and having people of differing viewpoints on is just being politically honest.
The Alex Jones + Eddie Bravo episodes are classic. His Elon Musk episode went viral though it isn't that great.
He had an episode with Bernie Sanders recently. I watched it since I'm a leftist. I thought it was decent not overly exciting, since I like Bernie when he's being a crotchety old man, and he was quite quiet and reserved. I'm happy it happened since I support Bernie and I know that Joe Rogan has like one of the worlds biggest podcasts.
The Alex Jones episodes are hilarious
what are you into? music, politics, comedians? there are over 1000 episodes, just dive into whatever piques your interest
>that shirt
Not the most interesting episode by any means, but I like Rogan's format way more than most news programs where they're shouting over each other for 5-10 minutes. Here Bernie actually got some times to speak slowly and explain himself. I'd never vote for him, but it was nice.
He is the establishment, you idiot.
What counterculture movement?
and then john was a zombie
Rogan is or is works for a secret intelligence agency, people say CIA but my money is on MI6 or Mossad. MI6 is the last chance Britain has at holding on to power so they would be doing a lot more than people realise.
How closely do those 3 work together these days you think? I assumed they all have their own goals, but they probably share a lot too, right?
He had the """ex""" CIA guy on a few times, so that's one thing people point to in favor of CIA
if you want to see JRE at its best watch the Alex Jones episodes then louis theroux then brain cox
then who else after that because none are as good
Shouldn't MI6 just have assassinated Boris Johnson before Brexit happened to maintain power, rather than fund an American podcaster? That makes way more sense to me.
All intel agencies share to some degree. Allies share way more typically. Of course everyone spies on everyone too- and it's not too hard to say the French to get a double agent into the FBI compared to the Iraqi's. But that's just how the game is played.
I like Rogan most when he's talking about comedy stories or martial arts, his two areas of expertise (besides weed and chimps).
Going deer hunting is a counter culture activity that I have been literally. actually, unironically persecuted for
>Brian Cox
>He thinks Brexit and its subsequent "accidental" mishandling by the May government wasn't D&C
Bluepilled as fuck.
Joe Rogan unironically has more power and influence than Boris Johnson
It'd not just hate, I want him dead
>Far as I know Joe-Rogan is right of center mostly
He endorsed Tulsi Gabbard, who the only person in mainstream american politics who is to the left of Bernie Sanders.
the episodes with Alex Jones, Elon Musk and Mike Tyson are pretty interesting
Same bro, been wanting to check him out, but I am not really that on-top of politics, am worried about most of it going over my head
Zoomer's Timothy Leary
I personally think that Joey Diaz is the biggest force of counter culture.
Am I the only one looking at this and seeing a hairy ass and anus?
He is a shill and bought out. Anyone who thinks he stands for truth or is a positive figure for the counterculture have had the wool pulled over their eyes. He does more bad than good.
any episode where he rants about wild animals is automatically pure kino
nah you're right, it looks like a 40 year old man about to take a shit on a baby
I sympathize more with Joey that Joe. He honestly nails how vicious and sneaky Modern America has become.
He is so incredibly stupid. Nothing wrong with it, but no way his iq reaches past 100.
>dudeweedlmao hippie boomer
>right of center
>Counter culture
>shills for mainstream jews
Pick one, you dumb faggot.
I am not stormweenie 1488 type,let alone or an old value cuckservative but he became a sellout.
On certain topics he just doesn't give his honest opinion anymore.If you were a long time listener you know 100% that he changed in the last 2 years.
I can't say why.Maybe because youtube cucks him out of revenue or he tries to avoid shitstorms.But he is cucked on certain topics/opinion,he goes political correct.
I really like him ,but I hate it that he dodges those things.
They weren't enshrined values of the left before the Frankfurt school and you know it.
Socialism doesn't work, bub.
Joey Diaz grew up in the streets and is a recovering drug addict. He used to run numbers for the mob before going legit.
Look at the arms of that thing
wtf is going on in this picture
You're over 40 aren't you?
He's a fag-enabling junkie retard. I don't know how anyone can stand to listen to him.
>because I think Joe-Biden could lose to Donald Trump
Wait, you actually think ANY of the dem candidates have a chance?
He really needs someone like Alex Jones to make Kino.
Yeah and apparently having sex never used to be an exclusively left-wing thing but now we're the only ones who do it.
Really? Why? That's a very common and relatively innocent thing.
How do I score acid in bulk? Also whatever that really cool psychedelic he mentioned that everyone raves about. I need to get intoxicated on a regular basis, but weed is boring and alcohol is killing me.
>him being politically incorrect far as I know hasn't upset anyone
He pisses off people on the left constantly because he has on guests that they tried and failed to shut down.
>he hasn't gone on an alt-right screed
That doesn't stop them from calling him "a gateway to the alt-right" or "alt-right adjacent"
>having people of differing viewpoints on is just being politically honest.
People who are deep into the team sports aspect of politics don't care about being politically honest
Same with dilating, it appears.
Same bro, been wanting to check him out, but I am not really that on-top of politics, am worried about most of it going over my head
If you want to legally score some acid, just go on lysergi and order some 1p-LSD. It's basically a slightly altered LSD formula that is aimed for laboratory use, but it is still viable for consumption. The trips are basically 1-1. You can also get 5 meo DMT from lysergi, which is likely the drug joe is talking about.
>Yeah and apparently having herpes never used to be an exclusively left-wing thing but now we're the only ones who have it.
i live in deep blue state and everyone here hunts deer because they are fucking pests and have huge populations, only cityfags have issues with proper hunting.
>How do I score acid in bulk?
good connections after years of being in the game
>Also whatever that really cool psychedelic he mentioned that everyone raves about.
DMT? That shit is super dope but pretty hard to find. Most dealers keep it for themselves, close friends and their most loyal customers
>I need to get intoxicated on a regular basis, but weed is boring and alcohol is killing me.
Psychedelics aren't good for you on a regular basis, atleast if we're talking about recreational use. Your brain needs time to process all the sensations and thoughts that overflow your mind while tripping. Microdosing is another story though, but it doesn't exactly sound like that's what you're looking for
Neither do border walls. Americans will take sincere crazy over insincere sanity.
Ugly, unfunny cunt.
Trumps never once gotten over 50% approval, nor does he ever try to expand his voter coalition. Anyone who isn’t Hillary Clinton could beat Trumpo. I’m just worried that Joe Biden will run Hillaries campaign again.
>Neither do border walls
How much msm do you have to watch to believe this?
user, you do know most illegal immigrants use airports right? Like the vast majority?
Wtf? I hate Joe Rogan now.
That has nothing to do with whether or not border walls work.
>Neither do border walls
Tell that to Israel
>This is punk
>approval rating
so many presidents won reelection with low approval rating
see bush
>user, you do know most illegal immigrants use airports right? Like the vast majority?
So we should give ICE expanded powers and funding to get around loopholes like that, right?
So? At least those who do cross will be sent back.
At least this will stop the drug cartels and human trafficking.
Why are you leftists such vicious psychopaths?
You must've missed the 90s, zoomer
>caring about polls
hillary 99% to win :^)
why are leftists in a brainwashed cult?
They are literally religious fundamentalists.
I hope for your sake the loss is easier on you the second time around.
> not American
Why do you fags even come to this board? Seriously?
It won't be, it's going to be twice as hilarious as 2016
>Informing yourself on current issues puts yourself in danger of becoming "alt-right"
What did the modern left mean by this?
If you think it's just a problem on the left, then I have bad news for you user.
Why are you here? Genuinely curious.
I don't get why leftists browse here desu, you have the entire rest of the internet to shit up with your hug box faggotry and yet you choose to post here. One of the last places where one is allowed to post with with relative freedom. You'd think with every other corporation and platform monopolized and carrying water for you it would be enough to satisfy your thirst to destroy my freedom to say the n word.
paid shills leave
The right does it sometimes too but the left man, it's so much worse.
They're literally like scientology. They hate critical thinking and discovering the truth about things.
Maybe because he's not a total faggot?
Bernie's policies would force the country into a deep depression and make poverty commonplace.
Imagine being such a piece of shit you want to do this to people.
Greedy fucks.
>t. economics major
But he is a total faggot, he's a leftist.
Lmfao dude, you're not even American, you dont have anything to say about this. Like, at ALL
based retard
The severity of his beliefs changed depending on who he has on.
>Neither do border walls.
They legitimately do though.
See Hungary, Israel, China.
Imagine being so brainwashed by leftist propaganda you're too scared to simply look things up yourself.
"Watch out though, the scary people of other ancestry are going to ruin your country."
They are manipulating you too.
It would be so cool if Richard Stallman went on his show.
And so am I. But you're still a bigger. Problem bitch boy?
That is exactly what he wrote, for fuck's sake.
Why are leftists so obsessed with race? Like there can be no other reason why people want secure borders besides their skin color.
Illegal immigration costs $90billion a year in the US.
he wouldn't support the use of the proprietary podcasting software, jamie pulling up stuff on windows, and the podcast being streamed on and uploaded to proprietary websites.
Yeah, because Israel is such a peaceful country with no problems surrounding walls.
I mean it’s not my approach but yes. It would be a much more practical application if resources that would actually address the problem.
I don’t know. Why do conservatives only attack strawmen?
I don’t think you understand the word ‘freedom’.
Liberal Americans exist. Have you never been to Massachusetts?
Dude, I'm not the one obsessed with race. Let that sink in.
You know what counties actually most heavily swung to trump? The ones where there has been massive immigration and dramatic swings in demographics. My high school was 85% white, now its bare majority and whites are leaving in droves or going private. No one is teaching people to be racist, normal white people with children and jobs genuinely do not want to live around minorities and use things like school districting and HOAs to get around segregation restrictions. When you're an adult you realize it's an unspoken white person thing and go along with it.
You do know the mongols just went around the Great Wall of China right?
>t. also an Econ major
The current American culture is literally not having culture because the loud internet Communists.
All of murica might complain about neo nazis, neo nazis number is literally smaller than spic shitposters but communists are all over internet infrastructure effectively controlling internet. Joe rogan is part of these shits running the illusion that nazis right wing has a vice grip on speeh when really it's them.
>Yeah, because Israel is such a peaceful country with no problems surrounding walls.
Right. Israel's problems are BECAUSE of the wall. I'm sure if they took it down they'd be in a much better place.
>visa expiration is the same as crossing the border
Wtf I'm a democrat now.
>"Watch out though, the scary people of other ancestry are going to ruin your country."
This but unironically.
Have you learned anything from human history?
>They are manipulating you too.
Certainly not the corporations, Soros and the Koch brothers which do everything in their power to support open borders.
Almost every news network, almost all commercials all promote an anti-white agenda.
Who exactly is manipulating me? lol
>I don’t think you understand the word freedom
I think you're an autist who can't tell when someone is making a joke. The rest of my post goes unaddressed. The left in its current form is bred for weakness and division only, like a cancer it is only capable of living within a host body. They have no understanding of the dynamics of violence in conflict resolution and are incapable of such violence themselves they wallow in weakness and dysfunction, proclaiming the avatars of such a privileged class.
Fuck Stallman, he's gotten incredibly left wing and AUTHORITARIAN as time went on.
He doesn't give a shit about freedom.
LEftist faggot
my mistake, i wasn't thinking of the sponsors
>Why do conservatives only attack strawmen?
You didn't even refute my argument.
you mean by focusing on actual issues instead of telling white working class people that they are the cause of the world's problems?
>because Israel is such a peaceful country with no problems surrounding walls.
Dude, their illiegal immigration and border crime problem went down 99% after they put up their wall.
You're empirically incorrect.
Stop listening to Adam ruins his vagina.
So you're saying they had to travel extremely long distances to get around the wall.
This literally means the wall worked and if china made their wall even bigger surrounding their country it would have worked even better.
Walls obviously work and leftists have brain damage.
>Have you learned anything from human history?
That's the thing. Leftists have no sense of human history because all they can see is the CURRENT YEAR
Thank you for comparing illegal immigrantion to an invasion so I didn't have to.
>him being politically incorrect
>politically incorrect
"DUDE WHY ARE BORDERS EVEN REAL! Everyone should just smoke weed and watch tranny porn! Everyone against gay marriage is evil!"
>"Watch out though, the scary people of other ancestry are going to ruin your country."
Yes, like any INVASION in history.
zoom zoom, prepare for an electoral college slaughter
not him and I don't talk about politics, I've been posting here for more than 10 years and I'm a leftist, I'm also gonna keep posting here as long as I breathe
Joe is a classical Democrat, he is not a leftist
Why are you a leftist
Sounds like he's looking for heroin. An escape that takes you completely out of yourself but that can be done regularly for a time
the economy is good and there is no major scandal trump is involved with right now. the only way a dem wins the whitehouse is if retarded boomer conservatives split the repub vote by supporting one of these other weakass whitebread republicans as a primary challenger. Maybe they are dumb enough to do so, it certainly wouldn't surprise me, but a dem isn't beating trump on his or her own.
Doesn't answer my question, I appriciate you don't try to shill one way or another.
>Not a fan of the 'build the wall' guys
Then he's a traitor to his country then huh, and his opinions should be disregarded. People like him would gladly give it all away to some 3rd world brownies if it made them feel good.
I've seen people like him everywhere. They talk a good game, but when it comes down to making those tough decisions in order to retain the way of life we take for granted & think will always be here, they freeze up. Joe is the type of guy that would have enough sense to not bring home every stray dog he sees, yet letting mutt people into other people's backyard is just fine. Lets see him live in an all Mexican or nigger neighborhood if he doesn't understand our problem with it. Spoiler: He won't.
>I've been here more than 10 years
I grew up with this site and I like the humour, so I come here out of boredom and some kind of nostalgia
Everybody on both sides is sick of trump's circus. It's obvious he has no clue what he's doing on the world stage. He's weakening American hegemony and making a mockery of the office by his incompetence. Nobody's gonna vote for him again in large enough numbers to win.
how do you trek thousands of miles through badlands with two little gremlins in each arm and STILL manage to look so fucking fat and out of shape?
You're not even American. Nobody cares what you think.
You listen to podcasts because reading shit is too mentally taxing for you.
Big hairy man ass hovering over a child.
not him but I enjoy posting posting memes about anime, tv, video games, and spooky stuff
also just because I have left leaning values doesn't mean I'm some easily triggered faggot that whines over the fact that people have different opinions than me
idk why do right wingers get so but hurt over a some children's movie having blacks, gay, and trannsexuals in them
keep ignoring history. Incumbents are notoriously hard to unseat and generally it takes a massive fuckup within the incumbents own party to do so.
>leftist sacrificed their original platform for the middle class in favor of identity politics and are gradually moving towards socialism
>visibily anti-white
>doubling down on everything that lost them the election on the first try
>can't hold a candle to trump in the debates, he embarrasses them
>trump created a more centralized free market economy that reduced unemployment in white rural areas that suffered from outsourcing by creating tarriffs and supply side economics to drive up labor demand
>uplifted minority communities
>only centrist on the Dems is an old white man, their personification of Voldemort in their Harry Potter fairy tale world
Yeah no, the left has a worst chance now than before
I unsubbed last month due to lack of interesting guests, too many nogs and establishment friendly shills.
Te only podcast I listen to is Wrestling Observer Radio because watching 20 hours of wrestling per week is too mentally taxing for me.
You only see what the Jewish owned liberal media wants you to see
Trump won despite a recording of him saying "I grab women by the pussy". They have no other scandals they can pull on him. If he made it through that then 2020's a cakewalk.
>Joe is a classical Democrat,
Classical democrats were against fag marriage and recreational drugs.
>I watched it since I'm a leftist.
In what universe is Tulsi Gabbard left of Bernie? At worst she’s slightly left of left-of-center
Dilate you tranny bitch
Saying he grabs pusy is nothing co.pared to embarassing the country on the world stage, giving up American soft power in pretty much every region of the globe, alienating our allies, making the White House into a daily circus, talking like a fool to foreign heads of state. Think about it. If Obama was involved in only 3 thi b.c s Trumps is currently involved in in terms of scandal, he would have been burned at the fucking stake. Stormy Daniels?? Cheating on his prostitute wife? Allegedly colluding with Russians to get elected? Saying dumb shit 24/7 on national TV? Denying climate change publically? Putting his family members and in-laws in as his top people? Come on now, nobody with 3/10ths of a brain trusts trump anymore. What happened to locking Hillary up? Making Mexico pay for the wall? Building the wall at all? Normal non reddit or pol Americans are sick of his shit, and they are by far the majority.
There's nothing radical about the left you bootlicking incel. Have sex.
t. Antifag
>nothing radical about the left
So calling dudes who willi ng ly chop their dicks off and wear wings "women" isnt radical?
Letting mentally ill gays adopt children isnt radical?
Open borders isnt radical?
Drivers licences, free healthcare and amnesty for illegal immigrants isnt radical?
Abolishing ICE isnt radical?
Destroying American historical confederate monuments isnt radical?
Letting felons vote isnt radical?
Because those are all leftist agendas.
he never planned to build the wall it was just a slogan that took off better than he thought
Any episode with Duncan Trussel
How the hell did Joe Rogan get a better interview with Bernie Sanders than professional journalists?
I knew MSM was getting shitty, but I didn't think it was tihs bad already.
no "tricks" involved, he's just reasonable and likable, two traits that are rare in a modern democrat.
I would pay to see every """person""" in this picture take a bullet between the eyes.
>embarrassing the nation on the world stage
Getting out of pointless wars and being an isolationist is one of the reasons he had so much appeal.
>stormy daniels
Last I heard she had to pay him for her claims
>turning the house into a circus
Literally no one cares about him cleaning house except leftists looking for things to be mad about
>Russian collusion
>climate change
The Paris agreement is a joke and Obamas carbon taxes arguably created more carbon emissions because industries just outsource more production to China.
His base does not care about that shit. They want a robust economy and jobs instead of gibs. The democrats gave up on the middle class in order to virtue signal, and they're doubling down with frothy mouths. The Republican Party personified is that dickish dad you had who is tough on you so you build character. The Democratic Party is the mother who imposes Münchausen syndrome on her children, forever the victim - forever at odds. This is not the base for Americans.
That's even worse.
I loathe liberals but I cant fathom how anyone with any brain cells left can think trump is anything g other than a dumpster fire for the country. I'd like to see a conservative win, but someone with some fucking dignity who knows what the fuck he's doing. Not this literal fucking clown.
Leftists are so out of touch with the reason they lost its confounding. The lack of self awareness is otherworldly.
Modern day leftist are a mental disease,as one poster above mentioned they are literally scientology like.
Somewhere down the line the left completly lost their mind and began with the whole SWJ/Virtual Signal/Everyone is equal/Multi culturalism(especially in Europe).
As a german with 2 grandparents from souther Europe,I can tell you that I never faced "MUH EVIL NAZI RACISM" in 99% of the people here.I can only say I value this country and it's tradition because the left truly tries to absolutely destroy Western Civilazation.The left thinks ethnicity and Culture play no role in humans,this is a gigantic mistake.
If I had to chose a side,in a civil conflict I would 100% side with the nationalist.
You can't even imagine how delusional most People are here,reeducation completly cucked this country.The younger generations are total NPCs,that shill the most self destructive shit.
The leftist parties here went from "We help the poor factory worker and try to help them." to literally Germany must perish.
Everyone that even holds perfectly normal views from 20 or 40 years ago is now literally a Nazi.All of Merkels parties famous politicans,even politicans of the Central Left party from 20-40years ago are now Nazis in the political discourse of today.
All I can say is in Europe 3 Things will happen because the left and the old political parties can't stop on denying reality when it comes to Culture/Ethnicity and homogenic societies.
1.Right Wings and Facism will Rise.I highly supsect that the Millitary will start a coup if things get worse.The Police/Millitary knew how awful the "new" Germans behave and know all the problems of their willingly form their own societies.
2.The EU just becomes UDSSR 2.0 and Europe will become an authoritarian State ruled by the Elite like Yugoslavia.
3.Islam actually becomes strong enough to just destroy Western Civ. and potentially slaughter everyone
I take any Stalinist over modern leftist.
>he never planned to build the wall it was just a slogan that took off better than he though
Holy shit imagine being so mentally athletic you could be an Olympic level mental gymnast
>giving up American soft power in pretty much every region of the globe
Don't give a shit, fuck globalism
>alienating our allies
fuck our (((allies)))
>making the White House into a daily circus
It's been clownworld since 1963, he's just opened the circus tent
>If Obama...
muh nigger dindu nuffin
Joe Rogan is a very wealthy average at best comedian boomer hippie who got lucky on scoring a gig with the UFC and starting a podcast early, nothing close to actual counterculture or a movement.
He's a feel-good guy, saying whatever he needs to say in order to accommodate most of his audience. He doesn't need to be politically correct or be any of the other acts because he has fuck you money, and somehow this has made people believe he is a figure of counter culture or some such thing.
I mean no disrespect of course, the guy has made a name for himself but it's hardly his doing that his podcast is doing so well. Traditional media has been on life support for quite some time now and it's not going to magically recover from it. It's second order effects from things out of his control that has made his podcast huge.
I dropped immediately after 5 mins for bernies fucking insincerity.
>oh its not a big deal really. I just want to, over 4 years, lower the Medicare age from 65 to 55 ti 45 to 35. Thats it no big deal
Fucking dropped
>Getting out of pointless wars
You mean ny antagonizing NK and Iran? Pretending to start a war with them then backing off at the last second cup he has no balls?
>Stormy Daniels
You're more naive than a Dem if you think he didn't fuck scores of whores while married to his "wife". The marriage vow means NOTHING to this man.
>cleaning house
He hasn't cleaned anything. Half the governmental posts are empty Cruz ge cant keep anyone in them. Its fucking embarrassing. He either fires them or they quit. It's a God damned shitshow.
>Russian collusion
I agree on this one. He didn't do shit with the Russians
>Climate change
This ones real. Backing out of the accords was a mistake. Sticking to them would have been so much better in the long run, but here we are.
Dude is a fucking disgrace. He has ZERO clue what he's doing and just makes shit up as he goes along. I want dig it restored to the presidency. And accountability. Not this where fucking, temper tantrum throwing, no clue having retard. Do your boy a favor and tell him to stay the fuck off Twitter for 2 days
>being entirely clueless about policy and foreign relations and generally not acting like a dipshit in public is "isolationism"
Ah, to be 15 again.
She supports all the left wing stuff Bernie supports (medicare for all, free college, rise taxes on the rich, etc), and on top of that she is tougher on Israel.
I think he's the Oprah for men. And that's it. He champions masculine things.. which is enough for me. Politically - he's too stupid and too scared to make a big stand beyond freedom of speech - which again, is enough for me.
I don't hate Rogan, but I know what he's good at. That said, he could be massively huge politically if he wanted to. He could lead a conservative movement unlike anything we've seen, since Arnold taking over California.
>You mean ny antagonizing NK and Iran? Pretending to start a war with them then backing off at the last second cup he has no balls?
You mean making peace with NK? The (((CIA))) antagonized Iran and Trump did the right thing squashing that conflict like he did with Syria.
>You mean ny antagonizing NK
Lowest level understanding. Look at this pic and tell me we're at risk of war with NK
>Backing out of the accords was a mistake
The agreement would only weaken us and strengthen adversaries while doing jack to stop climate change.
>Ah, I have no arguement
he's a classical Liberal
Who is "we"
Whether you like it or not he removed himself from pointless confrontation on hostile territories and brought jobs back to white communities suffering from unemployment and opium epidemics. He bolstered the economy, and Dems have no answer. They're too focused on socialism and identity politics. Paris agreement was a joke that would economically bankrupt America before anything positive would result, and as the other user said - the White House has always been a joke, and again stormy daniels faded into darkness after nothing solid came forth.
But the bottom line is you simply don't understand what cost Dems the election the first time - and their doubling down on the exact same fronts. They're more anti-white now since they lost than ever before. They're painting themselves in a corner with socialism and identity politics, and it honestly wouldn't surprise if they lost by a greater margin this time around.
How is advocating for weed 'punk' everyone and there mother has at the very least tried it. STFU Boomer embarrassment
Ah yes taking economic advice from two graduates of the field that completely failed to predict a worldwide economic collapse only 11 years ago
Primary challenger? Is that a real thing? I can't recall there ever being a primary challenger in my lifetime.
>Hes SHAKING HIS HAND!!! Theres no WAY that slimy gook is still building nukes
5th grade tier
>I cant spell argument. Engage me in a battle of wits
Everything about the far left is radical. Literally every single position they hold is fringe and appeals to only the most insane far leftist freaks.
Yeah right. Maybe Sam Hyde is the only one besides Mel to name the Jew.
>He could lead a conservative movement
He couldn't lead anything. He's a dupe who fell for the DMT psyop and promotes whatever the oligarchs want him to, which is why the Youtube algorithm always promotes him. He's not conservative in any real sense, he's a pot-smoking, fag-enabling atheist. He's a textbook useful idiot with a jew wife.
>I can't link to the person I'm trying to insult.
Do you like and support bernie?
sadly not nearly on the same tier as the mental gymnastics people like you have to perform to justify that somebody who hires countless illegal immigrants to work at the businesses he opened with daddy's money actually give a damn about stopping illegal immigrants
You don't need an Econ degree to see how socialism has always failed. A history book would suffice. The first rule of economics is that there is always resource scarcity and that it's impossible for everyone to get a "fair share" without unsustainable sacrifices. The first rule of socialism is to forget the first rule of economics.
I didn't give a "cant spell argument", reject. I just quoted your post.
DMT psyop? elaborate please
You're a special kind of stupid if you don't think he's against illegal immigration. That's literally all the libbys whine about.
Classic /pol/ seethe
What a joke.
I hope these socialist brainlets get elected so americans suffer in horrible poverty just to realize how bad it is.
>Let that sink in
Is this a pardoypost? Ive been seeing more and more faggot posts like this one recently, why?
I agree in spirit, but I gotta counsel.
He's done great things for the economy. But his flighty nature and inability to express a coherent plan is gonna bite him in the ass in the end. He's winging it. He has no clue what he's doing. The majority of his gains are a matter of luck. That's why the Dow is up 50 points one day and down 1000 the next. I hope it stays up but I shan't hold my breath.
Terrence McKenna and Timothy Leary were both CIA shills.
Not an "arguement"
Conservative policies are objectively bad for the economy. The only brainlet here is you.
haha that's nice but Sanders doesn't advocate socialism and his policies would be considered centrist 40 years ago and centre right 20 years before that