Anyone else think the matrix is a fucking shit movie?

I just watched all the movies and its fucking shit

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go to bed zoomer

it has the same hype as star wars but its really shit


nah its great

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>holy shit did this bitch just run on a wall
you had to be there

I've rewatched it again recently, and to be honest, it's kind of a bore after a few viewings.

So's your face.

Your opinion is shit and you should feel like shit

Most reddit movie.

>tfw the Wachowski brothers died in a plane crash in April 2000 and the sequels were never made

No, only the third one was shit.

The Matrix : Dark City :: Normies : Patricians

>the brothers' legacy is secured, with the world left wondering what would have happened had they lived to complete their vision
>the sequels are delayed and handed off to an upstart christopher nolan, who vastly improves them from what we were handed, all with a bittersweet sense of what could have been hanging over all
>in the fullness of time, a tasteful biography of the brothers is written, with larry's gender confusion addressed with sympathy but total journalistic discipline
>we are spared the most precipitous decline in quality in hollywood's history
>we are spared redditors pretending speed racer was good
it hurts to live in this universe, Yea Forums

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dark city deliverance is shitty

They have a place in my heart. That's enough.

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>The virgin Dark City VS The chad Matrix

sorry OP but you're just wrong.


The first one of the most important films of all time.
The sequels get messy, and arguably never needed to happen. I admire the wachowskis trying to expand their universe and filmmaking, but weaving very dense and abstract philosophy into a compelling action-drama probably will never work.

I was in 7th grade when it came out. Everyone freaked out over it and I thought it was just ok. One time someone pressed me on why I didn't love it, I asked how Cipher could make it I to the matrix and have a clandestine dinner with agent Smith without an operator putting him in, taking him out, and potentially seeing every detail of his betrayal plan.

If I was 16 in 2019 I would think it was shit too. Except it was dope in reality.

So Dark City is better.

If it weren't for the whole simulation aspect these movies would've been forgotten by 2005. They weren't even good action movies for time, the Trannowskis just got lucky hitting a concept that really resonated with people.

Star Wars is shit so makes sense

nah they're fucking awesome

the matrix reloaded is the best action movie of all time

>its fucking shit
Interesting... I never thought of it that way. Great insight into it's failings as a film!

yes reloaded was really fucking good if even not being as deep as the origional.. its fucking garbage revolutions that spoiled the trilogy

Made by mentally ill degenerates for mentally ill degenerates.

Star wars is the one that is shit

For you? Sure, a virgin never gonna make you feel threatened, twink-boy.
